Sieg And The Daedric Princes Anima
Name: Sieg
Age: 25
Gender: male

Sieg's Daedric Form

Weapons: Xaphan - Xaphan is a Living demon blade that drinks blood.The more it drink the powerful it get, after The first drop of blood has touched the blade, Xaphan can transform in to two other forms.
Ryuu taijiya ( Xaphan Broad sword form) - this From has massive attack damage and allows the uses to cut threw barrier
God slayer ( Xaphan scythe form) - this From has increases Sieg's speed buy 500%. This form also comes with the moves Dividing spirits and indignation .
indignation - A large glowing graph appears on the floor and shots large high power blots of lighting down on the graph . One of two things will ether happen. If some one other then Sieg is in the graph, the will take massive life threating damage from the blast. If the Lighting hits Sieg then he his speed is boost 5 times what his current speed is, along with his scythe now dealing lighting damage.
Dividing spirits (passive) - When the Scythe Cut the opponent it silences them making them unable to cast magic. ( only last one post)
emei piercers - two needles that Sieg keeps with him at all time. Used for close combat
Wears: Black cloak of Anima Clan - This cloak had been past down by Sieg father To sieg him self. The cloak grants a 50% resistance to all elements light chain mail armor
Familiar:His family and clan are no more.
Bio: Bio : Once a Daedric worshiper, Sieg had great faith in his god and the clan that worshiped The Daedric Princes Anima. Till one day Sieg failed one of The Daedric Princes's wishes and broke one of anime's laws. Any one else would have been put to death by the clan, but Sieg was one of the strongest in the clan and Anima still had plains for Sieg life. So Sieg daughter Johanna was sacrificed at the shrine of anima. After That Sieg started to lose his Mind and challaged His god. Sieg how ever didnt know How powerful His god was till Anima trap Sieg in The eye of Anima for 2000 years, tormenting Sieg, showing Him all of the ******** up things that humans had done thought all of time. Along with the torture Sieg was drove in to madness. After that Anima released Sieg from the spell. Only 1 sec had past in real time while in the eye of anima over 2000 years had past. Sieg was Filled with angry and hate for his god. he plotted ageists the god. by offering His wife as a sacrifice Sieg was able to summon Anima. However when Sieg was trapped in anima's spell Sieg saw a way to Steal a Gods power. So when Anima appered Sieg quickly Sealed, Anima in a human Body And ripped his powers From Him. then resealed Him in a coffen.
Relations: None
fighting style Reaver - Reavers terrorize their enemies, feast upon Fear, blood, and the souls of their slain opponents to heal their own flesh, and can unleash a blood frenzy that makes them more powerful as they come nearer to their own deaths
Devour- The reaver revels in death, absorbing the lingering energy of all nearby corpses, each of which partially restores the reaver’s own health.
Blood Frenzy- Driven by pain, the reaver gains larger bonuses to damage whenever health decreases. Because this mode also incurs a penalty to health regeneration, the reaver flirts with death the longer the frenzy persists.
shadow fade - this spell allows the user to quickly fade in to shadow and reappire else were from other shadows
crimson lighting - red lighting shot from the user fingers. This move is 90% faster the regaler lighting but 50% weaker.
Shadow chains - a spell that summons chains from the shadows to Bind and restrain a target
blood magic - Blood magic is when the cast use blood in stead of mana .The more advance tech of blood magic are often cruel and deadly
Master blood control - Being a blood mage Sieg has control over his own blood but after years of training he has gain a passive ability tocontrolthe blood of others.
Blood Control - forcibly controls the target’s blood. If the target resists, it still takes great damage from the manipulation of its blood.
Blood crystallization - The spell that allow the user to turn Blood in to a crystallized form.
Blood Mage's Cruse - Only a master of blood magic can use this spell and only when the Feel true despair, anger, sadness, hate or is under a great deal of focus . This Cruse targets the opponent and starts to crystallizes there blood from the inside. The cruse can spear through out there whole body. Cracks through there body will appear were the cruse is making there body as weak as thin glass. The only way to stop the cruse from spreading is to cut off the parts of the body that were effected.
blood heal - Allows Sieg to heal him self using Blood
nightmare magic - Nightmare magic is more of illusion magic,it can effect and torments all five scenes of the target,how ever because the put such a great strean on the target even after the illusion has ended they still feel the pain because of the strean on there mind was so great, it leave the brain with the trouble of separating reality from illusion, depending on witch spell is used the target could feel like they have been attacking for 48 hour when really its only be a second in the real world. Some of the more powerful Nightmare magic even deal with turning illusion in to reality and Bending one's true nightmares to one soul.
Night cast (minor)- This spell is activated when The host wave his hand at his target, that is when the target is trapped in the illusion. If the target has a high metal Resistance they can escape the illusion but the damage from it is still done. Some of the nerves to the brain were cut and the target reaction time is delayed by a few seconds
Night cast eyes (major) - This spell is casted when The host looks directly in to the targets eyes. The illusion cast by the eyes feel much more real and its much hard to escape even with some one with a high metal Resistance. When the illusion end or if the target some how breaks free the damage to the brains nerves was great that the target movement become slugis, the version play trick on you and some time you will see thing that are not there
Nightmare call ( Major) - This spell is casted when the host creates a sound wave, once the target hear it even if from a far distance, the target is immadlty trap in an illusion and may not even now it. Nightmare call is different from night cast. Because the illusion doesn't change the scenery so there is now way to tell if your in it or not. How ever even though illusion start out as if nothing has change does not mean anything. The illusion can change at any time at the host will. The main different is this spell use real time. The long you are under this illusion ( even if you don't know it) The greater the damage done to your nerves make the target lose balance very easily and to were they start to hear things that aren't there
Daedric form skills
Daedric Fire - A crused black fire that Burns through everything, water, steel, air, rock. The cruse Black Fire Can only be used by Sieg in his Daedric form , Black flame tornado - This move is used when Sieg is in his dragon form. He Summons a huge Tornado made from black flame around, Damaging the target over a period of time with 3rd degree burn
Shadow beam - The host shot a large beam of shadow/ radiation energy at the target. Once used can not be used for awhile ( 2 post)
Shadow blast - The host shot a huge Black flame fire ball from his mouth.
The Daedric Princes Anima Name: Anima age: ??? Sex: male Bio: currently Sealed in a coffin

The eye of Anima (can only use if he touches you ) - This spell Is one of the most powerful nightmare spells there are. Once Anime makes physical Contact witth the target the moon or sun turns Blood red. This signs show that the target and host are trapped between the world of the living and the dead . An giant eye forms in the sky around the red Moon or Sun This Eye can cast magic and create life, then more Eyes that open up in the Sky. The host vashies leave the target by them self in this world. As this world feeds off the host dreams and nightmares, it use them as fuel and creates them, using them to attack the target. This world is not an illusion and can not be broken out of once the host and target are trapped in side. The only way to escape is to make all of the eyes shut.
Anima Void- A Large dark beam of Dark energy Thats Anima fires from his hand
Daedric Fire - A crused black fire that Burns through everything, water, steel, air, rock.
Sieg Anima · Mon Aug 30, 2010 @ 05:52am · 0 Comments |