Just an odd convo.... you will have to start from the bottom up. Me = Fjolvar
[03:42pm] FjöLvar: Buwahahahahaha! [03:42pm] shanice: um....yay? [03:42pm] shanice: ..... [03:41pm] FjöLvar: No, I AM the conspiracy! [03:40pm] shanice: <_< its a conspiracy.... [03:40pm] FjöLvar: You are right, I always lie! [03:40pm] shanice: no, YOU are the one that lies! [03:40pm] FjöLvar: yes you do lie! [03:39pm] shanice: lies! [03:39pm] shanice: HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?! [03:39pm] FjöLvar: I know the things that no one knows! [03:39pm] FjöLvar: IT IS NOT! [03:39pm] shanice: It could be fake! [03:38pm] FjöLvar: THE NAME GAVE IT AWAY [03:37pm] shanice: ....O_O how do you know I'm a madam?! [03:35pm] FjöLvar: -poof- [03:35pm] FjöLvar: /tips bowler [03:35pm] FjöLvar: good day ma'dam [03:35pm] FjöLvar: you have waisted my time for far too long! I must return to my ginger bread house [03:34pm] shanice: okay. [03:33pm] FjöLvar: NO! [03:33pm] FjöLvar: no there is a greater cookie sqirrel that I call kookie! he is the one who you cannot see [03:33pm] shanice: Is ganisha the gerbil army commander? [03:33pm] shanice: I once controlled the great cookie squirrel. I called him Mr.Nutty....but Mr.Nutty kicked the bucket... [03:32pm] FjöLvar: thank ganisha that I am a robot! [03:32pm] shanice: and other random electronics [03:32pm] shanice: rabid squirrels eat everything except video games [03:32pm] FjöLvar: I have seen the horrors of the great cookie squirrel [03:31pm] FjöLvar: you do not know! [03:31pm] shanice: .....sure they do. <_< [03:31pm] FjöLvar: just humans! [03:31pm] FjöLvar: the squirrels have no love for the cookie meat [03:30pm] FjöLvar: they don't need to! [03:30pm] shanice: not even the cookies can stand up to the squirrels! [03:30pm] FjöLvar: buwahahahahaha [03:30pm] shanice: eeww.....the squirrels now have a taste for human flesh! We're DOOMED! [03:29pm] FjöLvar: his pain amuses me [03:29pm] FjöLvar: yet again that was frank [03:29pm] shanice: o_o [03:29pm] shanice: so its too stupid to realize its time to run from the rodents foaming at the mouth [03:28pm] FjöLvar: no that was frank the "special" boy who dresses like a cookie [03:28pm] shanice: no, the cookie got eaten by rabid squirrels [03:28pm] FjöLvar: the cookie is smarter [03:28pm] FjöLvar: buwahahahaha [03:28pm] FjöLvar: But the cookie figured that out through your pain! [03:27pm] shanice: I know. I'm just smart like that. [03:27pm] FjöLvar: that would be most wise [03:27pm] shanice: note to self: dont let pplz hug you that are on fire [03:27pm] FjöLvar: mine tickles [03:27pm] FjöLvar: you lie [03:27pm] shanice: lmfao [03:26pm] shanice: It buurns! /stop drop and roll [03:26pm] shanice: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! [03:26pm] FjöLvar: Enjoy my pain [03:26pm] shanice: WEEE! [03:26pm] FjöLvar: BUWAHAHAHA [03:26pm] FjöLvar: /gives you a hug [03:26pm] FjöLvar: YAY! [03:26pm] shanice: yay! skin-melty-ness! [03:26pm] FjöLvar: oh yes, yes it is [03:25pm] shanice: but its still fun to watch. [03:25pm] FjöLvar: after the first few minutes [03:25pm] FjöLvar: Fire does not hurt..... [03:25pm] shanice: /watches you go up in flames [03:25pm] FjöLvar: x_x [03:24pm] shanice: bless you? [03:24pm] shanice: O_o [03:24pm] FjöLvar: /sneezes [03:24pm] FjöLvar: buwahahahaha [03:23pm] FjöLvar: sounds lovely [03:23pm] shanice: on a stick? [03:23pm] FjöLvar: horrible painful death [03:23pm] FjöLvar: that leads to death [03:23pm] shanice: bah. either way you vomit a lot [03:23pm] FjöLvar: just radiation poisoning [03:23pm] FjöLvar: no cancer [03:23pm] shanice: and