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OK i am writing a story, it is a fan fiction of resident evil and takes place a year before the events in number four. i hope you can leave a comment about how my writing is and how i can get better or how good the story is.....i will be posting the story by chapter and this is the first.

Here it is, and i post this with no regrets, this is some of my best writing, even though im not the best.

Resident Evil: Richards Betrayal

Entry 124:
October 1, 1998
I fear this may be the last entry, for nearly 5 hours my family and I have been locked in our own house. The whole city is becoming cannabalistic and attacking anybody. Consuming their flesh and killing them, though minutes later the corpses rise again and become one of the horrible creatures that walk our streets. My older brother Jason has been sent out on a mission out of town and is not allowd to return within the city boundries, he was our only hope for safety. Not minutes ago one of the creatures entered our house and bit my father, and my mother was forced to take an axe to both the monster and my father, removing the heads. Evil has possessed what has been remaining of our town, and now the remaining sanity it had left, has now been lost…..to a bunch of walking corpses.
6 years later
“Come ON!” I said ripping boxes of storage open. “Where is it!?” I said as threw myself onto the cellar couch. I looked through box after box wasn’t successful; my brother’s pistol was nowhere to be found. “Why do you need this again Neol?” My friend Isaac said as he finished looking through a box about the size of a shoe box. “Safe keeping” I said smiling, and then looking down I saw a metal suitcase which read “top secret” on it. “Ah hah!” I said pulling it onto the couch, then pulling a key out from my pocket I opened it. “This is my brother’s old RPD document case; it had a bunch of cases that he and his team investigated.” I explained. “Dude? I don’t think looking through your brother’s case documents would be a very good idea, especially if he’s dead.” Isaac said as he grabbed a document out of random and read it, “he investigated the case of the escaped killer? Billy Coen?” he asked as if surprised. “Yeah but he didn’t find anything out, turned out the case was supposed to bring him out of city limits. That was one of the few he did tell me about, by the way… Have you ever realized that you’re a hypocrite?” I said taking the paper from him. While setting the paper back I noticed something under the pile of papers. As I withdrew it I noticed that it was a digital camera, and it was new, as if it had just been placed in the case. It turned on as I lifted it and showed a blue screen, then switched to a thumbnail of the first picture. “What the hell?” Isaac said as he looked closer at the picture.
The picture had shown the remains of Raccoon City, and a few members of the RPD investigating it, all armed with machine guns. I switched to the second picture and it shown another pic of the same place but this time in the middle there was an area covered in burnt corpses, all of them missing their head. Picture after picture shown the same place and different areas, the clock tower, police department, and waste facility, ect.
The last picture however, had shown a close up of a monster, his eyes were glowing red in the sunlight and his arms were two massive claws, tentacles wrapped around his shoulders, his teeth were the size of a steak knives blade, two large wings that looked also like wings were curled up on his back, and this time part of the picture was covered in a liquid that blacked out a section of the screen.
Isaac and I both studied the picture for what seemed to be hours, wishing that we could produce at least one question but we couldn’t talk. Isaac’s eyes became wider by the second and he just kept looking more and more confused.
The camera turned itself off and I looked at Isaac. “Ok dude, I know that you like to tell stories. But this one I really want to keep it on the down low. We could get ourselves into some serious s**t for discovering this” I said quietly, placing the camera on the stack of papers. “What if it’s a fake?” Isaac said quickly. “What?” I replied, confused. “I mean, what if the picture is a fake, like if the monster was just….photo-shopped? Both you and I know that something like this doesn’t really exist… don’t we?” His voice started to squeak, he still tried to hide his fear. “I don’t know, I’ve seen some pretty unbelievable stuff”, in my-I was interrupted by another ramble, “Are you sure you weren’t on drugs???” “What?” I asked as rage slowly began to rise. “NO I wasn’t on drugs!!!- wait… I wonder if this was what killed my brother.” I said, beginning to picture the realization in my head. “You know maybe your right Neol, but even if you are, I want nothing to do with it” Isaac said as he grabbed his coat and walked out of the room and left the house.
“What the hell?” I asked myself as I watched my “yeah-nothing-can-scare-me-cause-I’m-so-awesome” friend walk out of my house, shivering like a freezing dog.

