anyone want to roleplay? these are my different charactors for different roleplays...
I really like to rolplay as a werewolf... its my favorite
 She is kind of a quiet wolf,shy, but she will kick your a** if she has to.. she is very loveing and understands alot more than she should.. she might be listening closer than you think.. her name is Kay.. she has seen alot, and she likes to get to know people before she fights them. and remember she can be very unpredictable.
My highschool rolplay charactor her name is Scarlett:
 LOVES TO FLIRT ^-^ she isnt prepy at all, she is more of a hott outcast that most are afraid to ask on a date.. so uh she is kinda lonely...
my killer roleplay,her name is also Scarlet, i bet you can only guess what she is about huh? she does jobs for people, she will only kill if you pay her good money, or if she doesnt like someone.. she is also kinda flirty... she really doesnt like nosey people..instead of the white shirt and blue tie, she has a black shirt and a red tie, i couldnt find anyother pics that i liked...
The Kayjay · Sat Jul 28, 2007 @ 05:53am · 2 Comments |