cancer, dont forget cancer [03:22pm] FjöLvar: I told them that it would make a great conversational peice [03:22pm] shanice: now that's just not right. every place accepts that [03:22pm] FjöLvar: nor would they take my coins made out of depleted uranium [03:22pm] shanice: damn. you should've gone to a different evil college [03:22pm] FjöLvar: they wont take that either [03:21pm] shanice: then pay in marshmallows [03:21pm] FjöLvar: crying [03:21pm] FjöLvar: my currency is not valid [03:21pm] shanice: that's okay. I can send you a stick. Lots of sticks here. [03:21pm] FjöLvar: college of the evil has taken too much money [03:21pm] shanice: XD rofl [03:21pm] FjöLvar: too poor for a stick [03:20pm] FjöLvar: string [03:20pm] shanice: yes [03:20pm] FjöLvar: no [03:20pm] shanice: on a stick... [03:20pm] FjöLvar: destruction [03:20pm] FjöLvar: of mass [03:20pm] FjöLvar: slaves [03:20pm] shanice: They are very touchey. Probably demand payment and crap. [03:20pm] FjöLvar: that is the whole point [03:20pm] FjöLvar: no the gerbils are my personal guards [03:20pm] shanice: How shall you punish the cookies if you're trying to make them kill for you? [03:19pm] FjöLvar: Buwahahahahah [03:19pm] shanice: hmm....I thought that's what gerbils were for.... [03:19pm] FjöLvar: COOKIES WILL RAIN DOWN FROM THE HEAVENS AND KILL ALL THAT ARE IN MY WAY [03:18pm] shanice: was that a cookie pie?!??! [03:18pm] FjöLvar: just because I'm evil doesn't mean I have good aim [03:18pm] shanice: /watches pie fly through the air and hit nothing [03:18pm] FjöLvar: damnit how could you have known [03:17pm] shanice: do these plans involve making cookies rue? [03:17pm] FjöLvar: /throws a pie [03:17pm] FjöLvar: victory is mine [03:17pm] shanice: >_> [03:17pm] FjöLvar: my evil plans [03:17pm] FjöLvar: noes [03:17pm] FjöLvar: you have figured it out [03:17pm] FjöLvar: yes [03:17pm] FjöLvar: buwahahahahaha [03:17pm] shanice: touche'. The brain is what is important. [03:16pm] FjöLvar: you can do without a head [03:16pm] FjöLvar: all you need is a brain [03:16pm] FjöLvar: worms maggots fishes have no head bacause they have no neck, just a body with eyes [03:16pm] shanice: Could it read? NEVA! [03:15pm] shanice: its not smart, it just has the ability to regenerate [03:15pm] FjöLvar: Yes, you can [03:15pm] FjöLvar: a starfish has no head and it is smart [03:14pm] shanice: no you can't [03:14pm] FjöLvar: yes you can [03:14pm] shanice: lmao. You can't be smart at all w/o a head [03:14pm] FjöLvar: it has no head and that is why it is smarter [03:14pm] shanice: well, ouch. But does the cookie know how to stand on its head? >_> [03:13pm] FjöLvar: RUE [03:13pm] FjöLvar: then the IQ of the cookie seems to be greater than yours [03:13pm] shanice: ....hell, I don't even know how to do that. How can you expect it from a cookie? [03:12pm] FjöLvar: they will learn to rue! [03:12pm] shanice: /evil chuckle [03:12pm] FjöLvar: I'll teach them! [03:12pm] FjöLvar: DAMNIT [03:12pm] FjöLvar: then my work here is done [03:12pm] shanice: and they aren't 'rue-ing' [03:12pm] shanice: um...they already have [03:11pm] FjöLvar: RUE! [03:11pm] FjöLvar: The cookies will rue the day they ever found their way onto this dreaded planet [03:11pm] shanice: XD hahahaha. only if you eat a lot of them [03:11pm] FjöLvar: fine! they make me fat [03:10pm] shanice: FINE! No more cookies for you! [03:10pm] FjöLvar: /throws cookie [03:10pm] FjöLvar: I DON'T NEED YOU COOKIE! [03:10pm] shanice: Good job. You get a cookie. <(^-^)/@ [03:10pm] FjöLvar: and I'll quote JTHM all the way down [03:09pm] FjöLvar: I SHALL [03:09pm] shanice: