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Old Profile s**t stock

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I drew this skin for my profile and my friends. so, don't steal it, you grubby little children. D;<
hokey. xP now, go. a way.
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My name is Ariel.
I am female.
I am short and adoreable.
I'm shy. quite. loud. obnoxious.
ticklish. uncoordinated. akward. friendly.
open minded. pro choice. liberal.
I care. I love. and I can be a p***k.
huray. ;D

i hate being hit. fighting. hypo-criticism. contradiction. double-standards.arrogance. over self-importance.
when people don't take blame for their own faults.
when people run away. try to ignore or avoid a problem. insensitivity. show-offs. know-it-alls. and liars.
Homophobia, is gay.
Rascism is wack.
Females are a disgusting species. take that,
however you want.
And smoking is a huge turnoff.

I love austin and jonathan. they are everything.

Music is my life support.
I must consume the four main dietary groups of art.
musical, visual, theatrical, literary.
or I'll die.
pure fact.

Airports. vintage shopping. cafe's. hospitals. zoos.
Are simply orgasmic.

Anything artisticly valuable. creative.
original. unique. or independant.
makes me super happy.
especially music and people.
with these characteristics.

I sing, write, and draw exceptionally well.
and i enjoy doing all of them, very much.
Debating is fun.
I love trying to be a photographer.
I aim to be a writer and horror film director.

i am a phsycological thriller horror film junkie.

Asian horrors are the best the, pwn all the rest.
Bcz asians are just bitchin at everything they do.
Oh, so true.

Oh, snap. that rhymed. ;0

The Jamz:
Camera obscura
Imogen heap
Frou frou
Fiona apple
My chemical romance
Death cab for cutie
The postal service
The shins
Sufjan stevens
Gregory and the hawk
Shiny toy guns
Silversun pickups
Dave Clark 5
Sunny day real estate
The hush sound
The White Stripes
Angels and airwaves

;P these two guys gimme latsa inspiration.>> Gerard Way, Ben Gibbard.

About a Teewat:
Teewats hate many things like:
being hit. fighting. hypo-criticism.
contradiction. double-standards. arrogance.
over self-importance. insensitivity.
ignoring or avoiding a problem.
show-offs. know-it-alls. and liars.

it's self. america. females. racism.
homophobia. losers. reproduction.
and white people
( tho teewat is white. heehee. x3 ).

so take it however you want.

Teewats are: short. shy. quiet.
loud. obnoxious. ticklish.
uncoordinated. akward. friendly.
sarcastic. loveing.
they make many mistakes.
and they are pro choice
& liberal, all the way.

How to care for your Teewat:

love it daily. teewats like to cling.
so hug it all the time to make it feel super special.
care about it more than anything.
bring it places, with your friends.
let them love it too. let it listen to lotsa music.
let it sing for you. let it draw you a picture.
take it vintage and thrift shopping. bcz teewats love fashion you know. play photo shoot with it, and take lots of pictures of it. watch asian horrors with it. rave with it.
take it to zoos. airports. cafe's. hospitals. anywere exciting. entertain it. and be with it every chance you get.

The two life supports of a teewat:

Teewats thrive off of art (musical. theatrical. visual literary).

Here are some healthy musical choices for your young Teewat.

OfMontreal. Royksopp. Camera obscura. Imogen heap.
Frou frou. Feist. Fiona apple. My chemical romance
Death cab for cutie. The postal service. The Killers.
Sufjan stevens. Asobi Seksu. Gregory and the hawk.
Gary Jules. Shiny toy guns. Silversun pickups. Cranberries.
Dave Clark 5. Sunny day real estate. The hush sound.
Blondie. Msi. The White Stripes. Hellogoodbye. Air.
Killerplize. Angels and airwaves. Radiohead.
(and lots more)

Teewats love there friends.
Like austin and jonathan, who teewat loves more than anyone else. problly more than they love the teewat back.

