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Senio's Journal
Khatizfa Wars. The First 4 Chapters.

Fuzzy bodies lay scattered, bitten, mangled, torn apart, the once green grass now glistening a deep red in the sun, blood covering nearly every inch of the clearing. The dead bodies belonged to the cat race of planet Khatizifa and the dog race of planet Pitbalgra, Pitbalgra had declared full scale war on Khatizifa, and attacked without warning or mercy, killing millions of Khatizifinions in one foul swoop before any kind of stand could be made. Out of the few hundred thousand dead bodies in this particular clearing mainly consited of cats, few warrior dogs lay dead, a few wounded whimpering in pain, no cats were spared. The wounded dog warriors left behind by their own kin, their falling in combat a disgrace by Pitbalgra standards, they would no longer be accepted by their former allies, if they where to survive their wounds, and had tried to return to the pack,they would be shunned, or perhaps killed. To fall in combat is considered treason in Pitbalgra, a planet run by a sadistic, tryant of a lord, his one goal in life: To commit complete genocide of all other races.
General Schlittenhund, leader of the Pitbalgra army, followed under his lord to the teeth, never in his life would he let Lord Jagdhund down. Schilittenhund lead the army to conquer many planets, to exterminate many species, all though, he frowned upon the needless slaughters,but he would never speak out against Jagdhund, such an action would result in the death penalty. Even though Schill is of monsterous stature to his species,being mostly a husky mix,Jagdhund towered him still,being 6ft standing on his hind legs,towering over Schill by six inches,he wouldn't dare challenge that stature anyhow.

Pitbalgrans. A dog race. A warrior race. A foul black plague, killing millions at whim. Their newest prey,the peaceful cats of Khatizfa,the Pitbalgra army motto;Peace equals cowardice.

Khatizifinions. A cat race. A peaceful race. An image of innocence in it's prime. Their latest misfortune,being slaughtered, their train of thought;Why?

Blue Monkeys. A monkey race which inhabits Khatizifa. A mysterious enigma,waiting,watching. More information; Unknown.

Humans. Worthless immigrants. Frowned upon. Looked down upon. They now inhabit Khatizifa,but where never welcomed,and certainly never accepted.

Two races of the three inhabiting Khatizifa lived in harmony. This being the Blue Monkeys and the Khatizifinions. Blue monkeys,although only being on average one foot in height,could use their apposable thumbs to help build homes,and common things to aid the cats civilization. The cats, lacking thumbs,usually tended to farms,able to till an entire farming area quickly using just their claws. They provided the Blue Monkeys with common food. However,these two races lived seperately,routing out specific regions for each race to live. The humans had no region. They tried to fit in amongst the cats, schooling with them,trying to befriend them. However,they could never bridge the language gap,and often got into heated disputes with the cats. They had previously tried living with the Blue Monkeys,but the situation was worse,becoming extremly violent,the monkeys commiting hate crimes against humans becoming a common accurrance.
While the humans lived amongst the Khatizifinions, Blue Monkeys sometimes would come into the cat region,and carried humans off in the dead of night,the cats knew of this,but turned a blind eye,not wishing to start a confrontation with a race which has helped them in so many ways. What the Blue Monkeys did with the humans was unknown. But after a while the human population became to dwindle dangerously low,and most humans spread out across Khatizifa,into unihabited,uncharted regions,seeking refuge and safety. The Blue Monkeys began to poach,relentlessly.
The dog race was not aware of the Blue Monkeys presence on Khatizifa,and didn't notice.The first attack,a big surprise attack by the Pitbalgrans,killing millions of sleeping cats, was known to the Blue Monkeys before hand,but they failed to warn the cats,and failed to lend aid,they made no stand,and declined the cats cry for help. Their disloyalty,and lack of honor sickened the cats, however, the Khatizifinion leader, Felin, would defend Khatizifa to the death, with, or without aid from anyone. The Blue Monkey leader,De App,did,and said nothing about how he felt about the situation.

Chapter 1:The end of my world.((Duveteux))