I know I will [03:09pm] shanice: Believe what you like. :3 [03:09pm] FjöLvar: No I IS SMARTER! not he [03:09pm] shanice: I'm afriad ririan outsmarts us all [03:08pm] shanice: XD of course you are. [03:08pm] FjöLvar: Fjolvar is not rilian, I is smarter then he [03:08pm] shanice: @_@ wow. looked through some of cyber's blog thingy... and almost convulsed from ririan's IM convo. http://blog.fungusamungusls.com/archive/2006/11/184-rilians-aim-conversation.html [02:53pm] shanice: FjoLvar = teh Rilian? They type alike... >_> and it was flying demon BABIES that I feared... just the demons are okay...childrens are scary.
0n1yhuman · Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 12:11am · 0 Comments |
No Thank You, I Have a p***s |
Loneliness destroys the minds of many. I'm afraid that it seems to be doing the same to me in more ways than what I can imagine.
Did I enjoy what we had? Yes. Do I want that feeling back? Yes. Do I want her back? No. Humans want what feels good. Anything to make us happy and feel euphoria; and to get it at any cost no matter who we hurt. I do want that wonderful feeling back that I once had. The feeling is just a reminance of what I can feel; but it feels like I can no longer feel it because no matter how hard I try, I fail. I don't want to fail anymore. I want that feeling back, I want that euphoria that I had once felt; but I don't want a meaningless attempt at that feeling. I want the feeling for good. I want to find someone who wont cheat, who cares for me, who will listen to me when I ask them not to do something. Not tell them but ask of them, especialy when it is for the interests of both of our lives. I don't want to have a relationship that is just a repeat of the last one. i don't need that anymore; and I don't want that anymore.
Why can't something good happen to me? Everything else has been shitty. My job sucks, school sucks, my car is dieing(the transmission is going, the oil leaks, and now the heater core is craked). Why can't good things happen to me.
Well, I can say that good things do happen. I need to look on the brighter side of life even though I live on the dark side of it all. Atleast I have a job, a car, and I'm in school; but most of all I have my friends. My firends are wonderful. They are there when I need them most, even though most of them love hundreds of miles away from me right now. My friends do bring me happiness; but it's not the kind that I am in search of.
Sometimes I think that I can get some of the things that I want just by being ruthless. I can act like that, and I can do it well; but it's just nothing I really want to be. I like the way I am. I'm nice, funny, loveable, and well I believe most of my friends agree with this. A down right good friend, always there for them, thick and thin.
Sure I may be a little crazy, but that's what make me, well, me. I wouldn't have gotten so many friends if it wasn't for the artwork that I do, or the photos that I take, or the way I look. People love me for the things that I do; but what gets me is that why isn't it that one person loves me for all of that. I need to leave this ******** s**t hole of a damn town. I ******** hate this goddamn town. the only reason that I am in this little God forsaken town is beacuse I have no where else to go at the moment and that I want to be with some of my friends. I think the only thing that I have gained out of this ******** moronic town is my friends. My friends is the only reason why I am still here breathing today. No matter how much I want to just stop life all together is because of them.
