You know, for the longest time I never abandoned the Twilight series-- mainly because I liked the story when I first read it, but also because I felt that the irrational hate of the series was nothing more than a popular hypocritical "intellectual" view, mostly taken up by those who have never in fact read the book with an open mind unclear of the bias of those that hate the series. The common idea is that if you like the series, you're a sparkly vampire-obsessed idiotic preteen equivalent devoid of any literary taste or intelligence. What the crap? Why the hell can't I be smart and like twilight, too? Why, in order to be taken seriously, do I need to publicly denounce the book series? Does it REALLY make that much of a difference? Um-- NO! People care too much about the opinions of others-- and are too easily bullied by their "intellectual" peers into giving up what they very well might enjoy in order to follow the culturally accepted "taste". So a book is written badly? Call the damn press, because Lord knows we've never seen THAT happen before. How come no one is bugging out about the House of Night series, or Fallen-- both of which are popular crappy vampire series? Vehement Twilight abuse amounts to nothing short of intellectual snobbery and bullying. Bah.
Shimmering Twilight · Fri Aug 13, 2010 @ 04:03am · 0 Comments |
Yay! I'm going to an anime convention in a week. Yay!
Shimmering Twilight · Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 03:08am · 0 Comments |
Through The Seasons
I loved you once on a summer's day, I told you words I couldn't say, You'd never understand the way, I loved you once on a summer's day.
I held you close one crisp fall night, With the stars above us all alight, I knew in my heart I would be alright, Because I held you close one crisp fall night.
I heard you laugh on an evening in spring, From my outdoor perch on a garden swing, I felt peace in my heart from such a trivial thing, Hearing your laughter on an evening in spring.
I watched you sleep on a morning in winter, My heart was broken and starting to splinter, I knew yours was a sleep I could not hinder, Because I watched you die that morning in winter.
I loved you once on a summer's day, I couldn't tell you what I couldn't say Now you'll never understand the way, I loved you once on a summer's day.
-Shimmering Twilight
Shimmering Twilight · Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 03:00pm · 0 Comments |
I am really excited because a poem of mine going to be published! XD Squee!

Oh, and have a panda.
Shimmering Twilight · Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 02:26pm · 0 Comments |
Meaningless Offshore Love |
Meaningless Offshore Love
Long ago, not far from the shore, There was a maid I knew to adore, For she brought men like fish to a lure, And all to her but that she implore.
And to this maid I brought one day, A pony fetched from sweetened hay, A pony fresh from meadow lay, A pony given in the midst of May.
The lass did take it with but a smile, The kind that made it worth my while, My heart did warm and emotions rile, Awaiting further cause for trial.
Trial came soon after winter, When maid's heart fell to brake and splinter, And I was left to hear her simper, Still her cries and fetch her timber.
For by fireside did her heart heal, And renew her spirit, the fishes' reel, To pull them to her, a love struck meal, Regardless of what fishes feel.
But reel was never my way sent, Though countless nights were shoulders lent, So fishes came and fishes went, And over her my heart was bent.
Bending later led to brake, Steady ground to tremor's shake, Stability to stormy lake, And all for offshore romance sake.
Shimmering Twilight · Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 02:57am · 1 Comments |