Thank you everyone that contributed to this list <3
Just to keep this going and people read. Thank you Iza` for making this! Thank you Kitty for keeping this up, and everyone else that adds to this, and keeps it posted!
Updated FAQ List
Updated FAQ List
You have to be 18 to apply, as of now.
This thread is for questions only!
Please don't post hackers sites here!
If you do get one before hand PLEASE REPORT IT DO NOT POST IT HERE!
Hacker sites and the people who post them will be reported!
Users in this thread are dedicated to keeping it safe for everyone!
List of Legitimate Questions and Some Answers
This thread is for questions only!
Please don't post hackers sites here!
If you do get one before hand PLEASE REPORT IT DO NOT POST IT HERE!
Hacker sites and the people who post them will be reported!
Users in this thread are dedicated to keeping it safe for everyone!
List of Legitimate Questions and Some Answers
* Do previous account indiscretions prevent the ability for one to apply?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: I think it depends on how long ago the infraction occurred and whether or not the user demonstrates change.
* Is Gaia going to close the application process after a set time, or after a set number of people have been accepted?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: The mod team is always looking to expand.
* Do you have to know all of the TOS to apply?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: You're expected to have a basic understanding of site rules. If/When your application is accepted, you'll receive further training. 3nodding
* Will all users who apply receive a reply regardless of acceptance? If a user is rejected, will they be informed?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: I believe all users will be given a yay/nay.
Answered by TKid: You should receive a PM if you are declined. 3nodding
* Will applicants be able to choose what sections they are responsible for modding?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: Moderators are allowed to assign themselves to whatever forums/site areas they wish.
* Do you have to be a member of gaia for a specific amount of time in order to apply?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: A few months, I believe
* Will one of the challenges, before becoming a mod, deal with helper activities? Meaning, moving threads or dealing with reports?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: The Moderator Assistant position exists for a reason. 3nodding
* Along the same lines, will the duties of Moderators be clearly outlined if accepted?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: Yes
* How long are Mods required to be online to help during a day or week? Is there a requirement?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: We have to do something each week. But there's no outrageous expectation like "You must commit an hour of every day to modding" or anything like that.
* Are there system requirements for Moderators' individual computers?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: If you're able to use Gaia now, you'll be able to use Gaia as a moderator
* Will timezone of the applicant influence acceptance?
"Unusual" timezones are always lovely, but other criteria are far more important.
* Does being a mod (and having to remain neutral) mean you can't answer questions in LI or take part in debates in the ED?
Answered by Despoena: Being a moderator doesn't mean you give up on the enjoying aspects of Gaia; you can still post, play games, or hang out.
* Does anyone know if all applications will be replied too weather accepted to be a mod or not?
Answered by TKid: We can't be certain whether or not they'll be replied to, simply due to the quantity of reports. I'd say the administrators will make every effort to reply to the applicants as best they can.
Answered by Morbid Gnome: You will receive a response. 3nodding
* For the mods, I want to ask: What are the joys of being a mod? What are the experiences that keep you working for Gaia and when problems are aimed at you in particular, how do you deal?
Answered by Despoena: I like to know that I am helping people have a safe hangout, a place for people to meet and become friends without interruption. It's rewarding to know that people enjoy this site.
Answered by TKid: Dude, I spam the s**t out of my friend's quests thread.
We're allowed to post just the same as you are. wink
Answered by Morbid Gnome: Of course. I usually spend a lot of my time on Gaia modding, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to post around and chat with people. I still do on occasion.
The "OMG LOLZ MOD" thing gets a bit old, so a lot of my posting is done a mule though.
* What is the screening process for applications?
Answered by 30 day free trial: O.o The application process IS the screening process. Just because I filled out an application doesn't mean that I will be selected to become a moderator. I understood this perfectly prior to filling out the application. If I am not accepted, then it leaves an open space for someone else to be selected. I just want Gaia to be a better place for everyone. ^_^
Answered by TKid: XD Actually, filling out the application is only a small part of the screening process. I'd like to remind everyone of the last half of 30 day free trial's post. Simply because you fill out an application to be a moderators does not mean that you will be accepted as a moderator. Your applications may well be denied.
* What is the post limit for those applying? How many posts do you need to have in order to apply?
Answered by TKid: Account age, within reason, will not effect the outcome of your application. ^_^
* What are the differences when you become a mod?