There I laid,next to my mother and father in the dark green grass,my white fur standing out against it. Everyone else was fast asleep by now,but I remained awake,slight insomia,and the stars in the sky had me captivated. Everyone in this region,the largest Khatizifinion region, was sleeping in this vast grassy clearing tonight,usually everyone remains in their own house,but on nights such as this one,hot and humid,remaining in the house would easily bake us alive,our fur not working much to cool us down.I layed farthest to the east of the clearing,right next to the mouth of a rather dense forest,which led into another Khatizifinion region.My bright green eyes where fixed on the stars above me,but soon my focus was broken. A roaring thunder echoed out of the forest,coming from the northern,southern,and western areas. I jumped up onto my hind legs,startled,alert. Most of the other cats slightly poked their heads up,tired,confused. The thunder grew louder,pouring out of the forest now. I realized the sound wasn't moving as a whole,but as many individual creatures shouting. No,not shouting - barking. Thousands of Pitbalgrans had come pouring out of the forest,I just stood and watched,not sure what was about to happen. The other cats did the same,still in a deep state of confusion.
And then the first loud screech broke through the barking roar,the screech of a cat. I had fixed in on where the sound had come from,and to my horror,I saw a very large dog with pitch black fur,a massive jaw,and huge pectoral muscles,standing on his hind legs at about 5'6",he stood straight up,a small brown cat dangling by the neck from his massive jaws, The cat shook,trying to break free of the mighty grasp,but the dog stood still,not even acknowledging the cats struggle. The dog had held a steady grip the entire time so far,but now,with what seemed like little effort he bit down,the small bones in the cats neck collapsing underneath the pressure. The cat had stopped struggling now - he was dead. Blood covered the dogs mouth,blood glistening off his bared teeth,matching his glowing red eyes,and then,just as effortlessly as he had killed the cat,he tossed it aside with a simple tilt of the head. This all seemed to happen in slow motion; a slow motion nightmare. But I wasn't dreaming,I wasn't asleep. The screams where too real,the blood was too real.
I had been so fixed on watching that horrible ordeal,I had failed to realize other cats where being slaughtered now,their little bodies being torn apart. Generally a cat could probably hold his own against a dog,but in the midst of surprise and confusion they stood no chance,and already,half of this regions population was exterminated. I wasn't going to die without fighting. I would kill as much of these ******** as I could. I extended my claws,and waited for one of the attackers to charge upon me. And after what seemed like only a second,one did. He in front of me,looking down,he wasn't nearly as big the first dog I saw,but still towered over my 3'0" height by atleast two feet. His dark brown eyes stared into mine,his mangled brown fur pulsing as he breathed harder and harder, he snarled,baring his long sharp,yellow fangs. My heart sank. I began too shiver,and I was frozen. I tried to move my feet,but couldn't muster the courage. The dog took a step towards me,I could feel his hot breath beating down on the top of my head. I couldn't look up to face him,and I was about to die,and there seemed to by nothing I could do about it. He raised his arm into the air,and brought it back down hard,I squeezed my eyes shut,but to my surprise I was not struck.
Upon opening my eyes again I saw the dogs arm laying on the ground,severed,bloody,the dog kneeled beside it,howling in pain,in front of him stood my father,his claws covered in blood. My father let out a loud hiss before bringing his claws down across the dogs neck,staining my fathers clean white fur with a large splatter of blood. The dog fell to the ground quickly,makeing a loud thud as he hit the ground. The dogs eyes remained open,lifeless,they seemed so distant.
"Father..?", I managed to squeek out.
"Duve,as my only son,you have to live.Run now,save your-"
"NEVER! I refuse to leave you and the others,I'll stay and fight!", I used a demanding tone,I couldn't leave him and mom,which was no where in site. "Where is mom!?" I shouted.
"Dead." His cold tone pierced my brain like a needle,and my eyes burst into tears. "Run,don't look back." He said it quickly,and turned away from me,beginning to run towards the largest fight that was taking place.
I was too emotionaly detached now. I turned around and ran as fast as I could into the forest,not looking back,just as my father had told me not too.I ran for hours,my mind racing faster than my feet,my heart pumping,aching,and finally I slowed down my pace,and collapsed onto the ground.The weight of the entire situation was too much for me too handle,and as far as I was concerned,this was the end of my world,and soon my vision began too blur,soon all I could see was black,and that's the last thing I remember before allowing my face to rest against the cold dirt,and passing out.
I had woken up what seemed like hours later,my head pulsating,my brain felt as if it was about to explode. Against my better judgement,I pushed up and supported myself on all fours.I looked up and was shocked to see a young Blue Monkey standing before me,holding a thick blunt club of some sort.
Before I could finish saying hello the club he was weilding smashed against the side of my face,a loud THWAP noise rang into my ear and I fell face first onto the ground. The world began to spin,and once again,I had passed out.

Chapter 2:The taste of blood.((Schlittenhund))

