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~neverending~promises~ Hmmm this journal will most likely be random and my point of views on life and people in my life and all those other evil experiences. That and depends I might put small parts of my story in if I feel like it to get people's opinions!

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xXxChapter OnexXx
"Shayna, hurry up or we're going to miss the train!" Pansy yelled up the stairs to the girl's dormitory. She was about as antsy as I was about going home. It was finally summer time, time to relax and do absolutely nothing.

For once it was a normal year at Hogwarts, and I knew why. Lord Voldemort was trying to regroup and regain his strength. Ever since his encounter with Potter, he's been determined to set things straight, in his favor. This requires rest and practice on his part, and to track down faithful followers and servants. Many of which you can imagine were once students of Hogwarts under the house of Slytherin.

This year was actually pretty calm and quiet, too calm, too quiet. I was bored. For once I wish someone besides Malfoy could have been heartless and caused some type of tragedy or commotion within the huge castle walls. Events like these are the only interesting things that happen for me here. Not that going home will be any better, but at least I can entertain myself.

I began shoving items in my suitcase, out of breath and magically sent them to the train to be loaded. I grabbed the last few of my things and put it in my bag that I decided to take onto the train. "I'm coming!" I yelled out to Pansy, hoping she didn't leave me even though I knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t do such a thing.

When I left I found Pansy, the only one left in the room, tapping her foot impatiently with her arms crossed waiting for me with her usual pout on her face. "You took forever," she prolonged the 'forever' part, "what were you doing up there? Playing with yourself or something?" she laughed hurrying out of the Common Room.

I rolled my eyes taking a deep breath and headed after her before taking one last glance at the Green and Silver banners glistening on the walls of the room. I shook my head and followed Pansy as fast as I could up the winding stairs. I could feel my muscles in my legs twitching from the workout of heaving up so many steps so quickly. "Where is everyone else?" I asked exhausted pulling my weight and the weight of the bag up the stairs.

Pansy was having a hard time too without carrying anything in her arms. "Half of them," she took this time to take a deep breath," are already on the train…the others," another breath taken here," are waiting for us on the platform." She started huffing then took a few stops of her own to catch her breath.

We finally reached the top after what seemed like hours, the longer you live in the Slytherin Common Room, the longer the stairs seem to go on forever and ever whenever you want to leave. We were running through so many halls that I've been through so many times that my movement was instinctive on where to go, where to turn, where to leave. When we finally got to the front hall, people were still lingering around waiting for other's that were running late, or not wanting to leave.
As Pansy opened the door, I had to shield my eyes because the sun was so bright. After being in the dungeon for a while and being so used to darkness, it really does take its toll on your eyesight.

"Hurry it up, they're probably upset and wondering where we are," for some reason I had a feeling Pansy wanted me to hurry for another reason other than everyone's impatience. She had a look on her face that gave it away.


She wanted to hurry so she could grab a seat by Malfoy I'm assuming.

"You're not in such a hurry so we can be near Malfoy, are you?" I said his name in disgust.

Draco, Malfoy rather, and I have a very interesting history. Sure we were friends at first, when we were about five years old. We would hang out all the time watching our parents work magic, wanted to feel it for ourselves. Until one day, we stopped talking. Our parents were always at it with each other, always trying to be the best! The best follower, the best home decorator (this had our mothers written all over it), the best conjurer, you name it! So why would this change our friendship? It was between our parents! Well, I'll tell you what…he models his father too goddamn much! He thinks he's Merlin's gift the world, women, and magic. I've never seen such insolence that was so offending in my life. Draco was perfectly normal back then but now, now he's just a two-timing git born of that from an a*****e.

Pansy's face became worried, like the answer she was about to give would upset me, and it would, "no…well...maybe." she looked away like a puppy about to be punished.

I sighed shaking my head. She knew better than to stick me in a room, let alone a small compartment, with Malfoy in it. Not only would it be hard not to strike out and yell at him, but I would also be fighting the temptation to hex him from hell and back.

Before I could scold her for dragging me into another mess, she looked at me with pleading eyes. "Shayna, please?"

I stood silent my facial expression unchanging. I hated it when she did this, sometimes she could be convincing but I knew I would regret this later so why begin to give in now?