Answered by TKid: Lots more buttons and a lot more responsibility. 3nodding
* To any moderator: through a standard month which week would you say would be your busiest?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: No "week" is busy. We have high-traffic times(Friday night - Sunday night), but that's about it.
* Does nationality matter?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: Nationality doesn't matter
* Do application slots (in the inbox) open right after one is reviewed, or will it be when those reviewing the applications choose a set number?
Answered by TKid: After an application is closed, the slot for that application becomes open for a new application. 3nodding There can only be 100 applications in the system at a given time.
* If you are accepted to be a moderator, what type of training process will you have to go through to become a full-fledged moderator?
Answered by TKid: There is a detailed training method in place that will cover multiple aspects of modding and multiple forums/features. More information on this should be available at a later date.
* What happens if a moderator misuses his/her rights as a moderator? Does he/she get stripped of those rights or does he/she get stripped of the rights and then banned from Gaia?
Answered by TKid: If a moderator is found to have honestly abused their tools, that moderator will be handled by an administrator. They can be reprimanded, which can include anything from a stern talking to to being demodded.
* After being accepted to be a moderator, does that person have to wait before he/she recives a responce to the application that they sent in?
Answered by Morbid Gnome: Donno.
* Where is mod training done?
Answered by TKid: Training for moderator positions will be done entirely online.
* Do mods have to go to conventions and be around the California area?
Answered by TKid: Moderators are not required to go to conventions.
* Do we get discounts in gaian shops and the online store?
Answered by TKid: Nope, we get no discounts.
* How long do you estimate it will take to go through the Apps and make your decision?
what exactly do mods do?
Different types of mods get different things. Site mods like me get the forums, pm's, and flash game reports. Global mods get abuse/harassment reports. Omnimoderators get hacking, scamming, and botting issues.
Can we be a a mod from our computer or do we actually have to go out to the main place?
The main place? You mean Gaia HQ? Definitely not! Not all of us even live in the right country to do so, let alone the right state!
There was mention of a training program. Is this something that can be done online, or will there be traveling involved?
Online only.
I keep getting an error message that states "Sorry you may not apply to be a moderator at this time" is this just a glitch in a newly released system or is it something to do with my account?
There was a limit of 100 applicants. It is currently full. The admins will be rooting through applications at a later time and new slots will open up. Users will have another chance to apply then.
I thought you never asked for our passwords... is this a trick? A test? I thought you had my password in the Gaia database.
Read the Announcement? This is covered there.
The application is not a trick to get you to give your password, and it will not hack you.
This page asking you for your password is essentially the same as trades asking you for your password, Guild donations asking you for your password, etc...
As the application is physically a part of Gaia Online(Remember to ALWAYS check the web address!), it is safe to use your Gaia Online password within it.
This page asking you for your password is essentially the same as trades asking you for your password, Guild donations asking you for your password, etc...
As the application is physically a part of Gaia Online(Remember to ALWAYS check the web address!), it is safe to use your Gaia Online password within it.
Can you apply if you have been banned?
You can try. But this might fall under the category of too many ToS violations to be a valid canidate. Especially if they're recent.
Can moderators still roleplay?
Yes. And some do. Many of use don't because we are too busy or lose interest.
Once moderator status is given to a person through this process what will their duties include and how will their placement amongst these duties be handled? If someone is accepted will they be able to choose between areas of moderation, or will they be assigned based on what is needed most?
In the past mods have chosen where they wish to work. I'd expect it to work that way this time but I'm not in charge. I cannot say for certain.
I was wondering, if you become a mod, can you still do all the stuff you could before. I mean, can I still just play around and chat and fish and other stuff or will I have to be "working" instead of enjoying gaia?
You can play. But you need to be to some degree polite. No flaming users, no abuse, no bitching about the forums that you mod for in public, that stuff.
The only question I have, is, is it US only? Or open to anyone anywhere?
Anyone, anywhere.
Does the person need to have a perfectly CLEAN slate?What if there were issues,but small ones?
And I had gotten perma banned once,but for reasons that were totally out of my hands and control..where do I go,if I wish to apply, to tell them about the issue?
Small ones are okay. If you've been perma'd .... right now there is no answer for that. I'm sorry.
How often do you have to be on if your a Mod?