0n1yhuman · Mon Feb 12, 2007 @ 03:49am · 0 Comments |
We see the one who has helped us on some many occasions and we just want to help, but we haven't the idea on where and how to help. Our minds are at a quandry. We suffer from the same fate but theirs can be solved easaly then our own, or so we think. The dreaded mind of sanity and rejection holds us back from our true feelings. They say there is a time and place for everything, but what if you cannot find that time nor can you find the place to help. Is it all wasted in time, or do we miss the time and place, can we miss it? We try to help others and we seem to keep us from helping ourselves because we do not wish to help ourselves. We self-destruct in a meraculous wonder of questionablity. We do not know what lies ahead but all we can do is fear for the worse and brave the path that is our current course.
End. Plain and simple
0n1yhuman · Mon Dec 04, 2006 @ 01:39am · 0 Comments |
Avi contest results and messages |
Title: Witch Doctor Jimmy Score: 7.3869 Total Ratings: 1979 Total Comments: 78 Rank: 0 Comments you received
Yutaka-Hataka first!
spirit_rider *pokes in head* it's for good luck i swear!!!
Im Your Worst Nitemare love it
lilsimmie11 awesome job !
paperclip603 cool
Roxicity This ain't story arena. 7/10.
THE HIGH GOD the wings dont match
0n1yhuman thank you all, and its a well thought out description, not a story moron.
loqin neat
Thorn Venatrix Oh, I am much scarier and more evil than you. Hehe, but really, I like it.
0n1yhuman you are scarier then i am but, im the dark scary your the OMFG my effn' eyes they hurt WHAM*gets hit over the head* where the hell am i....no wait what are you gonna do with those tweezers scary....theres a difference there.
The Dragon of Faith Awesome Just don't go opening any portals with your demon angelic powers.
0n1yhuman maybe i will and maybe i wont....whats it to you
Juicy Coutur`e Heh this reminds me of you. xD top hat. Ohh and I loved seeing you at the Homecoming game even though Phyllip was being mean. =( lol. I <3 YOU!!
0n1yhuman oh thank you, yeah that was nice to see you, sorry for leaving without saying good bye though. yeah phyll was being well phyll, although he farted and cleared out and entier row of people....weird. o.O im sorry that you feel that way razz
Ms.Conduct *does the happy zombie dance* AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGG you've been 10'd!
Ms. Badluck xD i hope you win
0n1yhuman *does happy zombie dance with you* yay a ten ^w^ I hope i can get in the top 500
chaotic_cupcake Its freakin awesome!! 10/10!!!
0n1yhuman thank you ^w^
mandii-boo I already I am falling in love with a dark lord.....I hope you win
flojo113 you look like to voodoo doctor from 007 movie (can't remember which one)
0n1yhuman EEk I'm a dark lord when the hell did this happen "Live and Let Die" Thats what i was kinda going for, but I added my own flair to it.
-star~devine- nice
0n1yhuman thank you
BrokenHope24 Wow I like it,, very cool
mindy star cool^^
[blueberry-chan] cool
0n1yhuman DOMO!!!
hannibalcadaver I WILL EAT YOUR ******** HEART!
0n1yhuman I'm sorry but I don't have a heart. NOW I WILL BREAK YOUR EFFN' FACE IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP FOR ONCE!
Shayla288 Awesome!!!
Ryan_Wasser XD
0n1yhuman thank you, although my rate is going down TwT
Ultimate-Showdown06 Cool Avi
0n1yhuman THANK YOU!!
iceblueman very cool avi
0n1yhuman vwey cool thank you
white chaos knight Nica avatar!!!!!!!!10
sqrlb8 you aren't operating on me!!!
0n1yhuman aw common but i wanna. all the squishy organs of the living.
Enragedphoenix91 But... Tha's not a guy. Meh, still good. 9/10
0n1yhuman im a guy you dork and hes a guy....omg
Iori_y na na
0n1yhuman um....thank you??
Levi53 ok... werd....2/10
Aayliah Sexy!!!!!
Welenkin fdsgfdbgdsf
0n1yhuman @levi youre weird nippon head @Aayliah Thank you @welenkin WTF learn to use a typeing program not gaia
Scytarus sweet *Comment back or PM*
0n1yhuman yo thank you mate
Zoran 14 awsome !
