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Sangi's happy place i'll be posting in here is anything fun or intresting happins.....so i'll probly almost never use this -.-;; anyway i hope you enjoy reading it

Community Member
Storys 3!
we've had Sage and Lee.

Now meet Stew the Vampire.

The Past: 1684
I awoke with a start, I had drempt that my love had been killed before my eyes, but here she was next to me, still slumbering. How rude of me, alowe me to introduce myself, I am Steph VadRictore Stewkofky, I live in a city near england and I have moved there from Trancalvainia(AU:sorry if its spelled wrong). My friends though call me "Stew" as its easy for them to remember. Now back to the story at hand, please.

As I looked over at Olivia, the love of my life I wondered why the dream I had seemed so real and yet couldnt possibly happen. Had I had a vision? No, I couldnt have, it was just likey I was over reacting so I retured to sleep.

The next morning I walked into the small bakery I worked at as an apprentice. Today I was needed to help make dough for a bread we where running low on and I also had to fetch the ingreadiants needed for it. as I walked through the streets I saw strange figures walk down the road, as I got a better veiw of them I saw that there where just people in cloaks. But why where a cloak in the middle of spring? with there hood up even! I continued to wonder about this even as I walked back to my home that night. I opened the door to see a note was pined to it with a dagger, it read:

To Seph,
If you fail to comply with every instruction we give you we will end the life of the young woman you live with. We have ways of knowing whether or not you have done everything and if needed we will do whatever we can to make you do it. As for your instructions, you are to come to the abandoned chaple outside of town after carving the symbol at the bottom of this letter into the back of your hand. We will instruct you further afterwards. Should you fail to do these tasks we will do as we please with your lady-friend and then kill her.

At the bottom of the page there was a symbol of a bat with a crecent moon over it, I took the page and I whent to sit in a chair infront of a fire. I needed alittle time to think about what they could and most likely would do to my dear Olivia.

After much thinking and debating with myself I got up from my chair, took the dagger that had held that dredful note and began to carve the shape of a bat with a moon over it on the back of my hand. I winced as the blade peirced my skin and saw my blood dribble down onto the table I was now sitting at. Now that I had done the first of these insane peoples demands I took my cloak and left for the chapel they spoke of in the letter.

Before leaving I took up my rapier, the letter had said nothing about me bringing a weapon and now I stood before a large and beautifly built church with sevral stained glass windows. I bowed my head and muttered a small prayer under my breath before I walked into the church and drew my rapier from its sheath. I looked about the building and called out "I found the letter, I followed the instructions on it now what do you want?!". I listend to my echo repeat itsself into the darkness before a voice replyed to me with "all we require of you now is survive".

I took a step back and held my sword up, what did they mean 'survive'? Did they mean to kill me? While I contumplated this I saw a man run at me with a rapier of his own. He took a swing at me, which I quickly blocked and moved out of the way from before stabing the man in the back, watching him fal to the ground as he bled. I looked back into the darkness "was that all you had?" I said "that wasnt very hard to survive".

The voice started laughing "that isnt what you must survive, he was nothing but a mear human" he said as I heard foot steps "that was a test, now you face me" I looked as a man wearing a rather formal dueling tunic and black pants, the front of his tunic had the symbol I had carved into my hand and he was holding not a rapier but a forein sword I could not recugnize but it seemed to curve slightly near the tip.

I held my rapier and stood in a dueling stance, watching as the man before me did the same. "Where is Olivia?" I said in a hopfuly intimadating way "oh" he said calmly "you mean the girl we took? hmph she started to get her guards angry so all I know is that they havent killed her yet".

I lost any manner I might have had to keep calm shouted angrly "what do you mean'yet'? if she isnt alive I swear I will kill you!". The man laughed "you can't kill me, but we'll see if you can serve my purpus"

I narrowed my eyes as I lost all control and ran as fast as I possibly could toward him, sending a swift slash to his right thiegh. He blocked it as if it was nothing and send his sword flying toward my shoulder which made me duck. While I was squating down he held his forein blade over his head and sent it plummiting down to my head. I rolled to the side as fast as I could, only getting the bottom of my boot knicked by his sword, this man was good at keeping his opponent off balance. I got to my feet as fast as I could and jumped backward onto one of the benches in the church in an attempt to show I had more then suppurb balence. This plan unfortionetly backfired as my opponent jumped high into the air, landing near the far wall opposet me, right on the back of a bench.

This was amasing, I had never met man who could do that and not be harmed. My astonishment couldnt last long as the man started running at me, jumping from one bench to the next when needed and right as he jumped off the bench nearest mine-which had quite the gap between it mind you-he drew a second sword of a similure fastion to his first and began to flip in mid-air. I stood in compleat aweat this mans agileness and speed, possibly in too much awe for I almost did not see that he was attempting to slash down at my shoulder. I side-steped his attack quickly, hearing his sword land into the wood of the bench and I next to no time at all to block his second sword from decapitating me. Now we stood with our swords crossed and his other sword stuck in the church bench.

I did not have much time to think though as I heard the wood creak and finaly he pulled his sword-along with a sizable hunk of the bench-out of its aged prison and he swung his newly-freed sword at my face, making me duck again and his two swords met, destroying the wood still on his second blade. I backed away as he started to slash his swords at me violently. I looked back and saw I was swiftly nearing a piller and a dead end. I looked back at my opponent and grined as I jumped back onto the piller and pushed off it, doing a back-flip in mid-air and sending my rapier at his face.

What I did not expect was that he would send both his blades at my single one and cut through it. I stared wide-eyed at my broken sword before falling hard on my back on the stone floor of the chapple. I layed there motionless as the men walked over to me and looked down at me "you fought well" he said calmly "for a human atleast". I winced as I took a small breath and said in a horse voise "you meen to say that you're not human?"
he laughed "ovcourse not" he said as if it was plainly obvious "I am of a far supierior race, just as you shall be soon". I winced again as I tryed to get up and fell back down in pain. Coughing I asked "w-what do you mean by supierior?". The man picked me up by the collor of my shirt and set me down on a still intact bench "well, worthy sir" he said somewhat childishly "you have been selected to become a member of our family".

I still did not understand "and how does that make you not human?" I asked. The man laughed alittle "we're not human because" he trailed off and smiled, showing rather large canines and I saw his ears for the first time, they where quite abit longer and pointier.

I gasped as I tryed to back up away from him "no!" I said "you couldnt possibly be a-". He cut me off there "a vampire?" he said as he stood up straight "well, I most surtenly am one as you can see". This was impossible, how could this man be a vampire? I thought I had escaped fear of them when I left Transelvania, but here one stood right infront of me "but" I said, my voise shaking "how could you enter a holy church? w-wouldnt you be repelled from it?". The vampire laughed and waved his hand dismisevly "there are many fabrications made about us, like that we can't enter a house without the owner allowing us in" he said simply, this explained how they could kidnap my dear Olivia.