There is no set limit. Once a day is my average, for a few hours, but mods can take days off and short breaks. If you do nothing you will not remain a mod for long!
I have actually been emancipated. I am 17, and get to make my own decisions. What do I do now?
Wait until you are 18. Sorry.
What exactly are the incentives to becoming a Gaian Moderator...?
Ah ... you get to help out? No real money to it.
What if you had a different account in the past in which you had been on here longer but then deleted it to create a whole new one? Could you still apply?
Yup. But depending on why you left that old one, you may be asked questions and it may affect your new one.
What happens if we change our minds down the road, like a few months from now?
You can always quit.
Although I'm sure a lot of you are experienced, does anyone here actually have experience with trouble-some people?
What about dealing with other moderators who do their jobs unfairly?
As a mod? All the time.
If you're referring to users dealing with troublesome mods, there's a really simple solution: Report to admins. Siskataya, Galados, and Dri handle abusive mods.
Cause I'm not 100% if I want to mod or not, so if I end up making the wrong decision, what are the steps that I would have to take if I changed my mind?
(along the same lines as the previous question)
Say that you want out, and pack your bags.
What if you are accepted to become a moderator, but decide you don't want to anymore?
You can leave.
If your account was accepted but you do not want to be a moderator, You could message one of the admins and tell them you don't want to be one and they would remove your moderator status.
When will we be informed about if we got the position or not? Will we just have to wait until all of the new mods are decided, or will we be informed the second our applications got accepted or rejected? Also, if we do happen to be accepted, how long will we have to wait until we get to start moderating? Until the whole list of those accepted come out, or immediately?
I'd hope that the admins would tell you but I'm not sure exactly how this will work. Patience is the key.
Has anyone else been able to apply?
as of right now we don't know
If mods get paid in gaia gold.... how much would they get paid?
From the QnA:
Q: I’ve heard mods get paid. Is that true?
A: Not exactly. Moderating on Gaia is a volunteer position, therefore we cannot pay moderators real money or we would be confusing things too much. Instead moderators at certain levels of experience may receive Gaia gold in the form of mod pay, which has no monetary value. The only persons paid are Gaia staff and admins, and many times they are chosen from the best and brightest of the moderator teams.
A: Not exactly. Moderating on Gaia is a volunteer position, therefore we cannot pay moderators real money or we would be confusing things too much. Instead moderators at certain levels of experience may receive Gaia gold in the form of mod pay, which has no monetary value. The only persons paid are Gaia staff and admins, and many times they are chosen from the best and brightest of the moderator teams.
What we get has to do with activity. So if we do nothing we get nothing.
If slots become open for applications, once you click the link will it hold your spot for you OR do you have to race through the application.
Until it’s confirmed by an admin, it’s unknown whether it saves the spot for you or not.
what kind of questions are asked to those who do apply?
It a bunch of short-answer questions about your reasons for wishing to become a mod, what would you do in such and such a situtation, etc.
Does the user attempting to apply have to have a completely clean slate?
No. Siggies can be removed and it won't count against you at all. Also, a simple post deletion will not show up on your history. Unless you were told that you were getting officially warned for something, it won't show up on your history at all. Getting reported won't show up either.
Your general attitude and how you tend to respond to people, which is a part of what results in post deletions will be important though.
there are a ton of people who decided to change their month, day and year, and proclaim to be what they are not, and I've had taken a good read at the announcement, since there are a ton of people out there, that would proclaim that they are not what they seem to be?
Q: Your only allowing 100 applications in and you have some 60,000 members on a day, how do you suppose everyone will be able to fill one out and even get on in?
A: We elected to start with a small group to better gauge how many applications we'll need to get the amount of moderators that we need.
For example, to get 100 moderators we may need 1000 applicants or we may need 400 applications but we don't know that yet.
We decided to start with a small group to get a feel for things and then increase over time. - Taligator
I never did anything wrong! I’m 18+ with a clean slate, why aren't I getting the message that says I'm still eligable to apply?!
I'm not a mod, but it's best you contact a mod/admin about the issue. They can review your account history and point out anything that could be causing the filter to target you. Be nice to them please. Moderators and Admin, are human too with feelings.
Do 15 minute IP bans count against me?
