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From the Dollmaker's Desk The life and trials of a dollmaker.

Dollmaker Izzy
Community Member
Day 1: Prototype complete!

Okay, so you found my little shop in the butt-end of nowhere. I'll give you a cookie later. What's that? What's a Dollmaker?

What, is the job title not descriptive enough? We create mechanical automatons. Dolls. Some of them, we give an AI. LB-O1 here has a basic personality installed and can use her AI to fill orders without needing to stand still while she tries to solve a conundrum by shutting down. Don't mind the look. She's just a prototype, something to make sure the programming doesn't have any 'Kill all humans' clause.

Nowaitdon'ttouchthat! ... GREAT. Thanks. Good job, you just broke a piece of equipment that's worth more than your house. LB, see our friend out and make sure they get a cookie. I need to get back to work on your new body.

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