Chapter 2: The Hideous Truth
The following day passed by like a turtle trying to cross a 5 lane highway with a broken leg on a hot day. And believe it or not, i felt more real at school. as if it was a whole other world and it divided my attention from everything else, including the mysterious death of my big brother. My paranoia had not settled, the thought of there being something worse than those cannibalistic walking corpses haunted my mind.
Home room was as pathetic as usual. I thought that i could make it through the week and i was determined to make it through. But the lack in emotion in my teachers voice had given me a hard time and i continued to picture that thing in my head...and it bothered me. My friends immediately saw the fear that i tried as hard as i could to hide deep in my eyes, and it seemed to easy for them.
the best i could possibly do was drown myself in music and try to forget about them, the pressure became too much and i let my head fall towards the desk. the room was quickly filled with that loud knock of my "steel" head hitting the desk. and even the people that weren't my friends diverted their attention to me.
That night i returned to my brother's document box and began reading through the papers, and even though it was a school night i continued to read for anything related to the Raccoon City incident. "dammit! there has to be something" i said as i added another document to the 1 inch pile of documents that i have already read. As i returned my attention to the box i saw the camera again and another stack of files under it. These, like the camera, also looked new. and i quickly began to read.
A Concealed Tragedy
I fear the worst. The sickness has been increasing around casualties in Arklay and on the outskirts of raccoon city. Ever since S.T.A.R.S returned from the investigation of the recent disappearance of Bravo team. We have been getting reports of Cannibalism for the past few weeks.
Rebecca Chambers, a surviving S.T.A.R.S member explains these creatures as:
"Creatures who exist only to feed on human flesh, they have no recollection of their actions and seem to act on impulse"
We have many leads that these creatures are experiments of Pharmaceutical company Umbrella Corp.
The owner of the company Ozwell Spencer has gone missing. And in order to really understand our situation we must find him...

This didn't solve anything, my confusion was still taking over me. But i did learn something about these creatures, and i had a feeling that that info would be vital for the future. I was determined to figure out what really happened.
It was time for me to get what sleep i could before school, and so i did. and i fell asleep quickly.
Then i was walking down the hall of my school, the halls were full but nobody was talking. They all stood in their place, and only i walked down the hall. the bell rang and suddenly everybody left. but one child stayed, about 10 feet in front of me he has curling up in the fetal position, his face pale. I approached him and knelt down. "Are you OK?" i asked while studying his hidden face. It was Isaac, and he seemed more afraid then ever.
"dude! what happened to you?" i asked shaking him and he suddenly went limp, his body crumbled to the ground. his eyes became clouded white and his breathing stopped. I shook him again and again and he didn't respond. I shot up and exclaimed "********! he's dead!" i turned around and began to walk away. i needed to tell somebody! that was all that mattered. Then a scream that broke the awkward silence. I spun around and saw my dead friend holding a student to the ground and tearing out his throat, strands of human flesh and blood dripping from his mouth. My eyes widened and i took a step back, "oh my god" i whispered to myself.
Isaac's head jerked back and a tearing sound followed, he turned around and moaned, blood gurgling in his throat. Then suddenly he jumped up and grabbed my neck, dragging me to the ground and began clamping his jaws at me, the only thing preventing his jaws from ripping at my face was my hand on his throat.

I awoke, the sound of his voice still lingering in my head. I was shivering, and the sky was still dark. "...Just a dream" i said, clenching my teeth and wrapping my blanket around me. "Just a dream..."

Chapter 3: A feeling

The same dream had been intruding my mind for a few days, and every time it just got more frightening. Ive been down that hallway many times, and almost the same thing every time, but no Isaac... or scream.
"Neol! come on man snap out of it, the floor is not as pretty as you imagine it to be!" Isaac said, slapping the back at my head. I turned and glared at him and grabbed the back of my head, "why with the head hitting, it hurts!"
"well you deserved it" he said as he looked away from me and returned to his worksheet, which was halfway done. I looked at mine and the letters began to look like Egyptian Algebra. My eye twitched. i knew the work i just couldn't focus. After that day i was happy to be home, by myself like usual, and it was a relief to return to the documents that i had been studying for days. The "new" documents were arranged from a few months before the Attack on Raccoon City until the day it happened. and i have been reading them all in order. Yet none of them answered any of my questions. My brother was very detailed with his reports, yet these were vague, and that just feuled my need for answeres. Did my brother actually write these? Where did these new files come from? Why was a Pharmaceutical company experementing with Bio-weapons? None of it made sense.
One file stood out above the rest, it was the longest one there, and it was labled:
——Operation Report——

September 26th

The Raccoon Police Dept. was
unexpectedly attacked by
zombies. Many have been
injured. Even more were killed.
During the attack, our
communications equipment was
destroyed and we longer
have contact with the outside.