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old profile crap ;/
about me;;
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hiii! this is me; the name's ariel, but austin calls me whatever he wants and others call me alice.
i'ma fifteen year old feeeemalllle, tho that should be obvious. i think we are one of the most disgusting species on this earth. boys wai are better, i love them (well the nott-stupid ones) && and i whish i was one, times a guhgillion if i could. anyway,
i'm a freshman in highschool.
i live in a very german town, i don't like it, but i like the people in it, cities are better.

sometimes i'm shy and quiet and sometimes i'm loud and obnoxious (i have recently acquired a very unattractive habit of being a potty mouth), at times i'm a bit uncoordinated and awkward, but over all i'm a really kind person. i'm nice to a lot of people, unless you happen to get on my bad side, and that rarely happens. getting to know new people is fun, and having loads of friends of all different kinds is better than picking and choosing them for ridiculous reasons.

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this here is austin my turtle-faced gangster, he is my bestest friend ever, who is too-hot-to-trot, he is the vanilla flavored oxygen that I breath, he can always make me smile and laugh so hard i could just about pee myself. and when he's gone it hard to do those things. bcz he's just that special! and he's the sexiest of us twins. haha. he is there for me thought pretty much thik and thin. and i love him to death.<3

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then there is mr.coker. he's like the nicest guy ever. and he has exceptional music taste, as well as fashion sense. haha. i get most of my favorite bands from him,
bcz he's just that good. lol. we make one incredible duet when we sing. oh yes!
tho, unfortunately we don't get to hang out that often. 3;
but i love him anyway! huray! <3

I must consume the four main food groups of art (visual, musical, theatrical, literary) or I'll die. Pure fact.

music is the love of my life it is the happy pill for my frowns, and the doctor phill for my downs. I love it passionately.

I'm very open minded about essentially, anything. & music is one of those things.
I'm practically satisfied with anything that is artistically valuable, creative original and unique.
oh, but say it any way you like, these qualities are scarcely found in anything...including some human beings, and that's seriously pathetic.
people who carry an original independence...i absolutely love!

Im pro choice and liberal all the way.

i sing all the time bcz im good at it and I like to brag, sketching and writing I'm good at too.

hanging out at the mall and catching a movie, with my friends is always an adventure. i read, mostly manga. my favorite films are horrors/ thrillers. japanese film makers have the best plots.

i love to debate, btw. I want to be a writer and a journalist as far as my high school career; but my goal is to become a kick-a** horror/thriller/psychological film director.

i love my moose, clouds, fluffy things, pop's on the square, mrs. baders class, my bed, the windows in my room, the swing sets in the playground down the street, coffee in the morning, airports, winter, fall, rainy days, going on adventures with my friends, potography, and running in front of busses bcz you should see the look on the drivers face ;D

i hate being hit.
i don't like fighting.

hypo-criticism, contradiction, double-standards, arrogance, over self-importance, when people don’t take blame for their own faults, when people run away, try to ignore or avoid a problem, and insensitivity about others thoughts.

i don't like show-offs, know-it-alls, and liars.
people that don't try new things are stubborn and annoying.
i hate homophobia, it's gay.
rascism is wack.
and smoking is a huge turnoff.

oh, jam;;

of montreal
camera obscura
imogen heap
frou frou
fiona apple
death cab for cutie
the postal service
the shins
sufjan stevens
gregory and the hawk
shiny toy guns
silversun pickups
sunny day real estate
the hush sound
dave clark 5
jack's mannequin
my chemical romance
escape the fate
angels and airwaves

is it a bird, is it superman,is it a rocket? no! it's a...
F-14. i wanted to be all sorts of things growing up a ballerina, firefighter, paramedic, or a piolt.♥

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i'm my daddy's sunshine.

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when i was little my daddy used to take me out of school during lunch and take me and my sister to the runways to eat with him so he wouldn't be lonely. we used to sit one this little wooded bench in front of the runways and watch the planes take off. you could feel the wind from the wings and hear the engines building speed until they lifted off the ground. he would take us all around into the garages full of different planes and tell us all about them, they were beautiful. in spring when the baby bunnies were all in the grass along the woodland area around the airport he'd pick some up and let us raise the until they were to big and then we had to put them back in the wood. andandand whenever i went to my mimi's, me and avery would walk over to the airport and stand on the chain link fence that separated us from the huge planes coming back and fourth, and we'd watch the all take off and land one by one until the sun set then my mimi would come to pick us up for dinner. i loved those days and i give anything to go back and relive them.

[ tektek's ] RATE, PLZ!

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Conformity is overrated,
But recognizing that you have certain biases and preferences
due to your culture is a sign of maturity
and the beginning of developing a sense of self definition.
Self Expression. Individuality.
Everyone is different.

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