OK, my b-day is actually on the 26th, but I had my party on the 23rd, and during this time I had so much luck it's unbelievable >_o
1. I won a pf+chai freebie at kellion, This left me foaming until saturday morning...
2. I meet Ryo0oki IRL, >_o, I cannot even begin to express how...utterly impossible it felt like. I mean, she came to my bday party (and bby and sariia were foaming like crazy XD). I have to say, Ryo is crazy for trusting someone online and I'm crazy for the very same thing. But thankfully it all ended VERY well.
3. Ryo0oki gave me a couple sketch for my bday, awesome Yuu Kudoh x Bbydrgn action :O (bby was foaming at the fact that Ryo signed at her butt xd )
4. While Ryo was over she pointed out Jaded's chibi commisions. I got a chibi from Jaded for basically 8k, an april 05 letter >.O
5. asldkjfeijkdfdskle OMG I was pretty calm on the outside Most of the time, but on the inside I was... mrgreen whee
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