"Now" the man said "first off, let me introduce myself, my name is Chojiken Kagetori, my father was japanese and my mother was english, I'm over one hundred years old and I will be your biter today". I tryed to back away again at the mention of a 'biter'. Chojiken smiled and said "I can understand your nearviousness, I was scared about it myself when I was biten". In an act of desperation I took some broken off pieces of wood and formed a cross infront of Chojiken who mearly looked bored "the cross repelling us is also a factless rumor" he said as he continued to just stand there. I then tryed to stab him with one of the pieces of wood but he grabed it out of my hand and threw it over his shoulder, saying "the stake on the other hand is not" as he did so.

I supose I should never have thought of resisting after learning I was fighting against a vampire. All I could do now was accept that I would soon join there numbers and pray they didn't hurt my dear sweet Olivia. I stood there as Chojiken walked up behind me and said in a low voise "this should only hurt for a moment". I tryed to hold back a scream as I felt his fangs sink into my neck and I felt my blood rush away. And yet, I felt something being pushed into me as well. It was as if Chojiken was pushing his vampiric blood into me while he drank my human blood.

When he was finished I fell to the ground and panted heavily. "You're lucky" Chojiken said as I felt a sting of pain where he had biten me "since you carved that mark into your hand you didnt feel the same pain I did when I was biten, and you may fully use your vampiric powers with it and the vampire blood I gave you". I coughed hard and felt like I was going to be sick, could any human really endure such a thing? As I slowly regained my strangth I notised that I even felt stronger then I did this morning. I supose it was that I was a vampire now. I turned around and looked at Chojiken "now give me back Olivia" I said in a somewhat rasp voise, I was still sore from being biten. He laughed and said "now why would I do that?". I took a step back in shock "because" I said, getting angery "thats what you prom-" he cut me off there and said "promised? I never promised you anything".

This was horrible, how could I have been played like a fool so easily? I took what was left of my rapier and pointed it at him "give her back" I said, half-yelling "or I will kill you!". Again he laughed "Steph, you can't kill me, but again you will prove usefull in my plan". I tryed to sound unamazed as I asked him "and what is your plan, might I ask?". He just stood there and said very calmly "you'll find out when the time comes, goodbye Steph" and as he said that shadows began to cover his body. I ran at him as fast as I could and even with my new-found strangth I could not reach him before he dissappeared. I stood there in the church and let everything that had happened sink in. After afew moments I fell to my knees and began to weep, covering my face in my hands. I had lost my truest love. I had given up the ability to even die. All I had left was myself and whatever skills I posessed. All I was now was Steph VadRictore Stewkofky, a newly made vampire.

((CLIFF HANGER TIME!! bwuahahaha!! well, next time I'll update with Stew in present times. 'Till then, see ya))

comics to be
I'm thinkinf of making some little comics, theres going to be three:
The Adventures of BirdMan and YachtBoy
Super Neil
Billybob the fat drunk monkey!
I hope they'll be good, after I'v drawn up enough comics I might post them on the web ^^

Community Member

Community Member
Storys 2
Last story was Sage Blackclaw, today's is

Lee Kagetori

Me and my brother where playing outside, our mom said we should stay outside today cause some visiters where coming over. I had asked her why we had to be outside while they whent inside but she told me it was none of my business. So it was early afternoon and my brother and I had desided to run into the woods. "Come on Mike, you'll have to go faster then that" my brother called back, we where playing tag and I was 'it'.
"Okay, here i come then!" I shouted up to him as I ran faster, slowly catching up to him.

When we where all tired out we desided by now the visiters much have left and whent back to the house. When we got there, there was a black van in the drive way "must be the guests" my brother said "lets go see them" and he ran off into the house. I desided since mom had told us not to go inside while the visiters where here to stay behind, and as soon as my brother opened the door I heard a gun shot and a scream that I could tell was from my mom then my brother ran in and there was silence for maybe a minute. After alittle while four men in black suits walked out of the house, whent into there car and i saw them press a small button.

Right when they pushed it I looked over at the house, they must have set a bomb in there cause as soon as I looked the house had exploded. I got sent into a bush from the shockwave, but I wasnt knocked out or killed, I was unlucky for that. When the heat died down alittle from the smuldering remains of what i use to call home I walks up to it and looked around. Everything was black and chared, I couldnt tell what anything use to be from what it looked like. I walked into the middle of the ruins and said nothing, what could I say? I had just seen my home and family destroyed.

I clenched my fist and looked at the black van, they hadent driven off yet. Not a very wise choise. I Picked up a piece of metal from the ground, it must have been from the katana stand I had bought, not that my parents ever let my have a sword. I could tell cause when i picked it up I felt the bump from the engraving of the japanese kanji for fire. I don't know what I was thinkging, I just started running toword the van, the metal still burning in my hand only it had stpoed hurting, it even tickled alittle. As I ran I looked ahead and a suden burst of flames from the embers erupted, I jumped through and didnt even feel the heat from it. The fire had started to swirl around me and almost instintevly i swung the metal rod in my hand towards the van. The fire, seeming to take this as a command whent flying into the van, but missed and hit the driveway. That gave the men in the car time to start the engien and drive off.

Now that I had no home I figured I might as well find a better place to hang around then a burning ruin but as soon as I got off my driveway I heard sirens, I looked down the road and saw that a firetruck was pulling up and the firemen already pouring out of it. "you'r abit to late" I said quietly, almost a wisper "the house already burned to the ground".
I supose it was a bad idea not to mention that I didnt burn it down cause they must have thought I did and tok me to the nearest city jail, which trancferd me to jouvey and when they looked at me they sent me to an orphonege. I was shiped back and forth from one orphonege to another for almost a year, each one worse then the last.

Finaly I got sick of it and ran away, I started living on the streets. I was lucky that i still had money on me so i whent into the first store i found, a gameshop. "well hello there young man" the shopkeeper behind the desk said as I walked in "is there anything I can help you with?". I laughed "yeah, let a poor orphan get some stuff here for free". The shopkeeper looked at me with what I assumed was a sorry expression "don't feel bad" I told him "I don't" I paused awhile before saying "not anymore".

I walked out of the store, still with what little money I had and now with a pack of cards. I desided I'd make money the begger way: gambling.

