I don't have a problem
No ones home. Finally I have a chance to eat. It's not like I didn't have the chance to eat before... I just, I can't. Not infront of them, I can't eat infront of people. Shes gone to Doctors, hes gone to work. No one is in the house but me.
I open the door to the fridge...oh god. Strawberries and sugar, Hershy Kisses, French fries, Chips, Salsa, M&Ms... where do I begin? Where do I start? The corn dogs. Those fat, greasy veggie meats on a stick. Thats where I begin. Wrapping my tounge around it, setting my taste buds in a frenzy... It tastes good. Very good. The best part is, no one sees me. I just eat. Eatting is so great. I don't think about the after math, what its doing to my body. I think about how every bite hits my dopamene, getting me high on happiness every time. Yes, so happy. The chocolate meltng in my mouth, the corn dogs sliding down my throat, the strawberries bursting flavor in my mouth... It may not sound great to you, but boy was it for me.
I sit there, looking around myself. I see wrappers, stawrberry tops, sugar crumbs. I feel so guilty. Why is it, the one thing that makes me so happy, hurts me worst? Why? Oh god why do you do it? I look down at my belly, fatly buldging, so gross. I feel so upset with myself, I grab the fat, wishing I could just, yank it off. Why do I have to be so ugly? Why do I have to be so....fat? Why god? Why me?
I get up, wipe the crmbs off of me and tie my hair up in a bin. Can't get that dirty. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door, and turn on the vent and sink, making as much noise as possible so my gagging can't be heard. I walk over to the toilette and sit down nxt to it. I lick my right first two fingers, getting them wet so I can slide them down my throat easily. I look into the toilette, taking off my glasses I brace myself. I slide my fingers down my throat once, getting my body ready for whats about to happen to it. I think of discusting things, throw up, urine, The c** of my rapist that was swishing in my mouth that one night. I do it again, pushing firthure down. My body reacting as it usually does when i do it time and time again. Forcing my self to gag up all the food. I first taste the last thing I ate. Throwing up the strawberries and sugar, seeing the red juices swirl around Again and again I throw up,m pushing into my throat, then the chocolate, then the corn dogs. The taste mixed together is horrible, making my tunge twist in discust, which only makes my gag harder and throw up more.
Finally, I get up and flush the toilete, the swirls of colors gowning down. I stand up, put on my glasses and take down my hair. Spitting, and brushing my teeth I walk into the living room and lay down. It used to be for attention. I used to not do it at all and just say I did, hopefully it would make me cooler... how stupid. But now I really do, and it's no joke, and I don't tell any one. Not even myself. Because I don't have a problem, I never did.
Late September Dogs · Sun May 20, 2007 @ 06:09pm · 1 Comments |
Gay Marriage Ha ha, this is funny
Top ten reasons why gay marriage is a bad idea
1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behaviour. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.
7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
cool Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.
9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans
Please post this in your blog if you are for gay marriage.
Late September Dogs · Sat May 19, 2007 @ 09:36pm · 0 Comments |
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Late September Dogs · Fri May 18, 2007 @ 12:38am · 1 Comments |
This is about California legislation being passed to exterminate pit bulls. If it passes in California, it could be on it's way to other states. Someone has to try to make a difference...what if it were your pet? It would be great if Myspace could be used for something good other than getting dates. Please pass the word along and post this so as many people can see this as possible. NO ON PROP SB861!!!
Late September Dogs · Sat Jul 29, 2006 @ 10:06pm · 0 Comments |
Conservative Vrs Liberal
Ok, I was searching through the boards on the Chatter box, looking for anything interesting to take a look at and I saw some one with a siggy that said “Politics are evil, don’t believe anything.”
I found this rather fascinating. This person I hope reads this because I’d like to say, that person is totally clueless. Politics aren’t evil. /Some/ of the people, if not most, in them are. The act and practice of politics is not to blame. Politics is the simple act of working on our government and economy. This can swing either was depending on the person(s) in it. It could hurt us severely or it could help us. I personally am more on the Liberal (democratic) side, but I’m remaining Independent on a few things. Republicans, far right Republicans, I must confess, aggravate me. They annoy me really. Half of them say things I find absolutely ridiculous. Such as abortion is wrong. I asked this one Woman who is a far right Conservative about this subject. She replied this: “The mother s the selfish one you had sex, why should the child suffer by not being allowed a life?” This I must say makes sense, and is an interesting way to look at it. But another thing I think about is, it’s not always the woman’s fault! They immediately think it is because we’re the one’s who need to keep our legs shut. Well, think about this. A 14 year old girl is raped by her father and she becomes pregnant. She is denied an education and the life she had been working so hard to achieve. Is that her fault? No. She should be aloud to have an abortion. It’s her body and she will not be able to live her life the way she was meant to just because of her father’s selfish and twisted actions. Don’t you think she should be allowed to live the way she wishes? Some may say she’s different and should be allowed to, but no other woman where it is their fault should. Oh! That’s smart! How bout we have a little quiz for all the woman wanting to get an abortion. 1) Did you get raped? 2) Where you a dirty slut and ******** some guy? 3) How did it feel?
