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Chronicles Of Twilight(and world domination)
Journey of MaronaPossessed
The two lives of Marona:Magic of an Unfulfilled Ninja

Ninja:User Image
Witch?:User Image
Note:Have everything on the witch except scepter(currently questing).

Age: ????(appears 19)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Ninja(Witch?)
Short Bio: Marona first came into the world as a witch,picking on weaklings and killing them without mercy.Shortly after,she came across a peculiar man who was not afraid of her.Curious of his motives,she decided to join him and learn from him as well as some abilities.They became dear friends and fought together.Soon she became a beginner ninja.But a tragic death of her friend left her filled with a burning rage to find that person and kill him.Marona wishes to go on with her new,changed life by her friend.She may be quiet at first but when you get to know her, she will help anyone in need,while looking for the killer.

Likes:Seafood,wine,nature,flowers,reading,smart people,challengers.
Dislikes:Idiots,smart-elects,goody-two shoes.

Weapon biggrin ark Star
Thanks to the power of the weapon,she can transform it into a kunai and a variety of weapons.Of course this gives her a trace of controlling something from the darkness like she was as a witch,but is able to have it transform as she pleases.

Weapon(witch?):Silver Scepter
Not only it is a decoration for royalty,but it is filled with magical power for destruction.It is used for Marona to concentrate on her spells.Surprisingly it isn't filled with a dark power.It is only neutral on its use.

Wind Blade
Marona is able to move her arms back,then front,to release a slash of wind power.The blades are as sharp as knives so watch out!

Tornado Twirl
Marona spins around very fast to make her change into a tornado that tackles through enemies,sending them into many directions.

Abilities: (Witch?)
Scepter Beam
Marona raises her scepter,glowing red and shoots a ball of red light destruction at the enemy.

Marona casts huge balls of ice to attack the enemy,smashing them and freezing them to death.

Hell's Wrath
Marona raises her scepter and the ground opens under the enemies as lava from the hells shoots up from above.

Magic of an Unfulfilled Ninja

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Two shadows lied under the tree,not even being moved by the cold winds of the night touching them.Drowning in their blood,with their eyes not being seen,death was definite for them especially against a powerful,merciless force.The figure stood there her black-blue dress swishing in the wind and her gloves clenching on the scepter filled with power.If someone...no...anyone was here other than this person,they would even die by this scene...even literally.She came closer,her grin appeared on her face,and a maniacal laughter was being heard.

"HAHAHAHA!All of you...how can you live in this world where you cannot defend yourself?You all are only playthings for me...just like toys for a baby!But no...you still stay here and yet not know of the consequences?How delightful!It will only entertain me more."

She continued laughing,enjoying this so much that her heart leaped with happiness and without a care in the world.Sudenly a knife was thrown from behind her.Sensing that something was fast approaching,she moved her head and dodged the knife.

"Who's there?!"She commanded."Who dares attack me,Marona the Embodiment of Destruction?!"

She then pointed her scepter at the shadows,noticing a figure."Show yourself mortal!"

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Surprisingly,it wasn't anyone that seemed to want to challenge her.He looked like an ordinary guy...like any Gaian she would meet.Only he had a ninja headband,owned by a certain organization.

"Just a regular man strolling into the night."he closed his eyes and smiled.Marona gritted her teeth into anger.Why does he not fear her?Why is he just standing there so calm without any worry?

"Liar!"Marona yelled."I know you were here longer,I can tell by the look of your face filled with lies!What is your purpose of being here?Speak now or face death like my prey!"

The man was filled with surprised then laugh admittingly."Alright,alright.You got me.I was watching of course.I've been watching you these past months noticing your behavior.It was very interesting.Your attacks around the town...the Great Wall,even around the ports.To make it short..."He stepped forward."I'm interested in you."

Marona's face filled with shock.No one has ever talked to her like that!What kind of idiot would say things like that anyway.Marona's mouth screamed."NO ONE SPEAKS TO ME THAT WAY!!!"She shot energies from her scepter in a fury,but with no avail as the man dodged each hit perfectly.Such speed!Not only that she can't move that fast with her dress of course,but keeping up his presence was like looking for a speck of dust!