So entill I was thirteen I would gamble on the streets by day an practice defending myself atnight. I once tryed to see if I could make fire do what I wanted like that day, nothing happend. On my thirteenth birthday-not that I really kept track-I was going about the normal routeen, I won 50 bucks off some punks on the street and then this old aisen looking man walked up, he looked rich so I asked if he'd like to play acouple games with me. "Alrightyoung one" he said "but if I win instead of money, my prize will be you". I laughed "sounds weird old man but whatever floats your boat.

The game was to find the ace of spades, I'd lay out five cards and swap 'em around, while there busy I take the ace out and swich it with another card. When I fineshed swaping the cards I sat back and smiled "pick a card old man". The man sat there and looked over each card, I started to get annoyed. "will you pick a card already?!" I shouted and he looked at me "your pocket"
"my what?"
"your pocket, its in your pocket"
I stared at him, shocked and pulled the ace out of my pocket.

Well, now that I had lost I was this creepy old guy's slave or something. I whent with him quietly to his car, a fairly larg limo and when we got inside the car we started talking. "so what exactly will I have to do" I asked him
"do?" he said "you will not have to do anything". I looked at him strangely "so what was the point of 'winning' me?"
"I was bored and desided to see if you where any good"
"good? at what?"
"at what you did, you passed". This guy was creeping me out more and more as we talked, he told me that he and his family where from a long line or martial artests but he had no sons, and so no heir. "but wouldnt your daughters be heirs?" I asked, I had alot of questions now.
"no"" he said "only a son can be the heir to our secrets" and he started to explain more. He explained that since he had no blood heir that I'd have to be a substatute but since I wasnt blood I'd have to work even harder. "Great" I said, using the word very loosly.

When we arived we were greeted by three people, the man-whos name i now know is Tatsuya Kagetori-by his wife, Natsumi and I got greeted with many questions from his two daoughters, Yumi and Rikka, who looked like she must have been 'adopted' by these people too. "Now first off" Tasuya said, now looking at me "what is your name?". "Mike" I told him and he shook his head "no, no, no, that will not do, from now on you are Lee" I looked over and saw that Rikka rolled her eyes, they must have changed her name too.

That night at dinner Tatsuya explained that in the morning we would begin training. "Training?" I asked "what training?". He began to explain that since it was a family of martial artests that I would be trained in there style of martial arts. So after dinner I asked where my room was, not a good idea.

"You took a child off the streets without even thinking of where ot keep him?!" Natsumi was angery now. She and Tatsuya argued for a long while before Rikka came up to me, bowed and said "you can bunk in with me 'till they can get you a room if you want". I looked at her, most people would think it strange if a guy slept in the same room with a girl that was not in his family, but then again, he had no family to begin with. "sure, sounds better then lisening to them argue" and they headed off to Rikka's room.

When I got in the room my jaw must have droped cause Rikka was giggling as I looked over the room. It was really was a nice room. There was a T.V., a computer, and the biggest bed I'd ever seen "sorry about the mess" Rikka said, calling me back to earth "also, I only have the one bed, would it be bad if we shared?". If i hadent blushed when she asked me to stay in her room, I was now. She looked down slightly, like a little kid who just broke a window and said softly "I'm sorry, I didnt mean-"
"sure" I said, cutting her off "as long as it's okay with you". She looked up and noded as we each whent to a sepret bathroom and got ready for bed.

In the morning I was bearly awake, but I heard this voise from somewhere "mmm, don't let go" I heard, it was defenitly a woman. I don't know why I responded the way I did but I heard myself say "never". Then I woke up and saw who was talking. Rikka and I both screamed as we flew apart in a flash and whent to sepret parts of the bed entill we calmed down enough to talk. I tryed speaking first "I...you...us...we.." I was sweating. This was bad, REAL bad, if Tatsuya or Natsumi had seen us they would have thrown me out for sure. Rikka just looked dumbfounded. after anouther moment of silence we finaly moved alittle closer to each other before i asked "what happend?".
"We, we just" she paused for a moment, I assume to find the right words "I think we just slept together" I noded "I got that part" I said "what I don't get is when we were waking up". We stared at eachother for awhile before hearing "Lee! Rikka! its time for training!" and whent down to training.

In the trining room there were many small boxing rings, most likly for sparing and larger rings with glass domes outside for enviromental training. When Rikka and I came in Tatsuya scoleded us lightly for being late and tole me that I would be doing some weapons training against Yumi since she was kind of the weapons expert of the family. I joked lightly and said "great, I'v been here one day and I'm getting into fights" Rikka and Yumi seemed to be the only ones who got the joke.

Yumi pointed to a wall with weapons lined up on them "pick wichever one seems easyest for you to use" she said as she walked up to the wall and picked up a combat scyth "I prefer a scyth, harder to loss your grip and even harder to cut yourself with". I walked over and looked around, after afew sconds of searching I picked up what looked like a large needle and asked Yumi "how exactly would you use needles in a fight?"
she looked at the needle "hmm..combat needles are throwing weapons, there hard to use though, the points need then to move in a staight line".
I held the needle and looked at the wall accross from me and threw the needle right into it "hows that?" I asked and Yumi seemed somewhat impresed "not bad" she said "now lets try with a moving target".

We whent into a small boxing ring, since one needle would be useless in a battle Yumi had suited me with a light robe lined with easy to get to needles. And so the fight began.

I started off throwing a smallgroupe of needles as Yumi, who swiftly jumped out of the way and started to run at me with her scyth and slashed down at me. I bearly maneged to duck under the scyth before she prepared to swipe down at me and I had to roll out of the way, throwing afew needles at her as I regained my balance. She jumped back effertlessly and smiled "you'r not too bad at this Lee" she said "but that doesnt mean you'll win" and with that she was in the air, getting ready to strike again.

The fight coninued on like this for afew minutes, I was starting to sweat and felt a burning in my hands from throwing the needles. "Here" Yumi tossed me a pair of gloves, they had the japanese Kanji for fire on them like the metal rod I had used at my house "put these on, they might help". I put them on and the burning in my hands died down almost emeaditly, as if my wanting the heat to move away from my hands made the heat really move away "I felt this way at the house..." I thought. I held out the needles, this where practice needles made out of wood. I looked at the needles "hmmm...maybe...lets see if it'll work now" I consentrated on the needles, feeling the heat sworld around the needles and my hand. I guess somehow the kanji for fire was invalved in my using heat but what happend next scared the hell out of me.

As I threw the needles, they burst into flame and headed straight for Yumi. She dodged then easily but they turned around and whent for her again. She maneges to dodge the first two needles but the third whent through her robe and it started to catch fire. I panict, this was worse then what happend this morning. I held my hand out at the fire, I don't really know how i knew what to do but I focused on the fire, thinking of the heat and wating it to go to my hand. I looked at the fire and saw it getting smaller, even the fire-needles where getting smaller and I could feel the heat making an orb around my hand-no, I could see it even, not well, but I saw a orb th size of a pineapple encasing my hand.