Brilliant idea! Now, not only do we not have the right to decide what happens to our body, but now we don’t have the right to our privacy! -_-;;; Well then. My case is settled. That’s only one thing with I disagree with. There are MANY others.
--More comming, just too lazy right now to typeth them--
Late September Dogs · Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 06:54pm · 0 Comments |
When you die.What happens when you die? And what is Religion? It makes you wonder what a demon is. I used to think Demons didn’t exist, but I believe in Angels, and Angels can’t exist without Demons. And exorcisms….you never see one happen on an animal, you never see animals possessed, any movies on it or and books, nothing. Nothing that I’ve heard of any way. And what makes the human so special then? I believe if people say it has happened to humans but never to animals, then I don’t believe it. It wouldn’t choose one species…would it? Then again they do say wolves where possessed by the devil. This I simply refuse to believe. Wolves are my favorite animal, and as far as I see one the kindest. Do you ever see them killing others for no reason? No. It’s survival, they kill to eat, they kill to protect, where humans kill for stupid reasons such as inanimate objects which have no use for survival. We kill animals for sport. You don’t see wolves out there killing for imaginary points. Then again, not to what we know do they have that intelligence. They don’t kill themselves like humans. The ape shares a huge potion of DNA with us, some where in the 90’s (I’m not totally sure exactly what number) But it has nothing to do with depression. We are the only species to commit suicide on purpose… wait, two things I disagree with that statement. No, the difference has nothing to do with depression, but it does have to do with intelligence, and the intelligence holds the understanding of life and death, we understand that life will stop and be easier (*so we think) and be an ending to the pain where the wild animals just have the instinct to just live. They know you can die but… they don’t know how it’s an ending to pain…do they? So what is possession? Why would god put us through it? Some people say that if we are ok with god we will not go through such torment. But Emily Rose (a girl who was supposedly possessed by the 6 dark Angels) was a Christian girl who was going to a college to become a teacher. What did she do that was so incredibly horrible that God put her through such torture? It was said it needed to happen, to let others see it is Real, that God had her sacrificed to have others see he was real. Think about it, our bodies are so fragile that a cut not one inch deep to a certain part of your body can kill you in seconds. So, what keeps your body so safe from Demons? I understand it now I think… if you felt only happiness and health, you would not be happy for it. Those must be sacrificed to let others see that life is not so great and to be grateful for what you have. I don’t believe in religions that are so… Like Christianity. I disagree with that religion because it’s said that you must go to church every Sunday. I think that’s stupid. I mean, I believe in God but if he’s so great and powerful, which I believe he is. He can hear me from anywhere. A building that has been blessed by a couple of old guys wearing a black and white suit is no more holy that the clean, fresh natural ground I feel beneath my feet. I believe in Judaism, it is my favorite religion and it always will be. Not only is it the oldest but it is the one that makes sense to me. I believe Jesus was a prophet, not god’s son. Catholic is my least favorite religion out of all of them. It’s like, when you do wrong all you have to do when you do some one wrong is go to church, ask for forgiveness and you’re cleared. That’s wrong I think. In Judaism you go to the person you did wrong to and ask forgiveness from them, then, and only then are you cleared. Some say “Don’t you believe god has the right to clear you of your sins?” Yes, he does. But we don’t have the right to 24/7 clearing. It’s wrong and God knows it. You get forgiveness from the, and you are cleared. To me it’s the only thing that makes sense.
Predestination. That’s something that puzzles me. According to the Torah God make earth and creatures and life because he was lonely. If he makes people and knows exactly what’s going to happen and if they go to heaven or hell, then where’s the fun in that? He doesn’t even need to if he already knows what happens and stuff. I think God has the ability of time travel. He can go to the future and past, but I don’t think he goes to the future very often since it takes the fun out of things. He knows everything and he is we. We are all pieces of god. I love god because I believe in him and I love him. He’s just like me and all of us. He was lonely. It makes me sad to think of God as lonely. Isn’t it depressing? God goes through everything that we do. He feels what you feel, not only does he feel all the happiness but he feels all the pain too. It reminds me of the book “The Giver”. He must be so powerful. Death scares me. When we die then is that it? I can’t imagine my soul just stopping. Everything that I know, everything I went through just stopping. Well, I believe God will do me right, so really I have no worries. But it makes me think even more, Does doing good keep you from getting hurt? I believe the answer is no. You get hurt because God believes it’s right, and it is. It keeps you alive in some way, not knowing that one day you die makes life not so important, but now it is. You get hurt when you don’t appreciate life but you will get hurt any way so really there’s no point, but yet there is in some way… Doing what you believe the right makes God happy. Being happy is good… being happt means that you send these feelings to God and god feels them too, and after all God gave you life so it’s only right. He will hurt you, he has to. What’s good if there is no bad? So, in conclusion, God rocks, so be happy for him =)
Late September Dogs · Tue Jul 11, 2006 @ 05:18am · 0 Comments |