Suddenly,a slash came and Marona and the man met face to face with their weapons:A silver scepter and a dark star.

"It seems you can't keep up with me...are you really that fearful?"The man taunted.

Marona pushed away."Shutup!This time,you will now die!"

She raised her hands as the earth shook and a crack was forming beneath him.A devilish red light was coming from the cracks,trying to reach his presence.Finally the crack blew open and lava spilled into the air without seeing the man.Smoke filled the area from the crack without seeing the trace of the surroundings.The lava then went back into the ground.Marona then grinned."That should have gotten rid of him...Foolish idiot."

But then the smoke cleared.She could not believe it!A small tornado was spinning and it seemed it had deflected everything.It then stopped with the man appearing.How could anyone have avoided this attack?It was one of her most powerful spells of course...but how could a mere mortal have just avoided this using a tornado?!

"You...how did you...I can't believe it!"Marona was filled with shock,just standing there finally meeting someone that was worthy to battle her."You're not an oridinary Gaian!"She pointed with her scepter."Tell me!Who the hell are you?!"

"I'll say I'm not an ordinary Gaian...I'm part of the Gaian Ninja Clan."The man stated."I wanted to have the chance to talk to you.No,to meet you and want to know why you are causing all this havoc."

"Why?Why should someone like you know?It is all pointless!"Marona stated.

"Did you tell anyone about you?"The man asked.

"No...no one.I would never do that!It's useless because each and everyone of you that exists here should die!"Marona's eyes lowered as the pendant's light calmed a bit.

"I see.So even me.Well then before that happens would you like to meet here tomorro to ask a few questions?Of course,since we are all going to die."

Marona then put her mind to thought."This man...a ninja?Hm...I heard they are very skillful.Very skillful indeed,more than me of course.But why should I meet him...wait a minute.Maybe if I can grasp his moves a bit and know his secret,I could take him out in one second!This is very effortless!"Marona grinned gleefully.

"Very well!I shall look forward to meeting you tomorro."But as she stated her answer,he was gone."YOU!Come back here!How dare you leave me here without hearing me!"

The man was hiding behind a tree faraway."Interesting..."

Part 2

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The birds sang in harmony as the sun came from the other side of Gaia.Such a peaceful morning it was as the flowers bloomed and danced in the wind with the green grass decorating the ground.A figure stood under a tree which was the same one from the other night.Marona straightened her outfit,making sure it was neat and of course appropriate for this meeting.

"Where is that person...maybe I was wrong.I should have never accepted this..."Marona sighed aggravated.Suddenly a figure jumped down infront of her and greeted her."Good morning!"

"GAH!!!"Marona fell,surprised he was that close.She then gasped for breath,getting up."What was the meaning of that?"

"Sorry to startle you.I wanted to make it look like a dramatic entrance."the man laughed.Marona's eye twitched,very angry."Well I didn't want that!That was rude!"

The man changed the subject and looked at her,noticing her new outfit.As he looked close,he noticed a vest and a jacket covering it.She also wore a skirt and slip-on black shoes.His comment was "You look more like a business lady."

"Hey!I have you know it took a while for me to pick something that was appropriate for our meeting and this is the best I could come out of!"

"Hmm...enough of that.Didn't you want to come and talk?"

Marona's eyes beamed.Of course!This session was the chance to learn his skills!"Very well.Off we go."She walked ahead then a painful poke came from the back of her neck."Ow!Hey!What was that for?!"

The man laughed."Just teasing you.That's all."He said.Marona grunted and walked off.

Finally,they walked together."My name is Toro Makuba of the Gaian Ninja Clan.And you are...?"

"Marona.Just...Marona,but I guess you already know.You have an interesting name..."Marona said walking as the grass wet with dew touched her shoes.Toro then looked up."You know...I was alone before until I was found.I never knew much of my past.Do you have a past?"

