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I don't think I've had a better day yet! It started when I was in homeroom this morning with my acoustic guitar. I had to use it for art, so my teacher let me keep it in her room. Miranda, a good bud of mine, wanted to jam out on it. So during the whole homeroom time we were jammin on guitar. students from the room right next to us came in and saw what all the excitment was. It felt good to play in front of others. I do it rarely, so I enjoyed it while it lasted. When the bell rand for 2nd period, my teacher was all lke "You should play for the whole team(1/2 of eighth grade) on Thursday. We could have a concert!" Let just say she's the most jumpiest, happiest, and brightest teacher I've ever met. (She scares me... eek ) So Miranda and I just laughed about it and thought she was joking. Soon she was like, "So, do you really want to do that?" This is what I looked like: burning_eyes . Yeah, it was like she told me I was the next contestant on "Deal or No deal". 5 seconds later we were all like "OMG OMG YES YES!! xd xd xd xd So now it is all set. On Thursday Miranda and I will play in front of 1/2 of the eighth grade. I am so f***ing excited I could die! O YEAH, I'M GONNA ROCK THE HOUSE!!! Now the question is what do I want to play. Right now I'm thinking "Good Riddence" by Green Day, "Iron Man", "Brain Stew" by Green Day, and maybe I'll try to make an acoustic version of "Dignity" by New Politics. I would do "Issues" by Escape the Fate and "Scars" by Papa Roach, but I don't think I will learn it in time. GOOD NIGHT DAUGHTERS OF NIGHT AND SONS OF RAGE AND LOVE scream scream scream scream scream xd :


92% of teenagers have moved on to rap. If you are one of the 8% that rock out everyday, put this in your sig.

Life sucks then you die heart

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