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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 @ 06:31am
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 @ 06:32am
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Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 @ 08:08pm
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 @ 09:50pm
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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 09:22pm
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 @ 08:46pm
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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 @ 09:43pm
The American Revolution
The American Revolution
The American Revolution started at the year 1775 and 1783. The war was a long and bitter war. It all started when the British have defeated the French in the Seven Years war in the year 1793. After the war France became a British colony. There were thirteen colonies in total. Most of the New England settlers were from England and Scotland. In New England the population of Boston was fifteen thousand. In the middle colonies Dutch, Swedes, English, Germans, Scots andIrish as well as others have settled in this land. In the southern colonies alot of people were from England, when many others were Scots, French, and Germans. New England's people rely on farming and trade with the islands in the Carribean Sea to the south. The middle colonists were known as the "breadbasket" because most of their people were farmers. The southern colonists main industry was agriculture, they were also known as pantation owners.
In the late 1770s and the early 1780s the colonists only had two levels of government: one to take care of the local affairs, and the other is to deal with colonial issues.
Due to the British's victory over France in the Seven Years' war New France now belongs to the British, but that wasen't the end of their problems since they were in serious dept. The reason they were in dept is because of how expensive it was to sent out troops to fight the Seven Years' war. Thats when tax kicks in. They put tax on things like tea, sugar, or newspapers to help pay the goverment's dept. People of the Thirteen colonies were furious about paying tex without at first a tex representation. Alot of the people refused to pay the tex and protested agnaist it. They believed it was unfair and that the tax was used to help run the Britsih goverment when they were not allowed to elect representatives to speek for them in the British Parliment.
In the year 1764 was when they put taxs on goods such as sugar or molasses also called as the "Sugar Act." Some colonists refused to trade for these goods because of being charged with the tax.
The year 1765 was when the "Stamp Act" was done causing people to be forced to put stamps on all legal documents and newspapers. The stamp's cost start at one penny to several dollars. There was angry speechs about the act in colonial assemblies, alot of merchants refused to trade British goods, tax collecters were terrorized and the house of Governor Hutchinson of Massachusetts was destroyed by a mob. By the year 1766 the "Stamp Act" was withdrawn.
In the year 1769 the "Townshend Acts" was passed. Taxes were placed on glass, tea, silk, paper, paint, and lead. After the act the sale of British goods fell by almost two-thirds. By 1770 taxes were lowered on everything but tea. The year of the "Tea Act" was om 1773. The East India Compant was solmly giving the right to sell tea in North America. East India ships were not allowed to enter to the habour of New York or Philadephia. During the Boston Tea Party about fifty - sixty people from Bosto disguised as Native people, dumped three boatloads of tea from Britin ships onto the harbour.
In the year of 1774 was when the "Intolerable Acts" was passed. Boston was closed for all exports and imports untill the cost of the destroyed tea is paid for. They allowed no public mettings and left one British soldier with ever four people. The Quebec Act gave Quebec, which also have a small amount of French talking people, control of the largest piece of land in British North America - the Ohio Territory. The people of the Thirdteen colonies refused to trade for Britich goods. Many colonists were secretly beggining to collect arms and ammunitions. The colonist began to raise an army og one hundred twent two thousand men. Two-thirds of those men were minutemen, which are armed men who are always ready at a minutes notice, they live well up to their name. In September of 1774 is when the first Contineal Congress was held.
In the year 1775 the preotests broke into an all out war, known as the American Revolution, or the War of Independance. This war resilted in the formation of the new United States of America, independant of Great Britain. The Thirdteen Colonies went to the direction of violence to get the things they wanted. The people in Quebec and Nova Scotia did not enter the war since they didnt want any of their people dead even though they had many complaints on the choices the British made.
It came to mind to the American revolitionairreis that the people of the colonies of Nova Scotia and Quebec were planing something agniast the British. The reason why they attacked Quebec was because it was right beside their border line which makes it easier to attack while Nova Scotia is pretty far away from their land. One of the reason why the British think they would attack is because of the Stamps Act. They lost one of their newspaper printers just because they refused to put a stamp on their work. The Thirteen colonies thought they could be planning a surprise attack on them. So they jumped to conclusions.
In 1775 two messages were delivered to the people of Quebec. General Washington, who is the first president of the United States on America, tried to convince his people to join the revolution. The American revolutionaries firmly decided to send a two attacks to the colony of Quebec. General Richard Montgomery controlled one of the armies. The army travelled the route up, which lead to the Richelieu River in Montreal. He was easily able to capture. A governor of a colony, Guy Carleton was able to escape disguised, as a French trapper was able to escape. General Benedict Arnold ran the other army. His troops and himself had a much more harder time with their mission. They took the overland route from Maine to Quebec finding themselves in a heavy forest and foul swamps. They ran out of food and were forced to eat candles and moccasins. Considering the starvation, disease, and dissertation, Arnold only had half of the twelve hundred men he started with. That was when he finally he joined Montgromery at Quebec City. The army went through being in freezing temperatures and to only attack on New Years eve. Two hundred Americans, including General Montgomery were killed. The British only lost six men. The Americans revolutionary were left off with no choice but to call off the attack. They remained to camp outside for the rest of the harsh winter. In May of 1776, the British army arrived with reinforcements and the Americans were forced to return back home. The American invasion of Quebec's colony had failed. After that the British newcomers to Quebec felt a strong sense of loyalty to Britain.
Diiablos: If anyone from my class copies it and gives it 2 the teacher i will hunt u down!!! And god knows what will happen next!!
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 @ 12:14am
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