"My past?Of course!It's..."Surprisingly,Marona became speechless,not knowing what to say.She stopped walking,trying to think hard but it seemed like it was not important."I...think I was alone too.I mean I could remember if I tried but...now I don't know it."

"I see...maybe we're the same then.Looking for the past and still not knowing it."Toro stopped with her.Marona looked at him and sighed."I guess that's what started you becoming a ninja...and me a witch."

"Hmm?Did you say something?"

"N-No!Nothing at all...hahaha.Just talking to myself."Marona laughed nervously.

Throughout the day they talked.Surprisingly,Marona laughed into some conversations like the time he was being chased by a flock of ORLYs and swimming in a pond of frogs.She became very interested and acquainted with him,like a friend.Toro also heard some of Marona's pieces of memories...even with killing innocent people she couldn't help stopping.Toro stopped and spoke.

"So.You didn't have control..."

"It was...like I was mad for something that wasn't caused by them...and I couldn't help taking it on them.I guess I wanted them to feel what I did but it didn't matter.Right now with talking to you...it's the first time ever I had a conversation like this."Marona stopped for a moment.

"Wow...I am talking different too...as if I am confessing something and not speaking with power...I'm strange aren't I?"Marona looked away.Toro shook his head."I'm sure it's normal."Suddenly,the trees shook.Toro then looked behind him,noticing a presence fast approaching.Marona kept calling him."Toro?Hey Toro!What's wrong?"

"GET DOWN!"He screamed as he jumpped on her,keeping her down.Then a black dragon swooped across them then up.The power it held...so much it even shook the ground itself!The roar was filled with despair and hatred.Toro got up holding his knife.

"Stay down Marona...this one is vicious!"Toro stated.Marona then was filled with questions."What is that,and what is it doing here?!"

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"A dark dragon...usually these are summoned by people.I don't know by who though."The dragon then headed for him with his sharp teeth opening."LOOK OUT!"Marona screamed.Toro jumped up and then waved his arms,slashes of wind attacking it.The dragon roared again.The man then landed on his back and stabbed through his neck.It roared...but only in pain.Then in dark dust it disappeared.Toro jumped down in front of Marona,who was in awe.

"You...killed it so fast...that was amazing!"Marona said.Toro became shy."It's nothing...really."

"No seriously!It was powerful...and fast and you defeated it!I could never match that..."She sighed and looked away.

"Hm...why wouldn't she cast any spells though?Something is very strange...maybe it's a different form she is taking.I wonder..."


Marona looked up at him.

"How would you like to learn some things from me?"Toro smiled.

"Me?Oh no I couldn't...Seriously you're a ninja...I can't become one."

"It doesn't hurt to try now does it?"Toro nudged and Marona then laughed."Okay...maybe tomorro then?Same place?"

"Of course."He said.

"Okay then.It was great meeting you!"Marona waved and smiled and walked off.

"Yes...it was..."Toro said holding the Demonic Pendant Marona once wore...

Part 3

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Five days passed and all was well in the area around Barton.Two famous figures stood in the building without saying a word.They looked at each other and walked around,with nothing to do but wait.Suddenly,a opening of a door was heard and then closed,reluctant to begin.It was Toro,who looked at Ian and Leon around the table.The man threw the item,which was the Demonic Pendant and all was silent.

After a pause,Ian spoke up to break it."So...what is it?"He looked at it suspiciously.Toro spoke suddenly without hesitating."All I know is it is called the Demonic Pendant.It took me a while to find what it links to and especially to the one you speak of Marona."

"Tell us then,how did you swipe this so easily."Leon looked at him.

"Ow!Hey!What was that for?!"

"It was very simple to undo the hook and only took a poke,but if you bear it it is impossible to take off.You see the-"

"Excuse me.Why am I with you guys again?"Ian said aggravated.Leon stood behind him."Because you are the witness of two deaths by the wench!"

Ian sighed."Right of course..."He then sighed once again."All of Gaia is against me..."Toro then shook his head."Literally...anyways let me continue."

