Today i was standing over a spider who was crawling across my floor and i realized that i had the power to end his life or better it by putting him outside with the flys while only burning about 7 calories either way. and this was all unknown to him he just figured that the gusts of wind flying over his head was just the wind when really it was my foot trying to decided whether to kill him or not. Finally my mom came up and told me to kill it and i thought this was quite amusing because in novel class the teacher told us that becoming a soldier was the hardest thing anybody could ever do because it goes against our teachings through life especially if your a christian or of faith. here i was though being told to kill a poor defenceless creature by a catholic and not only a catholic but my mother as well. So that made me think if all religious people think they are going to the promised land even though they have probably stepped on their share of spiders and other creatures. I hope they get to the pearly white gates or something and their god like figure smacks them with the sunday edition. Back to me standing over the spider, i decided to let the guy live and than i came down later and lost him until tonight when i realized he was sleeping on my couch..what a cutey and i pointed him out to my dad who promplty told me to kill him i said i didn't think the spider could do much damage than my dad started talking about how it would reproduce and could bite one of us and bullshit like that and i said i could reproduce and stomp on him or somethin than my dad said ******** it and through a tantrum. Needless to say the spider is now dead because of a human who didn't want to listen to his father. I like to think of Humans as the earths syphillis and that spiders and other deadly animals are white blood cells i hope someday i make the conversion to a white blood cell.