Alucard (Halloween 200 cool
My standard avatars
Pinhead from Hellraiser
This avatar requires Prize Collection '09 and Arbiter of Pain, both of which are not on TekTek's avatar creator, for some reason. The sailor shirt is the most expensive item and can be subsituted by the tattoos. The Yemaya's Pearl, for the white skin, is the second most expensive and could be subsituted by something else, like the Masterpieces skin.

Total Value: 507,528 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Adventures of Sailor Boy
Nitemare Collar
Black Zoot Suit Tie
Old Machete
Those Black 90s Gloves
Dashing Gentleman's Onyx Tail Coat
Red Stripes Torso Tattoo
Coal Tavern Wench's Cincher
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Sash
Four Horsemen
Onyx Milady Skirt
Buddhist Nun's Tonsure
Yemaya's Pearl
Steampunk Lee
The pants layer right on Gaia with the boots; the boots are actually on the outside of the trousers.

Total Value: 49,974 Gold, 7,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Silver Revolver
Brass Raving Goggles
Gear Mood Bubble
Wild West Holster
Dapper Gent's Leather Brown Vest
White Class Shirt
Brown Leather SP Work Boots
Brown Loose Cotton Cargo Pants
Charcoal Cat Tail
Black Nosey Face Tattoo
Black Whiskers Face Tattoo
Dark Elf Potion (grey)
Irish St. Patty's Day outfit
(not really a cosplay but I won a prize for this one)

Item List:
Green Nosey Face Tattoo
Radioactive Apocaripped Knit Gloves
Clover Cap
Green Kilt
White Drome Egg 2nd gen.
Green Reading Glasses
Classic Margarita
4 Leaf Clover Pin
Green Work Shoes
Elegant Emerald Satin Coat
Charcoal Cat Tail
Green Argyle Sweater
Luck o' the Gairish
Lucky 4Leaf Clover
Green Longjohns
Black Whiskers Face Tattoo
White Bakeneko Ears
Dark Elf Potion (grey)