"As heard,the Demonic Pendant is the jewel which keeps all the pain,sorrow,and despair from people who experience it.Once put on by a person,it is impossible to take off unless another one does it for them...if they are still sane."

Toro then continued."Where Marona has gotten it...I don't know and I didn't want to ask...but using her as the example,when she puts it on it is impossible to take off because its desire to feed on all the horrible things she experienced.Once it has been fed it has the person unleash all the pain and suffering onto others without mercy.This is why Marona was killing people.It wasn't actually her...but the pendant itself."

Leon,who was ignorant,spoke up."Still it is no excuse for seeing a person killing another.That evidence is blasphemy!"Toro gritted his teeth."Leon did you even hear a word I said?The person was being controlled to do so!"

"And did you notice about the witnesses' sightings?Some of her attitude from there still exists!This proves she-"

"IT DOES NOT PROVE ANYTHING!"Toro slammed his fist on the table.Ian shivered in fear from the fight."Oh god oh god..."Toro's voice then spoke louder."She isn't that 'person' anymore!In fact since I have gotten along with her real well,she is a wonderful person like us,no,like any Gaian!"

Loud banging came from the door.Everyone tried to keep into the conversation."I have you know that the citizens will-"More banging then came."The citizens..."The banging became louder."Wil-"Then even louder as if the door was breaking down.Leon lost his patience."SOMEONE OPEN THE DOOR!"

Ian,being nervous,slowly walked to the door and opened it slightly,only to be pushed away by the door."TORO YOU LIAR!"A familiar voice was heard."Oh good god..."said Toro sweating.At the door was an angry Marona,holding Rufus by the back.


"Oh my GOD RUFUS!!!"Ian screamed at Rufus,innocently being thrown.

"We were uh...discussing things!"Toro said trying to calm the situation.Leon then stood in front of Marona."And you're just in time.We like to ask come questions."

"Questions?"Marona asked."Toro...what is this about...me?Ian?Why are you here?"

Toro became nervous."Leon now is not the time..."

"Tell me,Miss Marona.Where did you find...THIS?!"Leon pointed at the Demonic Pendant at the table.


"Oh hell Leon why did you have to do that?!"Toro yelled.Marona was still speechless.Ian then spoke."Bad situation...really."Everyone looked at Marona.

"That's...what stole my happiness and meaning to life..."

Leon,satisfied with the answer,knew he was getting somewhere.He then asked one question."Where did you obtain this jewel?"


"Marona...it's okay you don't have-"

Marona then spoke her story,interupting Toro."I was in a dark alley...it was cold and raining.I was alone.I couldn't even remember where I was born.I didn't have anyone beside me.Then...an odd person came up to me and asked me how I was.I was horrible...and then he gave me that pendant.He said everything will be solved.So...I put it on and...that's the most I could remember."

Toro became speechless,wondering how much could she take especially living a life without happiness.Leon then spoke."One more thing...did-"

"DAMMIT LEON ENOUGH!"Toro said rushing to the door and grabbing Marona's hand."Come on Marona.Let's get out of here."She was then pulled by Toro while she was still in tears,remembering how it all started.

The two were outside of Barton on a bench.The moonlight shown onto the area,making a show of stars and the moon enjoyable and soothing.Marona was currently hugging onto Toro,calming down from her tears.She then sniffed and wiped her face,and then looked down.

"Feeling better?"Toro asked.

"Yeah...I'm sorry I couldn't help it..."

Toro,who tried to change the subject,got up."Sorry about missing breakfast.I'll make it up to you.I promise."He smiled.

Marona then asked him."Toro...what were you guys doing?I know it's something about me...tell me!"Marona then got up and grabbed his shirt."Tell me the truth!Please....I wish to know!"

Toro couldn't hide from the facts anymore.It was long enough and the suspicion was getting more and more from this person.Was this the right time to tell her?Toro sighed and lowered her hands with his.


"Toro Makuba!"A voice from afar was heard.Toro turned fast and looked.He could not believe it...and it was a horrible time indeed!Someone familiar...

