AKA: N/A (yet)
Current Age: 15

Violet dresses like a little kid playing dress-up. Her clothes are often too big for her and never do her outfits match. She will often wear combinations of shoes and socks that never make pairs, and she drapes her arms and neck with various mismatched pieces of jewelry. She is always dressed vibrantly, befitting her sunny, though eclectic, disposition.
Costume: N/A (yet)
Primary Power: Basically, Violet messes with people's heads. She can do anything from giving people headaches to giving them intense feelings of paranoia to hallucinations. However, she has no control over when this happens or how intense the effects will be, and often her powers will "go off" without her noticing..
Only on two occasions--once in the lab and once immediately after escaping--have her powers had any lasting effects. While the victims of these incidents were left physically unharmed, they are currently living out their days in their respective mental institutions, suffering from a wide range of emotional and mental disorders.
Secondary Power(s): While it has no practical application, Violet has a tendency to "borrow" the memories of people around her. She can't choose when this happens, nor can she choose which memories to take. The targeted person (with the possible exception of a psychic or someone with heightened mental awareness) feels no adverse effects and Violet reaps no benefits from this other than becoming more scrambled in the brain.
Weakness: Violet has no control over any of her abilities. Likewise, her mental instability makes her unpredictable and easily manipulated. Occasionally, her mental strain will become so great that she simply shuts down and blacks out for periods that could last anywhere from several seconds to several hours.
Personality: Mentally, Violet is like a five-year-old. She is highly self-centered, unable to look at things from another person's point of view. Violet prances rather than walks and babbles rather than talks, making conversing with her is a difficult feat. She is easily distracted, understands very little of the inner workings of language, and is quite mad.
Because of Violet's isolated life, the world is very new to her. She is entranced by what others would consider ordinary and frightened by what others would find tame and mundane. Her insanity proves a strength for her in this regard, at least, since her scrambled mind can hardly register the shock of being thrust into a world she never knew existed.
Violet has no concept of right and wrong, good or evil. Moral values aren't important to a lab rat, and her lack of any feeling of moral responsibility leaves her free to do just about anything she feels like doing. Violet eats when she gets hungry, sleeps when she gets tired, and takes what she feels entitled to. She acts entirely on impulse, and she's just as likely to help someone in trouble as she is to cause the trouble herself.
Likewise, Violet has no concept of friendship. While she is very friendly and trusting (perhaps overly so), she often forgets new people almost immediately after meeting them. She will judge whether she likes or dislikes someone based on very minor whims ("I like you, you have pretty hair!" or "I don't like you...you smell like cotton balls." wink . Still, Violet is not confrontational, and she will usually be perfectly cordial unless someone gives her a reason not to be.
Violet's mind is about as scrambled as the hypothetical eggs I had this morning. She has little in the way of long- or short-term memory, and she can never be sure if the things she does remember are even truly her memories. She's prone to emotional outbursts, dramatic shifts in mood or personality, or even sudden blackouts.
Oddly enough, Violet excels in certain high school subjects while being tragically deficit in others. Math and science courses are a breeze for her, and she finds even honors courses tragically easy. Language and social studies courses, however, prove difficult for her, and in these areas she is operating at barely a first-grade level. While she could easily comprehend a scientific document explaining the nervous system of amphibians, Dr. Seuss is a bit out of her league.
Biography: Violet remembers just enough about her past to mean absolutely nothing. She was a lab rat, though what exactly the doctors in the lab were trying to accomplish even they didn't seem sure of. The experiments were what gave Violet her powers, as well as what put her in the psychological state she's now in.
Violet was aided in her escape from the laboratory by a doctor named Jason Malloy. If asked who exactly Mr. Malloy is or what he looks like, Violet will generally shrug or begin making something up ("He's a thousand feet tall with big ears and a bunny tail." wink . Indeed, no one has seen Jason Malloy in the flesh, and there is suspicion that he simply doesn't exist at all. However, there is evidence to suggest that Jason Malloy, though not physically present, is still keeping tabs on Violet's activities. According to the high school records, Violet's last name is "Malloy", she was registered for school by Mr. Jason Malloy, her lunch bills are consistently paid by Mr. Malloy, and she has been seen being escorted into and out of the mansion listed as Jason Malloy's permanent address (how a supposed "doctor" like Mr. Malloy could even afford a mansion is a question yet to be met with an answer). Who exactly Jason Malloy is, what his interests are in Violet, and why he hasn't been discovered and detained by the agency behind Violet's creation remains a mystery.
Goals/Motives: Violet doesn't have any particular goals. She wrote a to-do list once, but she forgot what she was supposed to do with it, so that was pretty much the end of that.
Vices: Violet has a tendency to steal. Quite a bit. Not really a problem for her, but store owners might be getting slightly irked.
Other: Violet's favorite dance is the Time Warp.