Grrr stupid doctor xp here's the story: Ok, so, about the week of July 4, 2004 my family and I went to Clear Lake (we do this every year). ONe day we go do watersports on the lake. I fall and put a hole in my ear drum. At the end of the week we go home. Ok, so I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled in about a month ( xp ) so my mom wants me to checkmy ear to make sure nothing was wrong with it (we didn't know I had a hole in my ear just felt wierd). So we go to the doctor and he says i have a hole in my ear drum. ...OMG!!! he sends me to an ear doctor. The ear doctor's like, "Hmmmm that hole is bigger than average holes...but I say it has a 80% chance of healing on its own. A few months pass (about every month we went to get it checked and he looks at it and tells us how the healing is progressing) then in December he looks at it and says "Oh no.." I'm thinking,~OMG OMG OMG WHAT IS IT???.....~ He tells us that it stopped healing for some reason and I'm going to have to get surgery. (we decide to do the surgery in Jan. after finals because we were travelling a lot inDecember) So Jan...i think 24th we go in for my PreOp before the surgery( xp i hate getting my blood taken xp ) and the ear doctor explains the procedure and then he's like, "and then the Mon. after your surgery (i was getting the surgery done on Fri.) we will take off the bandage and you can take a nice shower when you get home before you go to school if you decide to go to school. (yeah right xp )" and I think to myself ~well it sure will be nice taking a shower after no shower for 3 days and having a bandage around my head ^_^~ .....ok so the surgery goes fine and i rest all weekend watching movies and stuff and i kept thinking how wonderful it will be to finally take a shower ^_^. Ok so now it's the Mon after my surgery (today, Jan 31st). My mom's and I are going to the ear doctor and I tell my mom how excited I am to finally take a shower since half my hair was matted to my head and the other half under HUGE bandage around my head. We go in and he takes off the bandage (....along with some of my hair xpscream ) and explains to me that i can't do aerobics for 2 weeks ya di da di da and then he says and you still must keep the area around the stitches dry. ~...........WHAT! scream!!!!!~ he continues, "you can wash your hair under a sink and hold a towel to your ear and MAKE SURE you don't get the stitches wet and don't get water in your ear"( cryingcryingcryingcryingcryingcrying ) So much for that "shower" sadsadcryingcryingcryingxp