"You...you're that traitor from the clan!What do you want?!"Toro demanded.

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"My aren't we being hasty?Don't you remember the mission you were assigned to?"The traitor grinned.

"Mission...Toro was on a mission?He never told me that!You're lying!"Marona said defending him.The traitor laughed more."Of course he didn't tell you,witch!Let me enlighten you,shall I?"

"No...please don't!She's been through enough!"Toro pleaded.

"Toro...I'm afraid you're the traitor now."The traitor smirked and Toro gritted his teeth.

"You see,requested by Leon,he wanted to hire a ninja to go against you and destroy you!The orders given were to kill and retrieve that pathetic pendant you received.That's why he didn't tell you.He decided to play with you instead.Due to this mission...you are actually the prey to this whole thing!"

"N-no...Toro...he wouldn't"Marona's eyes filled with more tears."Marona..."Toro looked at her.

"I have to get her away from here..."Toro said acting hesitated.

"Now then Toro...if you would be so kind to hand us the girl and let me destroy her,I can finally go back to the clan without being a traitor."The traitor took out a katana.

"No!Marona come on!"Toro suddenly grabbed Marona's hand and fled away into the dark with her,and then a voice filled around it."You'll see the fate soon!There's no escape!"

Barton town was quiet in the night.Toro,who was holding Marona with both his arms off the ground.He then put her down,and Marona pushed him angrily.

"You...you...b*****d!"Marona screamed.

"Marona..."Toro looked away.

"Ever since I met you...I thought you were my friend.You were the only friend I ever had,but...you were tricking me the whole time were you?!You were just playing with me so I could trust you more so I'd be killed,and you let me had...you let me...fall in love with you and this is how it is?!HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME THIS WAY!I HATE YOU!I HATE YOU SO MUCH!"Marona yelled and surprisingly her first attack ever...

A slap on the face of Toro Makuba.

Marona gritted her teeth in anger with tears trying to fall out of her eyes.Toro rubbed his face,ashamed of keeping this all a secret.He then looked down.

"At first...I thought it was a regular mission,but after meeting you...without that pendant on you,you seemed like a new person to me.I really wanted to know you,especially what caused you to do these things.I wanted to be with you...to help you...and you are a great person.Greater than I can imagine...someone who was loving...yet always set things right."

Marona still had her back turn...she then finally turned around.

"So for that I abandoned my mission and wanted to keep all this a secret so you could live normally...no...we could live normally together.I was going to tell you...but I hesitated.Marona...please...I want to be with you more than anything."Toro walked in front of Marona.

He held her hands together with his."Forgive me.Give me this chance to make it up and let me make the life you truly deserve."

"Toro..."Marona looked at him.Then the stars shared a kiss under the moonlight.

Final Part

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The night was getting late as two figures were idle,sitting on the fountain.Marona was leaning on Toro,sleeping silently as well as him.The birds were starting the chirp as he slightly opened his eyes.

"Uhh...what time is it?"Toro looked up noticing the black sky getting a bit more blue each time the birds chirped.He looked on the side of him,noticing Marona sleeping peacefully.

"I better get back to where I belong...It's going to be hard explaining."Toro said and got up,moving Marona to lay down peacefully on the fountain.He then walked away slowly.

Morning came and one of the shopkeepers walked out,dressed,and yawned."What a beautiful morning."said Ian,who noticed a figure on the fountain."Who could be out this early?"He then walked towards the figure,noticing Marona who was sleeping.

Ian then poked her."Marona?Maron-"Suddenly a swift kick came to his pants.He gritted his teeth and tears fell out.He then bent down."Oh f-f-f-"he then fell down to the ground.

Marona then yawned and rubbed her eye."What happened?"She asked herself.She then heard a wincing noise and looked down,noticing Ian in pain."Oh hey Ian...have you seen Toro?"

"The appropriate question..."How are you?""Ian said glaring."Oh hey Ian...how are you?"Marona looked at him.

"Horrible...just horrible..."He said.

"Well I better get going looking for Toro...Thanks for waking me up."Marona got up and walked away,heading out of town."Anything...at...all."Ian said slowly.