She sighed and forced a smile entwining her hands together in begging position. "Please? I mean c'mon just this once we're on the way back home anyways! You won't have to deal with him until we come back to school!"

I rolled my eyes still not giving in, "All the more reason to say no and if I do, to hex him" I began to smirk at the thought. I've never felt the urge to cause someone so much pain as him.

Pansy exhaled in frustration, "Oh please? COME ON and look at me I'm begging you please? Just once?" her eyes were filled with so much hope that it began to annoy me.

I rolled my eyes then breathed in deeply, knowing I was absolutely going to regret this later. If we both come out of that compartment, one of us is going to be hexed, or dead, or under the category of 'seriously injured'. "Alright…" I finally admitted defeat. I looked away not wanting to see her reaction, but before I could hurry onto the train she wrapped her arms around my body squeezing me tight.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" she squealed. She was right by my ear and it proved to be deafening. Before I could react yet again she clung to my wrist and pulled me involuntarily onto the train looking past compartment windows desperately in search for…his.

She finally came to a haltering stop near the end of the hall, to my horror, Malfoy was standing there smirking holding the compartment door open with that oh so famous trademark smirk on his face beckoning Pansy in, his eyes for her alone.

"I hope we didn't keep you waiting!" Pansy smiled eagerly and filed in the compartment without turning back to even glance at me! Rude much?

Malfoy hadn't even noticed I was there until Pansy had said 'we', causing him to snap out of his thoughts and look up at me. I wish he hadn't, I wish he could have just ignored me, just the look of him ignited every little thought I had about torturing him.

"Oh, it's you" he sneered, looking me up and down both revolted and amused. "I see you just can't stay away from me!" the smirk began to creep back again.

My hands immediately balled up into fists, but my expression remained calm. "Oh yeah, I definitely can't stay away from you, you're all I ever wanted and all I ever needed, oh baby oh baby" I recited sarcastically rolling my eyes and pushing past him.

To my relief he hadn't replied, he just sat next to Pansy in deep conversation with her, both never once looking up at me. I sat as close to the window on the opposite side of them as I could! If no one knew any better I was probably half out the window.

"Pansy so owes me greatly for this, she's lucky he's even in one piece sitting there talking to her!" I thought to myself. I don't know why, but even the mention of his name arouses the monster inside that will not rest until he is destroyed. I often thought about why this happens to me, why I hated him so, but the answer always seemed to stare me right in the face.

He was a jackass, a schmuck, a downright brute!

Why should I have a reason not to hate him? It's not like I ever had a reason to begin with…at least none I could remember. He was always like this to me, so why shouldn't I be like this to him?

The door opened suddenly breaking my train of thought, not that it was really going anywhere. I flashed up quickly and my eyes met with Blaise Zabini's. I smiled realizing that he was staring intently at me! We've been friends since the dawn of time but we didn't really talk much, not as much as Pansy and I at least, I didn't mind. Almost instantly I felt the spotlight suddenly turn on me because once Blaise sat next to me never turning his head away to acknowledge the others, Pansy began to stare curiously while Malfoy glared at Blaise…oh how he shouldn't have done that!

A light flickered in my brain and I slowly began to think of ways to only make Malfoy's glare into blistering rage, how that was going to happen I had no clue yet, but I did realize that it had to do with Blaise Zabini! A plan started to unfold in my mind and the evil green monster inside me, liking it!

"Hello Shayna," Blaise flashed a smile at me igniting a small tingle inside my tummy. I haven't really noticed, but since I've known Blaise he's grown up fine! Nice body, stunning smile, likable personality! And he wasn't Malfoy, that's a huge plus.

I smiled back as flirtatiously as I could be catching Malfoy grimace out of the corner of my eye. "You know you can call me Shay, Blaise" I giggled trying to be as distracting as possible, even if that meant doing that annoying loud laugh some girls do to get a guy's attention.

Blaise laughed himself very into our conversation. He finally turned slightly and waved at Pansy and Malfoy. He quickly turned back to me. "So do you think you're going to be busy this summer?" he sounded hopeful like he had things planned for us already and he didn't want me to object.