We have decided to carry out
an operation with the intent
of rescuing any possible
survivors as well as to
prevent this disaster from
spreading beyond Raccoon City.
The details of the operation
are as follows:

Security of armaments and

Chief Irons has voiced concern
regarding the issue of
terrorism due to a series of
recent unresolved incidents.
On the very day before the
zombies' attack, he made the
decision to relocate all
weapons to scattered
intervals throughout the
building as a temporary
measure to prevent their
possible seizure.
Unfortunately, this decision
has made it extremely
difficult for us to locate all
ammunition caches.
It has become our top priority
to recover these scattered

To unlock the weapon storage.

As stated earlier, it will be
extremely difficult to
secure all the ammunition.
However, a considerable supply
still remains in the
underground weapon storage.
Unfortunately, the person in
charge of the card key used to
access the weapon storage is
missing and we have been
unable to located the key.
One of the breakers went
down during the battle and the
electronic locks are not
functioning in certain areas.
It has become a top priority to
restore the power in the power
room and secure those locks.

Recorder: David Ford

——Operation Report——

September 27th

1:00 PM. The west barricade
has been broken through and
another exchange ensued.
We sheltered the injured in
the confiscation room on the
first floor temporarily.
Twelve more people were
injured in the battle.

Recorder: David Ford

—Additional Report—

Three additional people were
killed following the sudden
appearance of an as of yet
unknown creature.
This creature is identified
by missing patches of skin
and razor-like claws.
However, its most
distinguishing characteristic
is its lance-like tongue,
capable of piercing a human
torso in an instant.
Their numbers as well as
their location remains
unknown. we have tentatively
named this creature the
"licker" and are currently
in the process of developing
countermeasures to deal with
this new threat.

"licker?" i studied the paragraph and it seemed to jump start my mind. I saw one of these creatures roaming the streets of Raccoon City through my window. It crouched on the ground like a dog, the skin and bone covering his skull were gone, and his long tongue waved around like a tail. i could hear it breathing, and it sounded close to human. i continued to read, anxiously, from one paper to the next.

——Operation Report——

September 30th
A discover was made this morning as two officers caught a man fleeing down the hallway. Richard Clemons, a researcher from Umbrella, was his name. Clemons claimed that he worked under Birkin, one of the original creators of the T-Virus. And we considered this a strong case of information and we couldn't lose him to those things. We locked him in the cells under the station, however this morning he escaped. Richard Clemons injected himself with something and mutated before our eyes. Clemons killed most of our men, the only survivors in the whole department are Me, Jason, and Chief Irons. We have taken refuge in his office.
——Operation Report——

October 5th
Three remaining officers from Raccoon police department were killed on the 3rd. Only word that made it back was thatb they were successful in killing a monster that was still alive from the Raccoon city incident. After the team was killed we searched the body of the creature, hoping for it to be Richard, but we were wrong. we sent the corpse to another unit based in New York. And there the body was incinerated. The possibility of Richard Clemons still being alive is low, but considering how this one was able to survive, only improves the chances.

i sighed in relief, glad to see that at least my brother took the creature down with him.

