“There’s a little creepy house in a little creepy place…Little creepy town in a little creepy world…Little creepy girl with her little creepy face…Saying funny things that you have never heard…” – Kerli “Walking on Air”
Well, HIA! c: Those lyrics will more than likely give you an idea of what style of things will be on this entry. This is an entry full of pics of me, and possibly some other things as well. I tend to take lots of pictures of different things so yeah…Look at ‘em all, and what the heck, rate ‘em while ya at it. ^_^
 :: This picture was inspired by Alice in Wonderland. “Welcome to Mystery” would be a song by Plain White T’s which was on Almost Alice Soundtrack. ::
A_Fatal_Addiction · Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 02:55am · 0 Comments |