I smiled for real for the first time, sure it sounded like he was asking me out, and of course I couldn't object! Besides, it's not like I normally did anything over the summer except play Quidditch in secret by myself, study out of boredom, and I seldom travel thanks to Voldie and all his planning and missions he's sending our parents on. "Not especially, I never am"

Malfoy sneered in the background, "Of course she's not going to be busy," his disrespect rang clear in his voice, "she doesn't have a life!" the corner of his mouth turned up into an evil retort of vengeance. He had hatred written all over his face.

My anger began to slowly rise and I just rolled my eyes, realizing I had to cool off before I really did end up hexing him. I was about to reply with my own comeback when Blaise punched Malfoy in the stomache.
My eyes widened, no one but Pansy really stood up for me against Malfoy, it was different when someone else was defending me, especially since it was Blaise. Apparently I wasn't the only one caught off guard too, both Malfoy and Pansy sat there wide-eyed, with Malfoy hunched over wheezing. Pansy was in shock inspecting Malfoy to see if he had any serious injuries, which he didn't, but the way that punch sounded you could have thought differently. It echoed so loud throughout the compartment you'd think others around us in their closed compartments could hear it!

Malfoy's shocked expression turned to fury. "What the bloody hell was that for?!" his voice crescendoed. Even if he wasn't in a bad mood before, I'm sure his attitude would have escalated just the same.

Blaise smirked and seemed to be in defensive mode. "First of all you have no business butting in other people's conversations, and second how the hell would you know if Shay had a ******** life or not? Since when did you care?" he glared daggers at Malfoy.

I was too stunned to react so I stood there trying to take in the last five minutes of what just occurred. I've never been so confused in my life…on top of that I've never seen anyone stand up to Malfoy before either.

Pansy was awestruck and glanced back at me and Blaise with worry in her eyes, as if those two were really about to duel. If I know Blaise, he wouldn't waste any time on Malfoy anyways, not unless he went way over the line. What Malfoy just pulled was protocol though! So I wonder how he would react to any of the crazed crap he would pull any other day.

Malfoy sat there unmoving, his features creased into lines of hatred. "I don't…and frankly you're not on my top list either…not that you ever were" he muttered the last part to himself but in such small space it could be heard clearly.

Blaise smirked under the impression of victory. He turned back to me smiling and held out his hand. "We should leave Shay, you don't deserve the bullshit he puts you through…and we're clearly not wanted here either" he flashed a quick piercing stare at Malfoy.

I didn't know what to do at that moment, but instincts kicked in and I thought, hey what the heck? Better than staying here by myself, watching those two flirt constantly as my anger rose. So I took the offer and thankfully took his hand as he effortlessly pulled me up and grabbed my bag for me.

I had to admit I was impressed. I didn't really expect this kind of action from anyone, not even Blaise. I grasped the moment I had and left with Blaise, I needed a new adventure anyways, something to finally look forward to.

Malfoy was fuming out of his ears. Before I left the compartment, I caught a glimpse of Pansy trying to ease him out of his fury fixed state. In a way I felt sorry for her, how could she like such a scumbag? Then again, it's not like you can really control your feelings…

I sighed and realized that Blaise's hands and mine were still locked together as he finally found an empty compartment. He smiled at me, "Well how lucky are we?" he motioned for me to go in first, still not letting go of my hand.

Looking at the space suspiciously, I entered and sat near the window watching him curiously as he looked both ways in the hall before he closed the door securely. Turning to me, he smoothed out his shirt and took his seat across from me. "You alright?"

I had failed to realize I was partially shaking, it wasn't from Malfoy either, these were tremors from Blaise. "Er…I'm alright…thanks for standing up for me-"

He held up his hand to stop me, "Don't mention it, I've always wanted to hit that guy…I just never had the perfect chance to try until then, all the other times I could try, there was always a teacher or Snape standing by." He rolled his eyes laughing.

I forced a laugh awkwardly and looked away. For a second, I believed it would have been better if I stayed in the compartment with Malfoy! I was too used to all the hatred and revulsion that civility was foreign to me, not unbearable, but different enough to make me speechless.

"So what does he have against you anyway?" Blaise finally broke the silence leaning closer to me. He wasn't around enough to realize how long Malfoy and I have been fighting over they years.