No, those 15 minute IP bans are not taken into consideration. – Uncle Kenny(Mod)
With the exception of the 15 minute ban everyone else who I have talked to have not been able to become a mod due to bans of any kind. Even users who asked for their own account to be banned to stop hackings, yet have nothing else are no eligible to become a mod at this time. - Candycrack (Member)
If I become a mod can I still change my user name?
Answered by terradi : Mods change their name all the time. We don't have to keep the same one, though that does get confusing sometimes!
If I change my user name after I put in my application will this mess it up?
Answered by taligator: Nope. You're safe.
from Galados: To answer some of these questions officially (Feel free to reformat)
How will we be notified whether our application is accepted? Will it be PM'ed or will it be emailed?
It will be PM'd
* How will Gaia verifiy the identities of all applicants?
We will not disclose our methodology, no point in asking anymore smile
* What can we disclose about the application itself?
* What's the realistic chance of even getting to apply?
What kind of question is that?
* Does being a mod or channel operator for a game count as experience?
How we gauge experience is an internal topic, not something we will open for discussion or scrutiny at this time.
* What kinds of violations on a user's account prevent him from being considered for a Mod?
Not willing to disclose that at this time, just as we dont tell people how we catch botters and hackers.
Extra Information
Just a reminder that we took 100 applications but that is not all we are taking. We will open up more slots as we progress through the process.
Every person that applies will be reviewed but applying does not guarantee that you will become a moderator.
Of the first 100 it is possible that we'll consider only 1-4 of them to actually become moderators. It's also possible that 100 of them are perfect -- but much more unlikely.
We have not opened up any more slots. Continuing to try will only try your patience.
Every person that applies will be reviewed but applying does not guarantee that you will become a moderator.
Of the first 100 it is possible that we'll consider only 1-4 of them to actually become moderators. It's also possible that 100 of them are perfect -- but much more unlikely.
We have not opened up any more slots. Continuing to try will only try your patience.
The thing about being a mod is that most of the questions and issues you deal with every day will be repeats. It's a lot of repetitive work and if you don't like that kind of work .. moderating is certainly not going to mesh with your needs.
We all wish people would read more and not just post their questions but that is not going to happen anytime soon. I've been doing support of one kind or another my entire life and it's always the same.
Patience is a key ingredient to being a moderator. It's also about an underlying desire to help and take care of people.
Not to sound harsh, but if this one thread is getting to you and people asking the same things, try thousands of reports with the exact same issue.
We all wish people would read more and not just post their questions but that is not going to happen anytime soon. I've been doing support of one kind or another my entire life and it's always the same.
Patience is a key ingredient to being a moderator. It's also about an underlying desire to help and take care of people.
Not to sound harsh, but if this one thread is getting to you and people asking the same things, try thousands of reports with the exact same issue.
From experience:
When we get newbie moderators, they're the ones who appreciate sympathetic and welcoming users the most. Modding isn't so glamorous. First hate pm's, first hate threads, getting porn spammed in your inbox and getting yelled at for other mods perceived faults and all the stuff that's wrong with the site, it can be a bit overwhelming and I've seen more than one new mod decide that they didn't want to deal with the grief and just quit.
This isn't all about gold, glamor, and glory. It's frustrating, tiring, and it has the potential to eat up all of your free time and leave you stretched very thin. We sometimes feel just as helpless as the users who are contacting us. At the same time, it's an amazing feeling to be able to fix that which you can and it can be very rewarding. It's all in what you make of it, and what you put into it really.
We will always have new spots for mods in the future. And we will always need and adore good users on the site. There's no shame in applying and not making it.
When we get newbie moderators, they're the ones who appreciate sympathetic and welcoming users the most. Modding isn't so glamorous. First hate pm's, first hate threads, getting porn spammed in your inbox and getting yelled at for other mods perceived faults and all the stuff that's wrong with the site, it can be a bit overwhelming and I've seen more than one new mod decide that they didn't want to deal with the grief and just quit.
This isn't all about gold, glamor, and glory. It's frustrating, tiring, and it has the potential to eat up all of your free time and leave you stretched very thin. We sometimes feel just as helpless as the users who are contacting us. At the same time, it's an amazing feeling to be able to fix that which you can and it can be very rewarding. It's all in what you make of it, and what you put into it really.
We will always have new spots for mods in the future. And we will always need and adore good users on the site. There's no shame in applying and not making it.
