Look at 'em!! Luffle them!!! x3
Sarete · Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 02:30pm · 0 Comments |
Oh wow... I'm 18... this is... wow...
So cool!! ^_^
Presents? Y'know you love me! mad d Only if you want to, m'dears!
Love you all!!!
Sarete · Sun Jun 03, 2007 @ 06:23am · 1 Comments |
Prom is tomorrow!!! I am SOOO excited!!! I will change this as SOON as I get through the night, and let y'all know EVERYTHING!!!! whee
Sarete · Fri May 18, 2007 @ 04:23am · 3 Comments |
...from a Gaia-induced hiatus.
Apparently, my account was hacked, and thus the wonderful administrative powers-that-be decided to ban my account so that the assailant hacker could not mess with my items and personal settings. I am beyond grateful that they would do such a kind thing.
After a few worried e-mails to Inquiry, they let me know what was up, and helped me to un-ban my account and fix all the errors. Again, I really appreciate them!
So, I've been gone for a week... what'd I miss? wink
Sarete · Sun May 13, 2007 @ 11:55pm · 0 Comments |
These are a few pictures from Towns, where there are some of the best people EVAH!!! heart 3nodding heart blaugh heart razz heart 5 Barton 001045 = the BESTEST place to be!!!  My AMAZING Wife and me, sharing a romantic interlude... ^o~  Me and my new friends posing for victory!!!  The pile of lovelies all over Doc Furrel!! xd Quote from the Doc: Sitting on my lap... not a good idea. Quote from Sarete: Oh, THAT'S why I'm rising up!! :rises higher: O_O;;; Doc: LOL Sar: =^.^=  HAHAHAHA, this is wonderful!!! Look at the number of gold I have!!! xp  Awww Mag & Reeny look so cute with their emo dates! xd
Sarete · Mon Feb 05, 2007 @ 08:51pm · 2 Comments |
I had a biopsy today (I have a mole that could become pre-cancerous, and a doctor wants it removed to prevent potential breast cancer) and am feeling, to be frank, like hell. crying I'm gonna have full surgery in a few weeks, and then I'll most likely have a 6-week recovery period. gonk My shoulders and chest are aching, and for some weird reason, my emotions are WAY all over the place. ( emo ) So, if as a result, I'm on Gaia less, don't be surprised, I'm probably just sleeping or crying. crying See y'all when I see you... I'll update as news comes in.
Sarete · Fri Feb 02, 2007 @ 11:24pm · 1 Comments |
First off, if you read the title and thought, "OH GOD!!! gonk ", everything's okay. Joey had surgery today on his lower back, and is currently hospitalized in Maryland, where they specialize in the type of surgery he needs. As a result of missing today's school and the bedrest required to heal from surgery, he will be on homebound education for the next two months... crying
I miss him already... It's so weird being at school without him... it feels so empty, in a way. I see him all the time, but now it's really obvious where I'm gonna have to adjust for two months. Otherwise, I think I'll go INSANE! emo
EDIT: He's at home, resting. The doctors don't want him sitting or seriously bending so the muscles and the stitches don't get messed up. Other than that, he's fairly normal- he's going crazy too, haha. Hopefully, everything will be all right... emo
Sarete · Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 03:37am · 1 Comments |
The football team's going to Virginia Beach for the State semi-finals in an EPIC battle against the mysterious Salem High School! surprised Who will win?!
Results of the game...
Salem Sun Devils: 21 Osbourn Eagles: 27
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blaugh The other team was HUGE- there must've been only four guys that were under six feet, 240 lbs. It was CRAZY! Our master miracle-working quarterback (nicknamed B House) was getting sacked left and right, but we managed to pull off some awesome passes. Salem had a great running strategy- because of their size, they could plow us right down. Their throwing strategies SUCKED- their receivers get used so little, I'm surprised they remembered how to catch the ball! lol Joey was sacking people left and right, it was AMAZING! whee His new nickname is "Diesel" because he was charging into people like they were a twig in a tornado. I was like, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG, that boy can smack people down!" OMG, I was so proud of him! He's really gotten better since the playoffs have started- it made him better, in a corny way, to know that these were REALLY important games, and he HAD to do it right. sweatdrop After the game, he came to the edge of the bleachers and looked for me, and I ran to the edge and waved to him; he jumped up on the edge, held onto the handrails, and kissed me as he hugged me. He whispered in my ear, "Thank you so much for coming, you have no idea what this means to me. I played for you, Danni." whee 4laugh blaugh heart OMG, I was ready to cry! I waited after he went and took off his pads and whatnot, and he tackled me again and almost cried, he was so happy! His parents were thrilled, as well- his mom kept thanking me and my parents for coming, and lovin' on me and whatnot. I was beyond happy! blaugh
Sarete · Sat Dec 02, 2006 @ 04:52am · 1 Comments |
I'm feeling really... blech.
Joey and I are doing really well... I'm doing okay in school... Life's good in general...
So why the Hell do I feel so weird???
Sarete · Fri Nov 24, 2006 @ 06:45pm · 1 Comments |