0n1yhuman thanks mate
hottnsexy4u FREAKY!!!!! n luving it........ 10!!!
dancingqueen100 doesn't enhances the doctor but 9/10
eman25 nice matching.
Noiram not so sure about the purple, nd you could use different pants. 7/10
EtherealLevity I like the purpleythingy.
Wolf_Demon_Ayla DEH JIMMY!! xd
0n1yhuman @hottnsexy4u; Thank you @dancingqueen100; I have no ******** clue as to what you are saying. @eman25; Thank you mate @Noiram; I really don't care @EtherealLevity; Thank you I guess?? @Wolf_Demon_Ayla; I have no earthly idea as to how to take that??
ultrdeath doctor in the house hell yeh ..but not the kind sort pain has no barriers..wooow.great avatar
girlswe very good!
x-the-emo-fairy-x looks fun... *poke*
whitemochafrap Tis okay...
Triple Homicide Strange
(M)(E)(L)(A)(N)(I)(E) realy cool
Gay-briel creepy
0n1yhuman @whitemochafrap & Triple Homicide; I shall consume your souls. @ everyone else; Thank you mates
Annin is cooool cooool
0n1yhuman thank you
MadnessFreak Ummmm....uhhhhh....
z563 cool 4 halloween
phychi death
0n1yhuman yes I are death incarnate
chees2.0 dude that is awsome definatly 10
Sasura-Neko nice
0n1yhuman Thank you very much
Vordare 10
0n1yhuman · Tue Oct 17, 2006 @ 02:43am · 0 Comments |
OMFG WTF warning not for the faint of heart |
ok so im online and this little girl pops on saying s**t to me....yeah.......um for some of you im sorry for what i have said if it has offended you in any way i was just playing around. there are things that i said that arnt true about me so yeah enjoy........i guess
Ami: pooop!!!!!!!!!!!1 yayaya!!! hehe!!may ******** U BAbe??? ur hairy d**k is sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!
Soylent Green: ummmmmmmmmmmm WTF
Ami: i love u
Ami: do u know me???
Soylent Green: yes do you know me
Ami: I MUSt ruB UR CUTE CUDDLEY HAIRY d**k!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 HEHEH!!!
Soylent Green: are you ok
Soylent Green: did you knock back a few
Ami: NOOOO!!!
Soylent Green: ok
Ami: do you wanna cuddle with my furry hairy gross v****a???
Soylent Green: im sorry to say no my fiancee would get mad
Soylent Green: but any other day i think i would say yes
Soylent Green: im sorry but its not furry
Ami: ooo. do you shave?? wax?? i like a hairless p***s!!! its so danm attracive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pwaser have sex with me!!! u could braid mah pussie & play tug-0-war with da hair
Soylent Green: is this ami or just some jack a** on her account
Ami: ummmm
Soylent Green: you gonna lie to me
Ami: ..ITS DA POO MAN!!!i
Ami: i LOVU!!!
Soylent Green: i would give you a number but hes in jail and they dont allow conjical visits atleast i dont think and from what i heard he has a small d**k
Soylent Green: so thats out of the question
Ami: tell me honey, do you shave or wax ur p***s fur??
Soylent Green: why would you want to know
Ami: becuase i'm obsessed with r p***s
Ami: ur*
Soylent Green: how would you know
Ami: wanna cyber baby boo???
Soylent Green: um sorry but no like i said i have a fiancee
Ami: so what. what she doesn't know won't hurt her
Soylent Green: oh trust me shes gonna find out
Soylent Green: one way or another
Ami: *starts taking ur clothing off & moans in antiapation*
Ami: ur turn
Soylent Green: *puts cloths back on and walks out the ******** door*
Ami: dang baby! u turn me on so bad!!
Ami: ITS AMI!!!
Soylent Green: I DONT CARE ITS NOT MY STYLE AND I HAVE A ******** FIANCEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ami: ok, then can we just chat & be friends?
