jack ran right behind Shirra as he cut through his enemies and wondered about Amia, if she would die, but he tried not to, he wouldnt let anything bad happen to her..atleast not now in his almost final hour. "miika, go now! me and Jakc will stay here just one thing," Shirra yelled ahead at his sister "what is it?" she replied worried about him tears coming form her face about her family's death "dont forget me, or jack if we arent there in ten day cycles we're dead...." at that he and jack stopped running and turned to their opposers "ready?" "ready..." they ran with great speed towards their doom but instead of attacking let the troll take a swing and knock all of their enemies out of their minds. "YEAH!!" they screamed in unision and headed for the forest thinking they could get there before Miika and they made it, 2 hours later in one piece, luckily Amia had been cured and jumped on and kissed jack for saving her life....