We have been responding to some of the applications. We're working on rejections first (sorry guys!) and as we go through them, more slots are NOT currently opening up.
If you receive a PM from admin it will be a rejection on your application. If it is from an admin (myself, Galados, siskataya, or dri) then it will be an acceptance mostly likely or possibly more questions.
... for Gaia Online
If you receive a PM from admin it will be a rejection on your application. If it is from an admin (myself, Galados, siskataya, or dri) then it will be an acceptance mostly likely or possibly more questions.
... for Gaia Online
If you receive a message saying

then you are ok to apply in the future
If you receive a message saying

it means you do not qualify. Reasoning for this maybe, because you’re underage, or that you have been banned for a significant amount of time. 15 minute bans do not count, if you believe you didn’t do anything wrong, please PM a Mod and kindly ask them to check your account history. Some of the offenses are listen here.
If you receive a message saying

then you are ok to apply in the future
If you receive a message saying

it means you do not qualify. Reasoning for this maybe, because you’re underage, or that you have been banned for a significant amount of time. 15 minute bans do not count, if you believe you didn’t do anything wrong, please PM a Mod and kindly ask them to check your account history. Some of the offenses are listen here.
A Note Due to the Popularity of this Thread
Scammers and Botters have been PMing people, because of the popularity of the thread. Thanks to Dr. Hatori Sohma we hopefully can be more cautious thanks to TheOneAngle reminding us not to give out our passwords to people who claim to be moderators/admin when they are not.
Dr Hatori Sohma
Just a heads up to everyone. People (Random noobs) are going through this thread and talking to people here sending PM's with false information. As far as the Slots being open, and people being able to go and apply. For anyone who sees this, DO NOT DO WHAT THAT PM SAYS~ (I already reported the PM to a moderator, and thry are working on it)
But I'm informing anyone reading this List.
No I'm not a bot, ot one of those spammers, but eh' Up to you to believe. I figured now'd be a decent time to post this warning, since everyone will be awake int he morning to read it. :3
If you want proof, let me know. ><.
I'm off to bed, I'll be back in here tomorrow. :3
But I'm informing anyone reading this List.
No I'm not a bot, ot one of those spammers, but eh' Up to you to believe. I figured now'd be a decent time to post this warning, since everyone will be awake int he morning to read it. :3
If you want proof, let me know. ><.
I'm off to bed, I'll be back in here tomorrow. :3
Thanks for the heads up.
Also another type of pm is being sent to users saying that they've been chosen as a mod.
Don't click the link it nor give out your password.
Remember staff will never ask for you password.
Thank you Angelus Domini for this one:
Angelus Domini
I'll take this time to beware PMs like this that lead you to an alternate site that uses a site duplicate to steal your password. They are easy to decipher since the new header changer changes each header except the one on this false site keeps the same, but it would be unfortunate if you have the locked header.

About Moderator Assistants (Admins please edit if you need to)
As far as we know when you are accepted as a moderator you start off as a Moderator Assistant, and later on promoted to Moderator.
Regarding Minors (Admins please edit if you need to)
Please, understand that because you are not legally an adult until 18 you cannot sign for yourself on legal contracts, you need the consent of your parents. We have been trying to emphasize this since this application process started
Gaia Admins are trying their best to come up with a system for you guys, just be patient.
Bragging about your skills and complaining is giving you a bad image and is proving that you are not being reasonable to everyones explanations that Gaia MUST follow California law, US Law, and International law.
No one is trying to be age discriminatory, it's just a very difficult thing to deal with because there are laws set in place. No one thinks that you are stupid, incapable, or other word people can pull out of a thesaurus. The law is the law it’s there in black in white.
One more thing before this cools off, thanks to Arretsu for reminding us about this, moderators do deal with pornography and other thing underage cannot be exposed to due to the nature of the site (PG 13).
Besides, you don’t need the green name to be a good Samaritan. You can find a guild dedicated to helping people , or you can do it yourself. No one said moderators are the only people that deal with daily problems, for them sometimes they get so much to deal with they don’t get through it all. They probably need some help too once in a while.
The more you help other users on Gaia, the better a place it will be, even without a mod sticker on your name. It feels good and hey, might even get you noticed by someone in the future when you are old enough to become a mod.
I or anyone else will keep hunting for things to add that haven't been added yet.