I was trying to lead my forces through the thick forest as fast as possible,as quietly as possible,this attack needed to go off without a hitch,if it didn't, Lord Jagdhund would have my head,which personally,I'd like to keep.We finally came upon the end of the forest,which led into the clearing where the Khatizifinions slept.I motioned with my paws,letting my troops know too spread out so that we could circle the cats,but we lacked enough units,making us only able to complete our circle three-forths of the way, but it was okay. We had the advantage of surprise,the cats wouldn't have enough time to run.
Finally I motioned my paw forward,which was the motion that let my troops know it was time to slaughter these pushovers. All at once we let loose our battle cries,and charged forward towards the sleeping cats. In the distance I saw one cat with white fur jump to it's feet,but I payed it not much heed. I charged fast and pulled forward ahead of my troops,running on all fours,and locking my jaw around a cat's neck as he lifted his head up from his slumber.I stood up,bringing the feeble creature up with me,it was light,and it struggled like mad. It swung,thrashed,and tried to claw me, but at the angle I held his neck in my jaw, there was nothing he could do. I contemplated how much pain he was in,and decided to end it,biting down,breaking it's neck. It's blood poured into my mouth,and I made no attempt at stopping it. My past mentor had taught me that your opponents blood is the taste of victory,and it should be savored.But after having tasted the blood of countless victims,it was beginning to lose it's meaning,and I began to think a lot on the subject.Finally I tossed the corpse away from me.
I lowered myself back onto all four paws and began to run forward again,avoiding cats,I wanted to kill the cat who had stood up at the start of the battle cry. I needed to make sure it hadn't escaped.And finally I saw a cat that met the profile. I lunged for her,smashing my right paw against her head,and slamming it into the ground, I could feel her skull crack,and I heard it too,an errie sound,but I couldn't let something so small get to me.I smashed my right paw against her head a few more times,turning her face into a bloody mess,her faced was smashed in,and she no longer retained any signs of life.
Turning back,I saw a few of my comrades needing help exterminating a rather large group of cats who had banded together. I ran as fast as I could,jumping into the air,smashing myself into the cats,I could feel their small bodies simply break from the force. My troops looked at me and nodded,and then moved on to other prey.I however stayed next to the mangled cats I had just smashed through,and began clamping my jaw down on their faces one by one,crushing their small skulls to make sure their deaths were certain.After making sure they where all dead,I lifted my head up,looking into the sky,and howling loudly,too me this howl represented dominance.

Chapter 3: A Strange Meeting (Duveteux)

I awoke my head screaming in pain, I tried to support myself upwards but couldn't due to the fact makeshift ropes held my limbs to the ground. My face lay flat on the dusty stone floor, I tried hard to breath in the little room I had, My swollen eye pulsing with pain as I struggled. I could feel the blood running into my nose,and down my throat, choking me, as my face lay against the cold hard ground.
Noises suddenly arose from close by, I knew that sound, What were the monkeys up to? My father had expected help from them, they must have know of the invasion. I struggled in my binds and let out a slight cry, the monkeys noticed. They came tottering over and poked me with a stick. I twitched from the impact and they grumbled to each other.
I spluttered as the warm blood started to get thick in my mouth, I let out another cry as the monkeys watched. One of the monkeys waddled off shouting in a harsh accent I only just translated "Come say what you need to say De App before he drowns in his own blood", he then disappeared around a corner.
I was untied by the others and layed on my back, I hadn't the energy to move and escape.
De App, the leader I had heard about many times as being merciless to the human kind and never really keen of us either, came walking into my site slowly.
I gained enough energy to splutter "Traitor" to him.
He laughed loudly, it echoing around the large cave that I had just noticed we were in.
He bared his teeth and started to converse "I choose not to aid you in your battle, yes I did know the Pitbalgrans were coming, I saw it fit not to lose grand numbers of my kinds life in a battle we would have not won. From my advisor's information the Pitbalgrans do not know we are here. This gives us a advantage to strike later on. I De App, ask for your backing in our choice of waiting and striking later. I am sure there are more of your kind that survived and my people are looking for them right now."
I blinked in disbelief. "So you expect to attack the Pitbalgrans later, How much later?"
"In a weeks time, I'm sorry you were messed up so bad but I didn't expect you would come open heartily. Your stay will be made to be as pleasant as possible."
"Right..." I rubbed the blood from my mouth as I tried to take in the information.
"The Pitbalgrans wont know what hit them" He Chuckled and tottered away.

Chapter 4: The Stench Of Death {Schlittenhund}

Genocide, the utter chaos. I stood upon the hill my forces scanning though the mangled and bloody bodies for survivors.
Steamy hot blood trickled down my chin as I barred my teeth upon the life's I had taken, was this all my life was for?
An entire race utterly destroyed in one day, Jagdhund would be pleased by my actions.
All their small bodies cracking under my weight, the spurt of hot blood on my face as there life's candles blow out like under a hurricane.
One of my privates came running up to me from the main pack, his face looked worried with fright. "What is it Private?"
"Um.. Well... Sir...The left flank pack say they reported some Khatzifians
escape near the end of the battle. They tried to pursuit but lost them.. they just reported back in sir.."
My face ran hot, this was a disgrace. No one would escape my terror.
"For Jagdhunds Sake! Get a force and find the damn bastards! We can't have any survivors. You hear me private!!!"
"Yes Sir! Right Away Sir!" He ran off speedily back to the pack and a large force of about 30 went off in pursuit into the forest.
This day gets worse and worse.
I walked forward towards the pack, small mangled bodies snapped and cracked under me as I walked over them.


Master Senio
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Master Senio
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