"Lee!" oh no, Tatsuya saw "what in god's name did you do!".
I looked at him and said honestly "I...I don't know". The orb was still around my hand, I 'told' it to shrink or whateer to get smaller. It did. No matter how cool I thought this was that I was controlling heat, Tatsuya was mad-REALLY mad, he grabed my arm ad lead me to a small room.

In this room there was a very small door, it must have only been big enough for a hampster or gerble. "Polka! I'm in need of your assistence".
"Polka?" I said, not getting it "what the hell is a 'Polka'?". Tatsuya looked at me "you'r about to see" after he said that he opend the tiny door and a small furry blur flew out onto my arm and bit me. The thing was some kind of psyco rodent, it looked like a hampster/gerble cross-breed, and as soon as it bit me and flew away.

I was really weirded out now "what the ******** was that?!" I yelled.
"Polka" Tatsuya said "is a hampster/gerble whos bite curses the victem to never be able to hold a weapon, no more flaming needles from you now".

Now, if I wasnt mad earlier, I was now. I jumped at Tatsuya, tackling him to the ground and whent to punh him. But before my fist could connect with his face he had blocked me and kicked me off him. We both got up and looked at each other "you arent going to beat me that way" he said, smirking. "Then lets try this!" I said as I ran up to him, he droped down to kick my legs out but I jumped and whent over him, turning around.
I could feel my body generating more and more heat. I desided that if I couldnt use normal weapons I'd play by my own rules and whent to punch him again. He jumped out of the way and my fist hit the wall, splintering it.

I grined and looked at Tatsuya "no weapons eh?" I said "well I still got this little trick" I though about the heat in the room swirling around the splintered wood on the ground and forcing them into the air and I saw them float up into the air. Tatsuya stood in shock and I increased the heat around the splinters, making them burst into flame and I held my hand out toward Tatsuya. We looked at each other for awhile before I clenched my hand and the flames flew at Tatsuya. The fire was only two feet away from him before I heard the door burst open and Rikka ran in, blocking the path betwen the flames and Tatsuya "stop!" she shouted, I flung my hand away, dismissing all the heat and the fire disapeard.

I looked at her for a moment "what are you doing?" I asked. She walked up to me and said "he gave you-no, he gave boh of us a home when nobody else would have"
"he only wants me as a pet!" I argued "well, he's the only one!" she said, raising her voise "oh really? and what do you think of me?" I said, thinking that would make me win. It didnt. She walked up to me, so close there was maybe an inch betwen us and wispered "I think I fell inlove with you, but I don;t want to care for a killer" and wlked out of the room.

Tatsuya had left the room while Rikka and I where fighing so now I was alone in an empty room. I stood there for afew minutes, trying to compleatly understand what she had said. I walked out of the room and Tatsuya was there, glaring and said "I would kick you out right now, but Rikka has perswayded me to let you stay" I looked over at him and he continued "you will stay in that room" he said pointing to the room I just left "and you may only train in none-weapons combat in the enviroment domes" I walked away, I didnt need to hear this.

for the next month or two all I did was stay in my room training, train with either Yumi or Tatsuya in the enviroment domes or shop for equipment. My entire wardrobe had changed, insted of a black T-shirt I know wore a grayish silk robe shirt, I still had black pants but now they where looser and I had found some gloves to whare that had the kanji for fire so I would always be able to use my powers wich I still trained myself to control better. one morning as I walked into the training room I looked around and saw that only Rikka was in the room, looking at me. I sighed and looked at her "what did I do this time?" she looked at me "nothing" she said "I'm just here cause Tatsuya told me to be your training partner today". I nodded and we walked toward the jungle-dome, I liked this one cause from the outside you can;t see anything going on inside, I would fight the hardest here.

Rikka started to press in the code to enter the dome "so you don't call him 'dad' or 'father' either?" I asked.
"Why should I?" she said "he isnt my dad, I'm not even really part of the family either, he didnt give me the family's last name, just changed my first name" I looked over at her. I hadnt noticed before but she was very pretty. She kept her brown hair in a ponytail for training, and she had dark brown eyes. I blushed and looked away. After the fight we hadent really talked at all.

As we walked into the dome, the humidity skyrocketed. This only made it easyer for me to use my powers, but I desided not to use them in this fight. We walked into the middles of the dome, stood accross from each other and got into fighting positions.

I smiled slyly and said "ready?" Rikka glared lightly and nodded, with that we where off. She emeditly jumped into the air, fliped over and flung a kick down at me which I was bearly able to block. Then I ducked down, rolling under her and as I got back up I kicked up at her which she swiftly jumped back from and dodged. I regained my balance and looked at her "not bad" I said "I guess I'll have to try harder" she looked at me and said "looks like it" trailing off alittle before running at me and throwing a punch at me. I leaned to the side, dodging the punch and grabed her arm.

She pulled back, catching me off balance and fliped me over, slaming me onto my back and winding me. Gasping I looked up at her and she smiled smartly "I'm better at hand-to-hand combat then Yumi, huh?" I got up, laughing and replyed "yeah, alot better". Then I felt her smack me over the head and as I turned around I saw that she had gone. She must have jumped into a bush or tree branch so I looked around. Before I could do anything I was tackled to the ground and pined down, I looked up at Rikkaand she was looking back at me. "Tatsuya didnt make you do this did he?" I said and she nodded "I told him that he and Yumi could use a break and whent down instead".

I stared at her, not being able to really look at anything else really "so why are you here?" I asked, I thought it was a good question. "Well, I thought we could talk" she said. I rolled over, pinning her down and smiled lightly "okay then" I said "lets talk" she then rolled ove and pinned me down again "alright, explain what was going on when Tatsuya whent into the room with you" she said, I guess I should have seen that coming.

I explained to Rikka all about my powers, my fight with Yumi and Polka the demented little hampster/gerble thing and then I pinned her down again "okay" I said "my turn, explain what you did that day". She looked up at me "what did I do?" she asked, I looked at her and said "do the words 'don't let go' or 'I think I'm inlove with you' ring a bell?"
she looked down and muttered "oh, that". "yes, that" I said, getting alittle frustraited now.

She sighed but didn't say anything. "Well?" I asked "what was that all about?". I think I had said the wrong thing there cause as soon as I did she rolled over, pinning me down yet again and started yelling "what does that mean?! what are you, an idiot?! it means I-love-you! as in I want to be with you! but I guess you don't care about me the same way so I'll just go!" and with that she got up and started off toward the dome entrence.