Soylent Green: ok thats fine by me
Ami: yayayayay!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I"M SO HAPPY I FARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ami: can tell ya a funny story??
Soylent Green: sure
Soylent Green: why not
Soylent Green: HAHAHAHAHAHA that was sooooo ******** funny tell another
Ami: one time i was camping & there was no toilets or light & i had to plant a juciey s**t! so my bf has o stick his hand under my but-ox so i could poo. ya know. so i pooed in his hands & he kissed it & said "BABY, DANM"!
Soylent Green: riiiiiiiiight
Ami: its true danmet!!! i outta... u fir that
Soylent Green: you sound like a ******** kid
Ami: im 12 you mother ********. im amis cousin
Soylent Green: still a kid
Soylent Green: you little c**t
Ami: so are you . you a** hole
Soylent Green: not really dumbass
Ami: im a girl, i'm not a c**t. I"M A v****a U DICKASORIAS
Soylent Green: alrighty you need to just shut the ******** up
Soylent Green: typr faster
Soylent Green: type faster
Soylent Green: type faster
Ami: make me u mother ********!!!!!!!! i could so take u
Ami: ******** u
Ami: ******** me
Ami: with ur furry d**k
Ami: dickling
Ami: heheh
Ami: im not a virgin
Soylent Green: wow
Ami: ever since 8
Soylent Green: thats sad
Soylent Green: really sad
Soylent Green: so immature
Ami: not as sad as ur face!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ami: ur so ugly
Ami: ur as ugly as my grandmans v****a
Soylent Green: oh good one you make that one up all by yourself or did you have help
Soylent Green: FROM A RETARD
Soylent Green: so shut the ******** up you arabian butt ******** and leave me the hell alone
Soylent Green: you stupid a** b***h who need to learn to respect others
Ami: im asian u dumb crap
Soylent Green: and get a ******** life
Soylent Green: i dont give a ********
Ami: & i farted heheh
Ami: i could sooooooooo take u
Ami: u , u, u WEEKLING!!!!
Soylent Green: i could take you down to the road and ******** shoot you you dumb a**
Soylent Green: learn to type learn to speek learn correct english and grammar
Soylent Green: you ******** nubbin
Soylent Green: type faster
Ami: i would fart in ur face & know u out, ******** ur furry p***s, den shoot u!!!!!!!!!!!
Ami: mwahaha
Ami: & s**t on ur FAT chest
Ami: yes it is
Soylent Green: no its shaved
Ami: i've seen pics o
Ami: of it*
Soylent Green: im sorry
Ami: EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! u freak!!!!!!!!!! who shaves there d**k???
Ami: u dickalsoria!!!!!!!1
Soylent Green: well i get off my cutting off all the skin and let it bleed out
Soylent Green: there are chunks taken out of it
Soylent Green: where the razor slipped and gouged out a peice of flesh
Ami: ooo baby!! tat makes me sooo horney knowin bout ur d**k in all. PLEASE TELL ME MORE
Ami: wink
Ami: (G)
Ami: neutral
Ami: ({)
Soylent Green: this conversation is over good night and type faster and learn to speek you asian peice of s**t good night sleep tight im gonna kill you with a kitchen knife
Ami: jhvrg
Ami: e
Ami: r
Ami: e
Ami: uflnjihuoy m']
oh my god!!!
Ami: im so sorry
Ami: that was my lame a** cousin
yeah the end sorry
0n1yhuman · Mon Jul 17, 2006 @ 08:54am · 4 Comments |
so today i was checking my mail and i got a ******** warning about chainletters...
heres my reply; then why are you going after me, and who are you and this wasn't a chain letter this was just some funny thing that i wanted to share. it wasn't a letter that was all if you dont repost this, a cat from hell will jump out of you bum and dance to an irish jig.
i really dont give a ******** what the hell he has to say.
0n1yhuman · Wed Jul 12, 2006 @ 06:27pm · 0 Comments |
0n1yhuman · Sat May 27, 2006 @ 06:41pm · 2 Comments |