I kept my gaze out the window watching green trees pass by in a blur, I really didn't feel like explaining all this to him. As much as I trusted him, I just didn't feel like recalling all those sudden happenstances I have encountered with Malfoy or the past how ever long. "I've known him since we were little…and our little hate ''relationship'' just began to grow then I guess".

He nodded in thought staring at me like he was trying to figure out how to put the puzzle together. "Let's drop the subject of gits, so what do you think about hanging out this summer? My parents are going away on some death eater business, maybe we can get together then and hold some big summer bash without Malfoy of course" he smirked.

I could only imagine what the mind of a seventeen year-old teenager would be thinking. I rolled my eyes and smacked him playfully. "Possibly…depends on who else is going to be there…" I teased.

Our conversation seemed to go on for hours. We had discussions of politics even on the whole subject of how pathetically oblivious the Ministry can be on the whereabouts of Voldemort, and how Harry is smarter than he seems, but no one important with authority but Dumbledore seems to realize this. We even started talking about old times we used to share, like skipping classes and going into the Forbidden Forest at night, when we were younger this was no farther than about five feet into the woods, walking the outlines of it close enough to the Castle to run for our lives.

Before I knew it we were at the train station. I could see it from afar coming closer, taunting me.

"Well, we're here," he smiled down at me standing up and stretching. "You better owl me Shay you hear?" a friendly smile spread across his face. I’ll admit talking to him made me feel loads better, and being with him made me feel at home…I wonder where this is going to lead me?

Laughing, I shook my head at him, he was ridiculous sometimes, I hated guys that tried too hard but some that do are hilarious! "I will, I promise" I raised my right hand as if I was about to be put onto some stand.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me unexpectedly into a bear hug, or at least that's what it felt like. Big, tight, warm, and I couldn't breathe…that sounds about right!

"I'll be sure to visit you as much as possible, later Shay!" he smiled at me and grabbed his luggage in haste and ran out of the compartment taking a few last glances at me.

I sighed not really moving much. I didn't exactly want to move, I had a nice time with Blaise and I was comfortable so what was the point of moving? Then again, unless I wanted the train to leave with me on it, I better get off now.

I swiftly removed my bag from the luggage-holding area and I quickly left the compartment. People were crowding the hall wanting to leave right away. I could wait, but when I thought about it, the reason I was so used to waiting was because Pansy and Draco would all the time, along with Crabbe and Goyle…the last few people with the exception of Pansy, that I would want to run into.

"Well if it isn't LaCroix!" I felt every happy particle in my body dissolve. Why was this happening to me? Why couldn't he just taunt someone else…what am I to him? A ******** insult magnet? I have a life and feelings too!

Instead of turning around to meet my fate I ignored it, despite the fact that wouldn't stop him, and I was right. Before I took another step to the exit I was whipped around by a strong pair of arms and met the most furious facial expression Malfoy has ever managed to make. "Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you LaCroix, remember who's in higher favor and class next to your family…mine!"

I scowled at him and tensed, his strong hands were on both of my arms holding on so tightly I thought I was going to be permanently indented with finger marks. "What the bloody hell do you want?" I thought I heard my voice shake, for once he was half scaring me and he noticed this too because his angry glare turned into something of twisted amusement.

"You better hope that Blaise doesn't pull anymore stupid stunts or go anywhere near me or you again," this caught me by surprise, what did it matter if Blaise was with me? At least it kept me out of his hands and he wouldn't have a stick up his a** all the time, "never walk away from me again!" his grip sort of tightened then he finally let go forcefully and strode past me.

I couldn't move for what seemed like an eternity. I've never in my life seen him act like this towards me, maybe Potter, but not me. I've never made him this angry before…and technically it wasn't even me, it was Blaise. I looked around and realized I was left alone and I finally found enough strength to move.

As soon as I got off I ran into my parents with their brooms and mine, we normally flied home, it was always a nice view. But when we set off, I wasn’t looking at the view, not even acknowledging it. A few times my parents had to yell for me because I was going in the wrong direction. I don't know why I was letting Malfoy get to me, it's not like he hasn't acted like a git before! I sighed and when I steadied my broom I checked my arms, they were red where he had held me and when I pushed on it lightly, or traced my finger over it gently it would throb.

I didn't know much of anything that was going on with him, but I know for sure that whatever Blaise did, whatever I might have done, triggered something in Malfoy…and he had left the proof in imprints on my skin.