I got up, ran up and cut her off. It was my turn to say something "what now?" she said, tears going down her face. I looked in her eyes, blushing like mad and bearly got the words out of my mouth "I love you too". She looked at me confused and asked "what did you say?" I looked down slightly "I said I love you, but if you want me to go, I will" I turned around but before I took one step she grabed my shoulder, turned me around and kissed me, wraping her arms around my neck. I was shocked at first but after a second I realised what was going on and held her around her waist.

We just stood there in the jungle training dome, holding eachother close, still kissing eachother deeply. When we finaly broke the kiss we looked into eachother eyes. Rikka spoke first in a faint wisper "I love you" she said. "I love you too" I wispered back to her. We left the dome holding hands. Probably not the best idea when we saw who was there to greet us.

"And what exactly are you two doing?" it was Yumi. Yumi and I had done alot of training together and got to know eachother fairly well so I had no idea how this would look to her. "Last I checked this was a training room, not a make out room" Yumi said, noting that Rikka and I were coming out kinda ruffled up and not looking very beat up. Rikka looked at Yumi "well Yumi" she said "I think what we'r doing is walking out of a giant fish bowl after telling eachother how we felt" that was a good summury. "You what?!" Yumi shouted "you knew I liked him though!". okay, this was bad. I looked at Yumi in shock "you what?" I guess Yumi didnt hear me cause she kept shouting "if I can't have him, neither can you!" she picked up her sythe and threw it as hard as she could at Rikka.

Now, if you remember, I whent through the loss of my whole family, lived on the streets for almost a year and had only lived here afew months, now I had just found that I was inlove and that love is in danger. You should ALL know what whent through my mind. So it shouldnt come as a surprize that I jumped up and blocked the sythe with my arms, making it curve and hit me in the shoulder. That day I discoverd that sythes hurt like hell, which hurts alot and as the blade whent into my shoulder I screamed in pain. "Damnit Lee, why would you do that!" Yumi said as she ran up at me and threw a punch. I quickly dodged and pulled the sythe out of my shoulder, feeling warm blood stream down my arm "beacause Yumi" I said, holding the sythe in my hand and feeling pain spike threw my whole body "I love her, I'm not going to let you hurt her". With that I took the sythe and swept at her feet, making the pain jolt even more and I droped the sythe almost emeaditly.

Yumi got back up, kicking at me as she did. I rememberd when I tryed that in my fight with Rikka and jumped back as swiftly as she had and ran at Yumi, throwing his fist at her. She leaned to the side like I had and grabed my arm. "Gotcha" I said as I grabed her wrist and fliped her over onto her back.

As Yumi got back up I heard a slow clapping. I looked over at Tatsuya and glared. "What do you want?" I said, seeing the smug grin on his face. "Your fighting spirit, its comendable" he said "but, you hurt my daughter, both in body and in spirit and for that I'll have to do that same to you". After he said that Tatsuya quickly threw a dagger at me. I dodged it but as I did I saw that it was heading for Rikka now that I had moved.

For the past few months I had been practicing and honing my power over heat and I found that I could inject heat into an object and controll it to a serten extent. What was hard about it was that the bigger it was, the harder it was to cotrol and i had never tryed on a moving object. Now wasnt exactly my prefered chance to try but it looked like I didnt have a choice.

The heat whent through every nook and crany of the dagger it could and I swung my hand to pull it away from Rikka. It slowed down but it kept moving. I added more heat and tryed again. Finaly it moved but it whent to far and flew at me again. I jumped again and dodged getting killed though the dagger cut deep into my side.

I grabed my side and looked at Tatsuya. "Impresseve" he said, not sounding impresed at all "but now I will finish you off". After that Tatsuya flew at me and flung a punch at me. I blocked and he threw anouther punch. It's hard to block with one hand and keep your side from bleeding freely with the other. I took the punch and got flung back into the wall of the dome. I got up slowly, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder, side and now my back and saw Tatsuya running up at me again, this time with a dagger in each hand.

Just before he came closer a blur flew over and slamed Tatsuya into a wall. "Hows it feel when you hit a wall?". It was Rikka. I looked up at her and smiled. "Thanks" I said. "Not a problem at all" she said, ginning "lets get outa here". "Right" I said, nodding and got up and we started walking toward the door.

As we left the house Rikka looked at me. "So what do we do about money?" she said "we arnt exactly rolling around in hundred dollor bills". "well, before Tatsuya picked me off the street I had a little card stand on the street" I said, looking around to see if there was a good spot nearby to start up anouther one. "Really?" she said, sounding intreged "how was the money?". I laughed alittle and said "bearly enough to get by, we'll need to think of something that works better". Rikka looked at me "okay, before we pick something to do, I just want to tell you this" she said as a guy walked by "I am not going to be a hooker, I was out on the streets for three months and I made it a solid rule to never whore myself out". I guess the guy hadent lisend very much and whent right up to her "hooker eh?" he said "I got 50 bucks, what'll that get me?". I taped him on the shoulder and he turned around "this!" I said as I punched him square in the jaw.

He realed back and looked at me "jeez man, who do you think you are? Bruce Lee?". "No" I growled faintly "I'm pretty sure I'm her boyfriend". He laughed "you'r dating a whore? do you have to pay extra for that?". I don't think he liked my reply cause after he said that I focused as much heat as I could on my foot and kicked him in the balls, releasing att the heat and a forceful blast. He screamed like a girl for awhile as he cringed on the sidewalk and Rikka and I walked away.

As we walked down the street, discussing what to do for money a piece of paper hit me in the face. "Gwaph!" I exclamed as I flailed to get the paper off my face. When it was off I looked at it, it was an add for some tournament. 'Come one, come all too the underground free-for-all fighting tournament' it said 'tournament matches string along all year round every year, fighters may choise when they quit, but each fight is a chance for some big bucks, pirzes can get as high as 10,000,000 dollars!'. I looked at the paper more, amazed that there was something like this.

"What are you looking at Lee?" Rikka said, trying to look over my shoulder at it. I handedher the paper and she read over it. "You arnt thinking of joining this are you?!" she said "you could get killed in this!". Ilooked over at her "but we need the money" I said "and besdes, noone out there will expect a kid who can light stuff on fire to enter, plus the matces to enter arnt for another few months". She looked at me worried. "I won;t get hurt, I promise" I kissed her softly "now lets go see if theres an appartment building nearby".

We walked down the street, looking around for ay appartment building with a vacancey. Finaly afer afew hours we found an aparment complex with a sigh saying "tournament fighters stay free". "Well that solves our problems huh?" I said, smiling "I'll just enter the tournament and we'll be set". Rikka looked up at the building "I still don't like the idea of you entering the tournament" she said. I held her hand gently "it'll be okay, I promise I'm only going to win, nomatter what". "Alright" sh said, trailing off abit as we walked toward the apartment building.

