Apperance:Lina Name: Kagali Tsukino Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality: Very secretive always looks like she is hidding something and can be very cold hearted Sexuality: Bi Likes: Guns and henti Fears: nothing
Appearance:Lina Amoura Tsukino Username: miu_rich First Name: Lina Nickname:N/A Middle Name: Amoura Last Name: Tsukino Age: 17 Personality: She is nice but never shy, loves to party and be with her friends and can be quite a cocky person at times. She is a very loyal friend and would die for the people close to her Likes: Being sarcastic, having a good time and speaking differing languages to confuse people Dislikes: Teased by anyone, the feeling of being watched Fears: The death of anyone close to her, Sexuality: straight Other: watch out for her horrible temper
Name: Kagali Age:15 Gender: Female Sexuality: boys Species: wolf/witch Personality: Has 2 different side too a total rebel but can be really sweet. In battle has no mercy if you hurt someone close too me and very caring Appearance: Kagali Disobedient or nice?: both Preffered master Creul or nice (for you will get both): both Special skills: ablility to control fire, can walk through walls and is very gifted at knowing plants and the forests Bio: Born the mountains. She is a wanderer and never stays in one forest for more than a night, defending the defenseless and is determined to show that girls are just as good as boys in everything.
Account Name:miu_rich Name: Kagali Tsukino Age: 18 Race: witch/wolf demon Gender: Female Personality: Can look strict but if often happy and very welcoming. She loves to show girls are just as good as guys and loves to play her flute Sexuality: straight Likes: Magic, singing, dancing, playing her flute, having fun and being in love Dislikes: crying and dresses Bio: lives in a royal family and is magicaly gifted she can conrtol the fire element and is working on controling the others, don't be too fooled by her kind looks if you piss her off it may be the last day you ever live Appearance: Kagali Tsukino
gaian name:miu_rich name: Kagali age: 15 race: witch and a wolf demon gender: female Sexuality: bi weapon/abilities: magic and many guns personality: Has 2 different side too a total rebel but can be really sweet. In battle has no mercy if you hurt someone close too me and very caring but if curiosity killed the cat, it most defiantly would kill Kagali bio: Born as royalty but ran away for she hated it. She is a wanderer and never stays in one forest for more than a night, defending the defenseless and is determined to show that girls are just as good as boys in everything. apperance: Kagali
Name: Lina Age: 16 car: Black Lamborghini cell phone: Black razor room:  postion: Middle sister short littel bio: Is the Middle sister and has been living with her sisters and brothers all her life. She loves her older sister but hates her fiance app: Lina
miu_rich · Thu Jun 14, 2007 @ 03:39pm · 0 Comments |