H*ly Sh*t!!! this is the fourth time I've tried to make this. All the other ones had technical difficulty. OK, like I'm in between a hard place, and another hard place. Yes, this has nothing to do with rocks. I'm going to make a story for fanfiction. It will be called "Shidemon" and I want to have the little description be "When an demon starts to take over Shinobu. She becomes much bolder. Can they save her before not even her love for Keintaro can control it..." Or something like that. Then I'm also working on the book I told you I'd post up here. Both have people to waiting to read it. Should I just alternate. Or witch one should I do first. OK, back to my love hina discussions. YAAAHHHHOOOOOOO!!!! I just fond the manga so now I can talk about both anime and manga, wright sequels for both, and well compare them. So far I'm just starting volume three.Ok, now it's five. Oh, and I have a plan. Cram the manga, and wright Shidemon anytime I can't read the manga. Until after the holidays I won't really work on my book as much, and I'm kinda having writers block on it anyways. Also I'm trying to finish the manga so I can make my first chapter of the sequel so I can release the second chapter on my birthday. I will also have a 5k (5,000 gold) contest. Keintaro and Shinobu make a great couple. Just like Naru said (manga reference). Keintaro did kinda use Shinobu thou. He basically took here out on a date(chapter 39 manga or episode umm... 17? I think.) to make Naru jealous. I'll feel bad for Shinobu. He used her,and then she tried to help him make up with Naru. Yahh! Now I'm on chapter 39 "kiss me sempia"... hmmm... not as good as I thought. Oh well, on to book #6.Oh! They do kinda look like brother and sister, but not to much.Oh1 Shinobu is the only one who bothered to look if Keintaro passed his entrance exams. Notice how in the manga he is studying and the girls are saying good luck to him in his thought because he remembers what they said. Shonobu is the only one he thinks of of (not a grammar mistake) the other girls. Also when he was about to slip on a banana peel Shinobu tried to warn him. the rest of the girls just wanted to see what happened. Hey this has nothing to due with love hina, but did you know that the legend of Zelda games come out then they make a manga to go with it. Hey, Shinobu is the only one (besides Kaolla) that doesn't want keintaro to change because she'll have more competition, and she doesn't really compete in the first place. All thou "I better not fall behind" is competing, but when there bandaging him it's imposable to tell what she's thinking. Oh, and Keitaro should use his cooking skills to make a cake for all the girls. He should put it on the table and say "this is for all of you.", that way no one gets jealous. Hey Shinobus worried about Keintaro. Not what Naru's doing. And she also believes Keintaro can make it into Tokyo U. I was wondering why they were saying baka, witch is the name of several ethic groups, then I also fond another definition; the Japanese word for idiot... Huhhh??? Mitsume's siblings look like Mitsume with Shinobu hair. Mitsume, except for there skin tone they could be twins. Hey!!! When Naru said she should have had let someone else have Keintaro she said Shinobu first. Mhhh... I bet that's Shinobu!!! Dam, I still keep spelling it Shonobu. Oh well. Hey!!! I'm right!!! The longer hair is confusing, but if you look at her face you can see it's still her. I didn't notice the first time I saw it, but after reviewing the first time you see her is easy to tell. OK, if you notice I will not post for a while, then I will put up a post in my journal, and it will say it is a few days old. That's because I put up a new tab, work on my journal entry for several days. LOL! Oh, and I'm back from vacation.