We walked in and the manager walked up to us. "Can I help you?" he said. "Yeah, I'm thinking of entering this tournament and the sign said the fighters would stay free here?" I said, pointing at the sign outside. The man nodded "yes, yes, we have free rooming for the fighters and there familys". Rikka looked up at this "so you wouldnt have trouble getting us an apartment?"
he nodded again "not a problem at all, though we only have the two bedroom suite left for non-paying guests". I cut him off right there, saying "we'll take it!" and we got ready to get the keys to the room.

After getting the keys we emedietly whent to the room. We where staying on the 9th floor in room 68-D. When they looked around they found everything looked fantastic, the master bedroom had a huge bed and a nice sized bathroom, the kitchen had a build in bar table, everything was perfect. It was getting late so we had gotten ready for bed, now we just needed to figure out where we would sleep. "Well" I said, looking at the two rooms "how about you take the big bed and I'll sleep in the other room?".

Rikka shook her head "you should take the bigger bed, you roll around in your sleep". I laughed and said "so do you, thats why I thought you could use the bigger bed". Rikka smiled slyly and said in a low whisper in my ear "well, we could share the big bed, and just use the little room as a guest room". I was alittle surprized, I had never seen this side of her before but then again I was alittle exited to, most guys my age would kill for a chance to stay in the same bed as there girlfriend. I smiled "okay" I said "lets do that then" so we both walked into the room and got into bed.

For the next few weeks we slowly made the apartment more homey. most of the time we would practice together so I didnt get lazy during the tournament. One day we had been training alot harder then we would probably have liked and layed on the bed, exausted and covered in sweat. I layed there, panting and looked over at Rikka who was doing the same. after a moment or two there breathing had calmed down to the point that we whernt making much noise anymore and we had kept looking at each other. This was the point that I like to call the eye of the storm cause at almost a moments notice we were holding and kissing eachother.

After an hour or so we had found ourselfs under the blankets with consiterably less clothing on, Rikka was laying ontop of me, still holding onto me with my arms around her.

The next morning I woke up hearing not to plesent noises, it sounded like someone was puking and it was soon followed by a flushing sound from the bathroom and I saw Rikka walk out. I looked at her worriedly "are you okay?" I asked. She nodded and layed down next to me "I'll be fine" she whispered "it's probably just too much practice from yesterday". I got up and tucked her blanckets in, she looked at me strangly and jokingly said "daddy, can you wead me a stowy?".
I laughed and kissed her forhead, whispering "maybe tomarrow night pumpkin" in her ear and she giggled "you do need to lay down though" I said, in a more seirios tone "if we did enough practicing to make you puke then you should rest, especialy after what we did after practice". She giggled and moaned softly "oohh, but that was the fun part". I kissed her gently "as fun as it was you should lay down" I said, going to the bedroom door "I'll go get you some soup". I whent into the kitchen and made up some soup.

As I walked in Rikka was walking out of the bathroom and i hear the toilet sounding like it had just been flushed. "That can't be good" I said as I set the bowl down and helped he into bed. I put the bowl on the nightstand next to her and kisses her gently "is there anything I can do?" I asked. She smiled "lay with me?" she said softly. I smiled and nodded, walking over to my side of the bed and getting in bed with her. She moved closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder and I smiled lightly "this is kinda romantic" I said softly and I wish I hadent. As soon as I did she got up and ran to the bathroom, I stared off abit and whispered to myself "that wasnt".

When she came back in and layed down I looked over at her "we need to see a docter about this" I said, she looked at me and nodded. For the rest of the day I broght her food which after the fourth time puking she didnt lose after eating and we whent to bed.

The next day we whent to the nearest hospitol that we could find and got Rikka a check up. We waited a good half hourbefore the docer was ready to see us and then we waited another ten minutes while the nurse helped her onto the bed table thing. When the docter finaly came in we explained what happened yesterday and he checked everything he could check, he just couldnt find anything wrong with her. after a few more tests the docter looked at us "well" he said "I can't find anything wrong with her, sounds to me like morning sickness". I looked at him weirdly "morning sickness? is that what women get when there-" the docter cut me off, nodding and saying "yes, its a sign that she might be pregnant". We both looked shocked and even started to explain at the same time "but we'v only, i mean unless she's, but" I said, while at the same time Rikka was say "but he was, we've only done, how could I be". In the end I think we might have gotten on the docter's nearvs.

So we whent home and started reading up on how this was possible. Turns out it was a big possibility after what we had just done. We layed down in the bed and looked at each other "well, it looks like we might be parents in nine months" I said, then it hit he, HARD "wait! the entry matches for new tournament combatents is in nine months! how am I supose to be there and with you at the same time?!". Rikka smiled and put a hand on my arm "we need the free rent and the money, you go to the match, as long as you come out of it in one piece I'm happy". I nodded "I'll have to come up with a work out system that I can do in the apartment".

For the next nine months all i ever did was eat, train, help Rikka prepare for the baby and sleep for two minutes at a time. It was hard but I like to think it was well worth it, the day before the match was the hardest, Rikka was having contractions every half hour. What made it easyer was that I replaced training with sleeping that day so that I would be awake during my fight, what didnt help was that every once and awhile I would wake up to screams of pain, crys to make it end and something with the strangth of atleast a elephant grabing my hand and squeezing it very hard.

That night when I finaly got a full hour of sleep I woke up again to hear Rikka screaming louder then ever before "I think its coming!" she kept screaming over and over. I wish I could say I didnt panic, but then I wouldnt be telling you the truth. I got up and paniced almosed emeadiotly, I had yo get you to the hospitol, fast. I got all her things and packed them quickly into a suitcase we had bought the other day just for this and picked her and the suitcase up.

I fingured this would be great training for my fight, like last minute craming before a test. And so our hero(that would be me!) walked to the hospitol, carrying a heavy suitcase and a pregnant woman. It was lots of fun, so you now.

When we finaly made it to the hospitol I got her in a wheel chair as soon as i could and brought her to the front desk "I need a room, NOW!" I half yelled. The receptionest looked at me and then at Rikka "is this your--" I cut her off and said "yes she's my girlfriend", the receptionest wrote something on a pad and looked at me again "and its your--" I cut her off again "yes its mine" I said quickly "now can I please get her a room!?". To say the less, I think i was being reasonable consitering the situation, the reseptoinest probably just hated me. After a minute or two I finaly got her a room and the doctore whent right into taking care of her.

One docter walked up to me "will you be staying here with her?" she asked. I shook my head "I wish I could but I have to be somewhere, she already knows I can't be here and hopefully with money to pay for this" I said, laughing lightly and I started for the door as the docter called out "wait! how will you be paying?!" I looked back and shouted back "is cash okay?" and ran out of the hospitol and started off to where the flier said the entrey matches where held.