My brothers gun revealed itself under the last document, its carbon fiber frame blending in with the innards of the case. Picking it up, i realized it was loaded and 2 more clips were still in the box. I unloaded the clip and put them all in my pocket, and the gun in the other. My window was open and sunlight filled my room, a number of people walked past, all in a slow pace. I approached the window and looked outside. Ghosts, i thought, pale faces and slow movement. The town seemed sick with something, and wasn't sure what it was.
That night, a bloodcurdling scream filled the apartment building. And it awoke me from my daze. I rushed out the door and down the stairs, and stopped once i saw a man on his knees, staring at the ground. Blood dripping from his mouth.
"What...is?!....GAHH!" The man twitched uncontrollably and fell to the ground, his body filled with sharp pain. Security guards rushed in and pulled the man to his feet. and another cop stood in front holding a gun. I shifted my body to a nearby wall and watched as the cop raised his gun and fired into the mans chest. He screamed again and fell to the ground.
an uncontrollable feeling of fear flooded my body and i clenched my fists. The whole room fell quiet.
My eyes shifted from the man to the cop and even he was filled with fear. The man flopped over onto his back and coughed, staring aimlessly into the air and his eyes began to fade to white. Tears of blood ran down the side of the dead man's pale face, pooling under his eyes. He began to spasm, his body squirming and his back rising from he ground. "sir! are you OK!" a security guard said as he knelt down to help the man up in human idiocy.
It happened in less than a second. The man sunk his jagged teeth into the security guard's neck. Guns were raised and the rest of the security guards started shouting orders. As I withdrew the gun from my pocket the creature ripped his head back from the mans neck, and behind him, blood released itself from its flowing prison and painted everything blood red. Almost as if a geyser spouted from the mans neck. The blood gurgled in the guards throat as he slowly and painfully lost his life. Other residents rushed out to see the commotion of this horrific event, only arriving to see the throng of guards being taken down by just one man. The once white concrete tiles of the lobby were now caked with coagulated blood.
A woman shrieked in terror and fainted, the ravaging monster instantly went into action. She had no chance to protect herself and the guards reactions were much too slow. The creature leaped onto the poor woman and ripped her stomach open to feast upon the intestines and innards. Blood juiced out of the woman as the monster tore out the long strands of guts throwing the desecrated innards onto the crowd of officers and people. The bloodied, gut-covered, ruined officers faces were in awe when the monster turned around and stared at the crowd for a few moments. People on the outside of the horde started screaming and running when the creatures victims started to rise from their massacre.
The gun remained in my hand, unused. My eyes locked on the creature who continued to feast on his victims flesh. The sight sickened me, and revived the putrid memories of Raccoon City. The creature glanced at the corner i was in and left his meal, the woman's blood dripping from his mouth. I raised my gun and shot the creature in the head and watched it collapse onto the ground.Good, it still works I thought to myself. The other corpses were on their feet now, staggering towards the others. "********! i have to get out of here!" I realized as i noticed more bitten residents beginning to change.
I bolted towards the door and stood outside the building, staring at the empty streets in horror. Blood covered faces shown in windows of opposing buildings, their white eyes gleaming in the moonlight. The door behind me cracked as 3 more zombies pushed against the "pull" door. I have to get out of this town
I thought while backing away from the door. Then realized that instead of standing here like a dumbass i should run somewhere that might be a bit safer. I forced my legs to push me away from the almost broken door and started to run. "The Hospital might still have a helicopter" I said to myself while running, "I'll start there!"
The streets were already crawling with zombies and soon i was closed in. Everywhere i looked there was a crowd of the blood covered walking dead. My blood ran cold as i backed into a wall of a building and they lifted their ugly arms towards me. My back hit something and i turned to investigate. A Ladder! My life was saved! But for how long?
I grasped it and climbed and climbed, the roof of the building inching closer! The ladder came lose and began to fall backwards, towards the ground. There was nothing to grasp onto and i was forced to fall. I clutched the ladder and closed my eyes tightly. The ladder stopped midair and was forced to bend a bit in the middle. It had stopped against the wall of another building! However the rough landing caused me to lose my grip and now i hung upside down with only my legs holding me to the ladder. 63 abused and hungry faces stared back at me from 20 feet below, violently cramming together. They are obviously not very intelligent. I used my leg strength to pull myself onto the ladder and climbed to the top. I sat on the rooftop to catch my breath. "Oh...my...god..." I repeating said to myself as I rested.
When i awoke an hour later there was a calm silence wafting throughout the streets. and i stood to realize that the monsters have dissipated from my sight. The air smelled of death and the bricks of the building ran cold on my skin. I could barely see with what little moonlight had given me. and with a tired lunge i found myself on my feet once more....but this time...on top of an apartment building. The roofs creaked as i wandered from one building to another, searching for the signs of the skyscraper hospital that had given me the hope i needed back in Raccoon City.
The Faint sound of a car door opening had gotten my attention and drawn me to the edge once more. There was a faint figure in the distance next to an activated car, and in his hand appeared to be a briefcase. "Hey! sir!?" i called into what seemed to be a mirage. The figure stopped moving for a second and then returned to loading his car, he had clearly heard me. as the car lights went on i could see a Man wearing a lab-coat, and his face covered by black sunglasses. The man had no hair and had a concentrated look on his face. "Sir!?" i called again as he shut his door and drove off. 3 of the monsters emerged from the buildings and followed his car...pathetically inching towards their impossible meal.
I grunted at the sight, filled with anger. But the possibility of other survivals gave me the hope I needed to head for the hospital. In order to do that i had to get back onto the ground and follow that car.
As i continued to search for a way to get down, the Helicopter on top of the sky scraper hospital became more and more visable.
A loud Crack! broke the silence and i drew my attention to the base of the hospital.
"Oh no" I found myself muttering as my eyes scanned a huge crowd of undead cluttering the parking lot. I stepped back and bit my lip. I've gotten so far! What do I do now!? All my plans had been replaced with stress and worry. My once hope filled heart has now been drained through the hole my teeth were creating in my lip.
Chapter 4: Richard Clemmons
Although i was once more level with the monsters I felt more secure on the ground, Walking through the more empty streets, shooting any zombie that gets too close to me. Not many went for me, because the only ones that wern't at the base of the Hospital were in groups of up to 5 on each street. I had found an axe in the Alley that I climbed down into, and proved it to become usefull. if i couldnt get the neck I took out the legs, to slow the chase.

Neol Tepes1132
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Neol Tepes1132
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