Gaia Life |
Memories slept
As part of the past
A record kept
Is a record to last
When blind reminescence
Is discovered again
Life has true escence
Until forever's "the end"
-- By me! |
Community Member
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 07:24pm
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 06:09pm
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 12:39am
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 04:00pm
December 15, 2006, 10:54 o'clock:I am at school... >.>
whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.
whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.whew. it's been a while. I'm prolly gonna transfer all of these journals into my DA account, because that's a little safer to get on, so yeah, check out Katsuu at DA. My art sucks!...
Anywho, I don't have time to write much, but seriously, I CAN"T BELIEVE GYPSYNINJA AND ZEMUU ARE BOTH MOVING!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying this stanks. and not good stank. bad stank.
David just says: "Gay-uh online?"
and then I says: "Gaia online" and it was awesome.
the end.
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 @ 09:12pm
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 11:31pm
School... *grumblecakes*
Well, it looks like school is happening again this year (that's a bummer gonk )... But, at least it's not as hard as Mrs. Kinkead was ... er... I mean... crying so sad! I'm not going to reveal to you what grade I'm in, cuz you stalkers are out there (get a life, L evil SERS!), so I can't go into much detail. So far it's not to bad. I am still a procrastinator tho (Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow! blaugh ) . Well I finally got a tv in my room (something my parents said would never happen until I was eighteen), but at the cost of having cable tv crying crying crying (no mo' bobobo!). Man, it's only been a week and I already miss that show. Oh well, life goes on... maybe.
I finally got around to drawing my first comic in my series Mo-Mo Menti and Syndicate Spore, but it ended up having a character from both series, and had no story developement. My first series, Mo-Mo Menti is a comic i decided to base on indavidual jokes, not storyline, almost like Megatokyo (megatokyo.com). The main character is a girl named Megumi, and it's all about what she faces through everyday life and middle school and junk like that. (example: Panel 1: (Megumi is watching some nerds have a conversation Nerd 1: No! it's pernounced gif! Panel 2: Nerd 2: No! It's jif! Panel 3: (a third nerd comes in and breaks up a furious slap fight) Nerd 3: Please, please, boys. It doesn't matter how you pernounce the reading of G.I.F. files. Panel 4 Nerd 3: Besides, you say dayta, I say dahta! Well, that wasn't very funny, but ya get the gist of it...) My other manga, Syndicate Spore, is about Japanese immigrants (Shisu and Kaatsuki) who come to America who are like modern day Robin Hoods, minus the Merrymen (This idea came from one of my friends comics, Robin' da Hood, which did not continue too long, so I used the idea.) . But theres a twist. The two both have powers that come from special marks on their bodies (a thunderbolt under the left eye for Shisu that gives her electrical powers, and an upside down crown under the right eye for Kaatsuki that gives him photographic memory). They discover that these abilities are called Fhinoms (derived from Phenoms), and that many others have them (this idea came from Fishigi Yugi, one of my favorite mangas). I hope it all works out in the end! ^_^ I usually don't stick with series, but these seemed pretty promising.
P.S. bobobo bashing is banned. and that means you, gypsy girl =_= scream
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 @ 08:15pm
Manga Maniac! >.< Anime Ailment!
Lately I've been reading as much manga as I can, and I gotta say, that stuffs' good for your soul! crying Much to my surprise, I like the romantic ones more than the actiony type whee . I guess I'm just wierd that way sweatdrop But I still like some of the shonen I read, such as naruto, one piece, and .hack// lengend of the twilight. Some of my favorite romantic comedy mangas include Pita-Ten, Maisson Ikokku, Chobits, and yeah, that's all I can think of off the top of my head. 3nodding (*coughnegumi,butthat'ssortahentaishsoyeah,anddon'tevengetmestartedonvideogirlai*shudders*Iwishinevertouchedthatonecough*)
Now for anime on the other hand, I like naruto, IGPX, and Bobobo-bo bo-bobo! I'm a little unexperienced in anime and you can tell the only ones I've watched are on toonami... ^.^;;
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 @ 08:01pm
Bloomington Blus :.:
Life is a lot diferent here then it is in Utah. For one it's more humid (>_< wink , but that's not what I'm talking about. As long as I've been here, I've felt more like I'm at home. i know it sounds weird an all, but so what? all the backyards are open in our part of the neighborhood, so you can just walk around and visit each other whenever you want. And I have these neighbors, the ones I was talking about in my last post, well, they're not so bad, ya know? Anyway, that prolly sounded funky, so oh well...
------ Oh, and another thing I noticed, They call Carl Jr.s, Hardees here. Is that wierd or what? >.<
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 @ 06:34pm
Life in the 'hood, yo! 8)
Well, today's journa; entry is all about my daily life in my neighborhood. Not like it's any of your business, you stalkers scream . Anyway, since right now is summer, I'll tell you about right now. Usually I am never bored (whatta liar wink ) But that doesn't mean I don't have times where I'm not doing anything...
Right now I am trying to pick up skateboarding, and I can tell you, It must weigh a ton, 'cuz it's really hard to pick up (laugh! scream ) Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to ollie, and it's not working right. but, oh well...
Another thing I've been doing is hanging out. Everyday this week I've had someone over (a new record! blaugh ) yesterday i had pangia barogue over (name and address withheld, you stalkers scream ) (sorry about that sweatdrop ) Anywho, he's pretty cool *looks at pangia reading this*... I mean really awesome! He's the coolest guy around... xp
About everyday my neighbors come over to hang out. Audrey, and her little brother Daniel. sometimes I question his sanity (and because he keeps proposeing to me, his ********* stare ) (oh, and I forgot to mention that he's only five... 3nodding )
Anyway, I justr thought you faithful readers would like to know what my daily... well actually, i guess It is a little lacking... oh well! whee