When I got there the sun had risen and people where already walking around, I checked a clock, it was about 8 in the morning. I walked through the doors extreamly exasted, there was still some time before the matches even started though so I decided to take a nap. I found a nice chair and sat down in it and almost instently fell asleep.

After some odd number of hours someone started poking me "mrg...five more minutes...". "Its time for your fight c'mon" whoever it was would suffer my wrath later but for now i just got up sleepily and walked toward the ring they had made for this event.

The ring was about 50ft accross and was a full circle, just before the wall that also was part of what raised the stadium seats up there was a maybe 10 foot deep trench cut all around the ring exept for to doors accross from eachother. I walked out of one door as the anounser called my name. "aaannnddd his opponent" he started to say "master of blades, Kashi Soukomoto!!" the crowed cheered as the other door opened and a guy who looked like he might only be 18 or 20 walked out. "master of blades? please" I said, rolling my eyes, the guy only had one sword on him and a bunch of little nicknacs like head phones and pencials, this was going to be easy.

As soon as the sound for the match to begin sounded I ran at Kashi, thinking of how to beat a swordsman. when I was maybe 40 feet away from him he took a pencial and it started to glow and grow. I stoped and looked at him in compleat shock "what the hell?!" I said, still confused. Kashi smiled as the glow faded and he was holding a sword that resembled a pencial still "I can turn whatever I hold into a sword, thats how I'm a blade master" he said as he slashed at me. I laughed, I was 40 feet away and he was slashing at me like i was right there "what are you crazy?" I asked, still laughing "I'm over here hello". Then he shocked me again as a gray line was where he had slashed, it looked like a line left by a pencial.

Kashi laughed "whats even better is i can take what the thing I changed could do and make it deadly". I looked on wide-eyed at the gray line flew at me and I side-steped it, though it slashed a hole in my shirt. This was not good, he could take anything and turn it into a dealy weapon! not only that but since he used a pencial his slashes would be traced and could turn into a long distance attack, making him all the more deadly.

I positioned myslef into a more battle ready stance and looked at Kashi. I can't let him get to me I thought to myself I can't lose in the enrty match, I promised Rikka I would only win! and with that I started running at Kashi, dodging and ducking under slashes from his pencial-sword and finaly I got up close enough that I could kick it out of his hand. Just before I could even move to kick at his sword Kashi jumped away from me, grabing some dust in his hand as he landed. He was going to use it to make another sword! and all I could do was watch as the dust in his hand glew and turned into a sword, much like his pencial had and he ran at me, now with a sword in each hand and slashed at me with his dust-sword.

This time I didnt have time to dodge it so I moved my hands infront of my face but all i got was a facefull of dust poofing at me. That dirty sneak, since the sword was made of dust ofcourse it couldnt really hurt me and while the dust was up he slamed the hilt of his pencial-sword into my face, sending me flying 5 feet back and landing hard on my back. I slowly got back up, only to be hit again with his pencial sword and fall again. I was getting stomped on by a guy with dust and a pencial! this couldnt be happening. I got up again and this time he swung at me with his dust sword, but now I knew not to worry about this one and I took the hit, sending more dust into the air and this time I jumped into the air and sent a small wave of heat into the cloud, lighting some amount of the dust, just enough that it lit the rest on fire.

I laughed as the fire sent Kashi back afew feet "looks like using something flamible isnt a good idea huh kashi?" I said as i absorbed the heat from the 'dust-bomb' I had made. Kashi smiled "I guess not" he said "but how about something that extiqueshes fire?". I looked at him strangly, raising an eyebrow "um..what?". I didnt have to wait long as he took out a vial filled with what I thought (and hoped) was water and poured it into his hand, making it glow and shape into a sword. I backed up alittle, thinking of what to do, how was I going to beat a water sword if it could cool me off before I could burn him?.

Desiding that thinking was for whimps I started running at Kashi, pushing the heat I had into one hand so he couldnt hit it off and i threw a punch at him with my other hand, hitting him in the face and sending him back about a foot.

Kashi and I continued to fight for atleast half an hour. Blocking and dodging each other's attacks 'till the anouncer called "well folks, since this match doesnt look like its about to end we're going to have to begin a one hour time limit" the voise boomed over the crowed who was booing this idea. The anouncer continued as if they werent making a sound "ready fighters? see who can win in sixty minutes starting....NOW" and a hologram of a timer showed over head of Kashi and I that was counting down the mili-seconds. I stared at Kashi and kicked out his swords.

I laughed "look at you now mister 'bade-master', what do you have left now?". I think I might be bad luck, everytime i talk something bad happens and to prove it Kashi pulled out his onlt real sword: a katana. Kashi smiled "you know what's great about a real sword with my powers?" he said, grining evily. "Something tells me you're going to tell me anyway" I half sighed and saw him nod. "well" he said "since a sword can have so many shapes and be made out of different things, a katana in my hands is like clay in an artest's!" he laughed evily as the katana glew and its shape twisted so that the blade had ridges down the front.

I looked at him weirdly "and how" I asked "does that help you?". His reply was a slash from his sword that launched the blade at me like a whip. My eyes whidened as I saw the razor sharp ridged blade fly at me.

I blinked as I forced all the heat I could into one hand and ducked as I pushed the blade away from me, using the heat to keep it from cutting me. I sighed calmly "that was too close" I said to myself before looking over and seeing that Kashi had started a new attack. I jumped to the side as the blade came crashing down next to me and I fliped back onto a wall, launching off from that and ran as fast as I could at him, throwing my fist at his face.

But before my hand met his face he ducked and kicked out my legs from under me. I fell and got a good look at the clock: 55 minutes left. Now I saw why the time was so long. Before I could think to much on this I saw a glint of steel and saw Kashi's sword stabing down toward my face. I rolled over and half a second later heard his sword pushing into the ground. I grined. This was my chance to get the edge and I wasnt going to screw this up. I focused all the heat I had collected over the match into my foot and swung it in a full circle, sucking the heat around his sword's blade away, cooling it down as I kicked it and sent all that heat into it.

I knew paying attention to chemistry class would pay off someday. well, okay no I didnt, but it did!

Anyway, since I had sucked away the heat from the sword it had cooled down alot and then when I send extream heat into it, it shattered. I got up and sent a punch to Kashi's jaw, sending him back maybe a foot "take that!" I exclaimed "where's your ultimate weapon now huh?". He stood there and looked at me, laughing quietly.

