tHe nORmaL
Community Member
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 06:29pm
so i got the job interview at the hospital. turns out she ended up interviewing someone else too, i'm supposed to get a call back today to find out if i got the job or not. i dont' think i did cause my aunt said that the manager said i was too quiet and shy (i mean, it was my first interview ever so i had to be A LITTLE nervous). jeesh. swim team is hard i nearly passed out again today in the pool. we finished our workout thirty minutes early so coach made us swim 1000 meters with paddles (these plastic things that you attach to your hands && it makes you faster but hurts your arms cause you're pushing more water).
love you lots, madi
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 10:02pm
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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:20am
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 @ 11:45pm
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Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 03:05am
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 @ 05:07pm
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Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 08:23pm
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 @ 03:47pm
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Community Member
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 11:26am
ok, i know that i said that my last entry was my last but theres crap going on in my life that i can't take anymore and i need to let everyone know for some reason. first of all, ms.finley (honors teacher who i have to see everyday)...all because of her giving us too much f***in homework, i've had to quit swimming team (the only part of me that i believed i was good at), stop drawing (one of my only ways of expressing my feelings...i'm not exactly the best artist but, i miss it), off my parents for quitting swimming team, stop hanging out with my friends so i can actually do my homework, stop watching tv (the only rest i get), stop sleeping (i rarely get to sleep before 11 PM), and because of her, i don't like to write anymore. i used to love writting SO MUCH last year, i would think of poetry whenever i had spare time, and write my own stories for fun! but now, i writting cause i don't feel like it's good enough anymore. i miss how simple life was when i was in like elementary school. when none of us had to really worry about homework cause it was so freaking easy and we had all the time and least amount of stress in the world. also, another thing that makes my stress heavier, is how my family is gradually falling apart. my brother is being a brat and lies all the time now and my mom won't stop worrying about him so she ends up in his face making him do all of his homework with him watching her. and if i try to suggest something or help it doesn't matter, she just snaps at me like i'm and idiot. my brother and my mom are like clones and they have no idea at all!.