"Toro?"Marona called out."Hey Toro!"Marona kept walking and calling...yet there was no luck at all.She sighed then stepped on a piece of paper."Huh?"Marona bent down and picked it up.She then read it.

Come to your house now.

"What could this be about?"Marona then headed to her house which was a long walk.She then noticed the door closed and the lights off.Marona opened her door,everything being dark.She then turned the light on.

"SURPRISE!"A figure yelled at her.

"AIIEEE!!!"She fell on the floor,her eyes wide open with no response.Toro stood in front of her."I always forget about that..."he laughed nervously.Toro then helped her up.

"Why did you do that again?!"Marona glared.Toro ignored her and pointed his hand to the table,which had a huge gift on it.

"A...gift?"Marona was confused.

"Well...I didn't know when your birthday was so I decided to say Happy Birthday,or Happy late Birthday,whichever you want."He smiled.Marona then walked to the table and looked at the gift.What could it be?A gigantic box of chocolates or a huge bouquet of flowers?She then untied the ribbon and opened the box.She was confused on what this object was as it was huge and had many sharp points.

"What is this?"She lifted it up,and examining it."It's a Dark Star.It's a very deadly weapon that most ninjas want.It can be used for many attacks and useful for blocking them as well.I figured this would be perfect for training to be a ninja."

"Wow..."Marona held it up and then Toro took it and hooked it behind her back."You also don't have to hold it when you're not in battle!Very light and deadly just for you."

"Thanks Toro...I love it!"She then turned,noticing he was outside."Come on it's training time!"

"Hey I thought it was my birthday!"She yelled.

"Who's birthday again?"Toro grinned.

"Why you little..."Marona glared and chased him all around in Gaia.

Two years passed and they were the most wonderful times in Marona's new life.Marona became skilled as Toro but was not ready for the headband.They also fought together against wanted criminals and were caught successfully.Toro even took her to vacation in Durem in a luxurious hotel and even watched the view of Gaia at the top of the clock tower.

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One night Marona was cooking her food and was smelling the aroma."My favorite dish..."She sighed in peace and turned off the stove.She ate her dinner in peace as the glimmering lights around her lit the house at night.

Suddenly something kept tapping on her huge window.


The window then crashed and two figures dashed inside while her dresser was being knocked down..Marona,acting quickly,ducked and then jumped out the window."What the hell happened?"She then looked ahead noticing two shadowed figures and the same guy they met a long time ago.

"We meet again..."

"How did you know where I lived?"Marona gasped.

"When being known for arresting criminals,who else?"The traitor grinned."You're coming with us now."

"What do you want?If it is an item or something I have I may be nice enough to give it to you."Marona glared.

"No...just you."The traitor said."And the reason is...?"

"Maybe if you come you will find out."He smirked.Marona then jumped into the air."Sorry!Wrong answer!"

"Get her!"He commanded his figures and they jumped too,throwing knives at her.Marona grabbed two of them and threw them back,having them being damaged.She quickly then dropped down and grabbed her Dark Star.The two figures were then surrounding her.

"Two against one...they seem easy yet it may get complicated."Marona looked at them as they dashed against her.Marona waved her arms,shooting out wind blades at them.They dodged it as they got even closer.Her eyes were wide in shock."Only hope..."Electricity then emitted from her hands as they were touching the Dark Star.She then threw it,not aiming for them.The figures then jumped to attack her.

"Too late..."she smirked.The electricity then bolted at the two figures,shocking them.They then fell to the ground.Marona smiled,accomplishing the battle.However,she noticed the figures disintegrating into the dark.

"What were those-"Marona then heard something coming fast from her.The Dark Star came back to her and she turned around,blocking the katana with her weapon.

"Nice try!"Marona said.The traitor gritted his teeth."How did you improve so quickly?!"

"With a little love and hard work...and this hard work is being paid off!"She then twirled into a tornado with the traitor thrown in the direction.He landed perfectly with Marona looking at him,waiting for his next move.