To: Emma && Draco Fans
Yes it's true, I'm back and just for you =).

The first time I used Gaia I said I was going to start a Draco story and I started but life events caused me to stop, well I'm back again and this time I'm ready to finish what I started.

If you read the first chapter everything is pretty much the same only with a few fixed grammar details and whatnot.

The only time I should stop writing is when I'm in labor haha so I don't think we'll have too many problems here anymore I really want to finish this story I want to see how it turns out myself and what happens.

I'm very excited and I would like to personally thank Emma for getting me back into it, I would probably be a bored lost cause without her.

So thanks,
love Hally heart

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answer this for my amusement
what would you do for a klondike bar?? *sings*
xd xd xd xd xd

You know what i hate?
i hate it when someone plays stupid mind games...
for example: i know someone who loves to get attention, saying they want to kill themselves...
whenever i try to help?
they're all like its because....nvm
ok some helpful advice people??
you have NO clue how badly this pisses me off and others...
on top of that, be rational...even if you haven't seen the person in the longest time it's a little obvious if you've really been to a mental hospital or not...don't lie and over exaggerate s**t when you know it's not true, and you know it's a little hard to believe or obvious that it's not true to the other person...that's just being stupid!

Just felt like sharing my thoughts I'm sorry..........

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Poem "Boys" [11/7/06]
Boys, what's really the meaning behind them?

Well if your still young and new to the game of love
then you haven't truly found out the answer to the question above.

Hmm where to start?
All of us girls have special hearts.
When we think of love it's not a one-night stand
But walking on the beach hand in hand.
Having that butterfly feeling when our eyes meet
Trying to be perfect, and when nervous staring at our feet.
Sure we take love seriously,
You're supposed to, it's rare.
Why take it so seriously?
DUH! We actually care.

Most guys don't see the value behind a girl's eyes,
They hide behind a mask and tell us all lies.
They treat us like princesses, a work of art
With their warm compliments and sweet remarks.
They claim they love us and will never let us go,
Never leave us in the dark, shivering in the cold.
Of course we'll believe them
How can't we, with their charm?
Most won't ever see it coming,
How they convey so much harm.

All you guys reading this probably won't believe,
All the pain you've brought us girls that we can't relieve.
We gave you our hearts to hold and to care for,
But you drop us likes rocks laughing, hurting us more.
Taking advantage of us in your disgusting pleasure,
And no amount of "sorry's" can equal nor measure,
To the pain you've brought to a girl's broken heart,
That once pure, beautiful, untouched work of art.

All you boys that are like this don't deserve anyone at all,
All you girls that have been through this should all stand tall.
Don't let some stupid boy tear you down like this,
In the end you'll be fine, there's nothing you'll miss.
To forgive and forget is too easy said than done,
How can you when many guys find this despicable idea fun?

Heh, now I'm rambling but you all know it's true,
There are guys out there that only want to use you.
Don't fall in love with them, I've made that mistake,
Because when you do, it's your heart they will break.
And if you're lucky or strong enough for it to mend,
I respect and admire you greatly, my friend.

I'm not an expert I admit, but I've been through a lot,
And I will not become a piece to another boy's plot!
Truthfully I made this to let someone know,
I will hate you eventually and I'm trying to let go.
I just hope girls out there will be smarter than me,
See all the things I didn't, but wish I could see.

Time heals nothing, I've learned it the hard way,
It's your strength and willing that will make it go away.
All I am saying is girls' please beware,
He'll tell you anything to make you think he cares.
Love is a beautiful yet dangerous thing,
You have no clue what kind of pain they can bring.

So heed my words, my thoughts, trust me because I know,
When I read something similar I thought "Whatever, so?"
I have been through too much s**t to easily forget,
All those confined sleepless nights that I spent upset.
You don't need all the drama, the cheating, or deception,
You need real love, honesty, and a sense of protection.
Eventually girl, you know you will see right through him,
You will wonder if you even meant anything to him.
Just remember who you are and how to have fun,
Then you won't be victimized and the pain will be done.

Just a few last words to say and I promise I'll go,
I made this for multiple reasons but mostly to show:

Be very careful with whom you will fall in love,
Now do you know the answer to the question above?

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