I groned "what do you have up your sleeves now?" I said, this was getting anoying how he had so many swords. Kashi laughed louder "up my sleeves?, this!" he pulled up his sleeves to show he had tatoos of swords made so that the hilt started at his shoulder and the tip of the blade was on the base of his middle finger.

I took a step back "don't tell me you can change your ARMS into swords?!" this was rediculess, if he could change his arms too then there was noway I could shatter the blades, theyed have there own body heat. What was I going to do. Too late, Kashi's arms had already started glowing and I still didnt have a plan. 54 minutes left on the clock, I had to stop him and his insane power in less then an hour and I was fresh out of tricks he haddent seen already. I could only think of four words at this point "I. Am. So. Screwed".

Kashi laughed "you got that right sparky! hope you're ready for this!" with that he started running at me with his new arm-blades and stabed at my chest. I dodged it but only to the point that the blade cut my arm alittle. "Sorry to disapoint you" I said to Kashi "under any other circumstances I would have let that hit me, but I have people waiting for me" I made a fist and puched Kashi right in the face as fast and as hard as I could with made him back up afew stebs at the very least. I started rubbing my hands together, trying to generate as much heat as I could before Kashi regained his senses.

I guess I hadn't hit him hard enough because before long Kashi was running at me again, this time aiming to cut my head off. I ducked and tryed to keep rubbing my hands together common... I thought make more heat already!. Kashi stabed down at me and I had to roll to the side. I then kicked off the ground, jumping up behind him and ran up to Kashi thinking that maybe I could make more heat if I fought. It sounded like a good idea at the time anyway.

I send another fist at Kashi, which he quickly dodged and spun around to send his sword-arm at my neck again. I ducked under the slash and kicked at his feet, making him jump in the air, then I shifted my weight and spun to my other foot as I sent a kick to his gut. I had managed to knock the wind out of him and jump back alittle to regain my ballence and I started to rub my hands again, I still needed more heat.

I looked at the clock, there was 51 minutes left and Kashi was busy holding his stomach with the flat sides if his sword-arms, trying his best not to cut himself as he got his breath back. I desided I'd take him out now so I had more time to get to Rikka and the baby. So I started running at him and whent to kick his head, but before my foot made it I saw him lift up one of his sword-arms and I shifted my kick from that side to straight-into-the-face kick.

Kashi whent to block the kick but it was too late, my foot hit him right in the kisser and he whent atleast two feet "looks like I might win after all" I said with a big grin on my face.

I ran at Kashi and we continued to duke it out, blocking and dodging eachothers moves. I had gone to punch him and as he leaned to the side he send a diaginal slash at me. There wasnt time to dodge so I sent my fist toward the blade. What I hadn't noticed was that I had accidentaly set my fingers so they could snap ant just before my fist touched Kashi's sword they snaped, adding enough friction to make all the heat in that fist explode and compleatly shatter Kashi's blade.

I steped back as Kashi feel to the ground, holding the stump of his reverted arm in his newly re-normaled arm, screaming in pain. The announcer, along with three other men walked out to the arena and said "well folks it looks like our winner here is...uhm...". One of the other men walked over to me, he looked chinese and he said "now that you have won the prelimanary match, we need your name so we can enter you in future fights" I thought for a second. Did I want to use Tatsuya's last name? I might as well, since it wasnt like my old name would help me much "Kagetori" I said very clearly "Lee Kagetori".

The man wrote down my last name and looked at me again "I sorry, what your first name again?". I sighed and told him again "its Lee"
"wha? I did not catch that"
"LEE! L-E-E!" I shouted at the man, he didnt look old so his inability to hear me was very annoying. "Ooohh, shing, nice name" he said, and before he wrote it down I shouted even louder "NOT SHING! MY GOD-DAMNED NAME IS LEE!". Another man walked over and in a very heavy scottish accent told the chinese guy that my name wasnt Shing.

After all the annoying-ness of what turned out to be the three judgese of the tournament I whent to the announcer and asked "so, where's my money?". He looked over at me and nodded "yes, yes I have it here..." he opened a desk drawer and pulled out a very fat envolope before handing it to me and saying "here you go". I took the money, bowed and quickly left the building before heading to the hospitol, I had to go and make sure Rikka was okay.

As I ran there I felt the heat arounf my legs from running so much and I thought about how when I focused the heat my punches hit harder. Maybe if I focused it right it would make me run faster? I sent as much heat as I could into my legs and feet but didnt feel like I was going any faster. Then I tryed to push it out of my legs at a controled pase and I floated into the air alittle. I yelled out an excited "woo-hoo!" as I semi-hovered to the hosbitol, going a hell of alot faster then before. I made it to the hospitol in no time and walked into the building.

I whent up to the reseptionest and asked which room Rikka was in, its hard to remember that while trying not to die. She told me and also told me that maybe I should get a doctor to look at my cuts and bruses but I ignored her and whent stright to the room Rikka was in.

As I walked in I saw that this room was slightly different from the room I left her in . This room had a huge bed with a rocking chair in the corner and everything was nice and very clean, which made me feel bad for dirtying it up with my still open cuts. I saw Rikka in the bed and whent right over to her and saw she was sleeping with a small bundal of blankets in her arms.

I smiled and kissed her forhead gently, which woke her up and she looked up at me, smiling "hey there handsome" she said quietly "I thought I told you to stay in one piece". I grined and said softly "well...technicly I'm still in one piece, so how did it go?". She looked down at the bundal and showed me that in the blankets was a small sleeping baby with light brown hair smoothed out on its head like most babys keep there hair. "Looks like you're a daddy" she said, smiling. I smiled back and whispered "so, what do we name it?" she laughed softly "'it' is a him" she said "and I think his name will be Jack...I like that name".

So within the next week we where able to take Jack home and start our life as a small family and I awaited when I would be called for the next match in the "Freaks Underground Tournament".
Hey everyone who accualy whent out of there ways to read this whenever it updated, I know I took a long time to get this whole thing finished but I'm glad that Lee's story has been told up to entering this tourament, now I'd like to take alittle time to dedicate this story, I know it sounds dumb but I'm going to, you don;t have to read it since it has nothing to do with the sory really.

I'm dedicating this story in loving memory to Jack Culver/Campbell who died two days before birth, I'v also dedicated a character in the story to him, I think you can figure out who.

thanks again for reading this, I'll get on writing another one soon.

the next one will have a sexy vampire for you Buffy/Angel fans out there ~_0

My friend Carly said she is going to try and enter a writing contest and asked me to take her story offline for abit

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nuffin better to do
too bored -.-;; i need something to do, i'm in a hotel but theres nuffin to do and i want to be in my own bed again T-T i mish it so much, i also really miss my phone T-T somebody heeelp meeeeee

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all your nuts...
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