"Give it up...whatever you are plotting,it's over!"Marona yelled.The traitor then grinned."You think I was the same level as those shadows?Guess again..."He then disappeared in speed.

Marona looked all around."W-Where did he go?Where is he?!I can't see him!"Suddenly a presence was felt and Marona blocked the katana with her Dark Star with both hands.The katana kept slashing against her with Marona having trouble keeping up with the speed.

"What-The-Hell!"Marona said after each hit.The traitor laughed."Looks like you're the one keeping the guard down!"He kept slashing.Marona kept blocking.

"I can't keep up...he's too fast for me and even I didn't see Toro that fast!If only...I have to get away!"Marona thought.

She continued blocking.Suddenly she noticed one of the hands being removed on the katana.She noticed a fist coming straight at her."I can't-"

Suddenly the fist hit her stomach,going deep."HURK!!!"Marona gasped and as the fist was pulled out,she fell onto the ground with her eyes slightly open.

"I knew it...even without that form of yours you're still weak.You lose..."

"T-Toro...."Marona closed her eyes,unable to endure the pain.

A figure was heading to Marona's house at night.He looked around,feeling bored and hoping Marona could give him some laughs.Toro looked ahead and was in shock,noticing the huge window Marona had was shattered."Marona?!"

Toro ran ahead and jumped inside the house through the window,everything displaced."Marona?!"He yelled.He then noticed a note.He picked it up then read it.

I took your girl who was giving me a lot of trouble.Want her back?Face me in our final match...

"Him..."Toro crumbled the paper with his fist in anger.

"Uh...I don't feel good..."Marona woke up,noticing she was in a field and could not move.She noticed her body was in metal chains.She tried to slip off out of them.

"It's useless.I made sure that they were nice and tight for an idiot like you."The traitor who was in front of her with his back turned spoke.

"YOU b*****d!HOW DARE YOU PLAY DIRTY LIKE THIS!"Marona yelled.

"Be quiet or else I'll cut off that smart mouth of yours!I'm waiting for your boy to come."The traitor spoke."Toro?You used me to let him come?!"

"Of course.How else would he avoid me?"He grinned.Marona gritted her teeth."He wouldn't be this stupid to fall for this!"

"Oh would he?I think I see him right now."The traitor looked ahead,noticing a figure approaching...no...it couldn't be...

"Toro..."Marona looked at him."No!Toro get back!He's too strong!"

Toro ignored the warning and came closer then came to a stop."Sorry Marona...I can't bear to see you like this."

"It's okay I'll be fine!Don't worry about me...save yourself!"A slap was then hit across her face."Shut up!You're wasting my time!"Marona growled then bit his hand."Ow you...stupid little..."He then removed his hand and pushed her to the ground.

"b***h!"He raised his katana.


The katana stopped and the traitor looked at Toro.

"You're my opponent,not her."Toro stated.

"...Fine then.It's about time you die!"He dashed towards him raising his katana,then Toro blocked it with his knife.The fierce battle began.The traitor summoned more figures to distract Toro,but he then released wind blades to make them disappear.

Toro then jumped and aimed at the traitor's head with his knife.As he fell,the traitor then blocked his attack and try counter attacking,yet Toro blocked.Each person clashed with their weapons.Toro emitted electricity from his hands to travel to his knife.The traitor then tried taking the knife off his hand with his weapon.He slammed it on his knife,knocking it away.

The traitor slashed repeatedly as Toro tried to dodge.He then jumped to where his knife was and got it back.

Marona looked at herself after watching part of the battle."I cannot stay here and do nothing!"She said to herself.She tried moving the chains around her and noticed a hook.She grabbed it with her teeth and tried unhooking the chains.With success,the chains fell on the ground.

The traitor then noticed Marona off of her chains.He glared."So she removed them herself...That b***h is going to get what she deserves for ruining everything!"He dashed off,heading for her.

"NO!Marona watch out!"Toro yelled and dashed for her."Dammit..."

Marona turned and looked at the traitor running for her."Oh god..."Marona moved her arms to release wind blades yet the traitor slashed them away with his katana.He came closer and then he jumped in the air."It's the end for you!"

"MARONA!"Toro's voice was heard and echoed as he dashed near her.Everything around her was slow as if she was watching every second of the moment.Toro then pushed her out of the way.

"TORO!!!"Marona cried out as the katana went through him and coughed out blood.Everything stopped as the traitor laughed."This is a win-win situation...I killed you instead of her."

"Yeah..."Toro grinned as blood came off from her."You...forgot about this though."

Suddenly,a gash was being opened and Toro's knife was being pushed through the traitor's lung.He gasped as Toro smiled."Yeah...a win-win situation."

The traitor removed his katana and Toro's body fell onto the ground as he tried to close the wound which is hands."Damn...you."He then jumped and fled away.

"TORO!!!"Marona screamed and bent down,putting his head on her knees."Toro..."Tears then came from Marona's eyes."You idiot!You didn't have to sacrifice yourself!I was the one who should have died...not you!"

"Marona..."Toro spoke softly."Don't cry...I didn't want to see him hurt you.I knew it would happen..."


"Because..."Toro coughed out blood."I love you."

Marona started crying loud.Toro raised his hand and wiped her tear."Don't cry...please.I hate to see you cry."

"Hang on Toro!Just hang on!I can go get help!"

"No...please.It won't help..."


"Marona...Please.Stay here with me."

Marona looked at him with sadness on her face.

"Marona...I love you no matter what.Live your life for who you are..."Toro then became light and his body stopped responding.

"Toro...Toro?!....TORO!!!"Her voice echoed into the night.

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Three figures stood into the night by the tree that started it all.Marona came to the buried Toro and placed carnations on his grave.She sat down silently and closed her eyes,trying to hide all the sadness.

Ian looked at her,helpless on how to aid her.Leon,who was by him,looked down in shame for giving her a hard time.Ian the stepped forward."Marona...What are you going to do now?"

Marona paused then spoke."Even I am not sure.I'm alone now...my love is dead...the person dear to me is gone.What can I do now?"

Leon then spoke."Miss Marona if I may..."Marona then interrupted."Spare me your pity Leon.I know what you are going to say."

Marona then looked down."I have made my decision..."Marona then clenched her fist.

"I will hunt down and kill that person at all costs."

Ian then jumped."But where will you go?!Marona?!"

"...Where my heart leads...no...my love leads me."Marona then disappeared into the night.


~Gentle Hands~

Drawn in by an unseen cold hand,
I pass even time as it flows to eternity.
As your eyes look away into the hazy distance,
what is revealed to them, I cannot see.

As the moonlight shines on my bitter cold fingers.
Frozen tears of mine begin to flow anew.
I look at the sky. That distant far off dream,
it always has me in its view.

Unafraid, I reach my hand into the darkness.
I am at the point of no return.
If I truly realize the person I am,
hidden away inside my deepest memories.

I still want to believe that you will return to me.
Until you are with me, together in this place.
I still want to feel until the end of time.
The gentle loving touch of your hands on my face.

Trapped inside this cage made of glass,
hurt feelings held captive in the cold and icy night.
From far beyond the infinite dark.
There must always be a ray of light.

I know that your eternal shining light
will embrace me in the warmth of infinity.
While trying to run from the pain of reality,
I'm losing sight of what is so important to me.

I still want to believe that you will return to me.
Until you are with me, together in this place.
I still want to feel until the end of time.
The gentle loving touch of your hands on my face.

Drawn in by an unseen cold hand,
I pass even time as it flows to eternity.
As your eyes look away into the hazy distance,
what is revealed to them, I cannot see.

What is revealed to them, I cannot see.



Marona: MaronaPossessed
Toro Makuba: MaronaPossessed
The Traitor: MaronaPossessed
Ian: GaiaOnline
Leon: GaiaOnline

Programs Used

Microsoft Paint
Jasc Animation Shop Pro(Trial Version)




Tomoyo Mitani - Gentle Hands

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