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Kimi's Journal Blah, blah, blah....

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I got back from the carnival![well I came back like an hour ago. IT WAS SO FRIGIN AWSOME!!! It was the same carnival I went to on Thursday, but there wasn't NEARLY as many people, plus I was there with Varalia this time. First we went on the Kami Kaze, its the hammer thingy that goes back and fourth til it eventually makes a compelete circle, then it makes complete circles for a while, and it starts speding up, then it stops. When it started we were like "AHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHH!!! WERE GONNA DIOE!!! AHHH! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!! MOMMMY!! AHHHHHHH!!!"when it was barley even movingXD Valaria was pretending to yell[or at least so she says] when it started going faster, but I was yelling ghalf for real and half fake. I admit, it was scary, but at tehe same time, I was joking around.XD When it stopped I was like yelling even louderXD
Then we went on the Orbiter which like goes up and and it has seperate poll things that eack hoild 3 seat things, and they spin around. We were the only people riding itXD It was funny cause we were yellin, and laughing and saying a bunch of Cornholio linesXD After that, we went on the the Zero Gravity, iagain, we were the only people on it, it was cool, thats the one that makes you feel drunk, its awsome.
After that we went to the....well I forgot what it was called, but it was was like this hting that was suposd to be ike a parachute and it spins around in tiled way, then it goes backwards. It was funny cuase, again, we pretended to yell and we were like "MOOOOMMMY!!!" and "AHHHHH!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!" and of course "MAKE IT STOP!!!! MAKE! MAKE IT STOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!" THen we went on the Tilt-A-Whirl that one was okay. I didn't one of things in the middle that you spin so hte ride spins, while its on a ground that's aready spining adnd the grond was spining htat fast= THen we went on the Kami Kaze again, this time I pretended to yell, and Valaria wasn't fakingXD THen we went on hte Farris Wheel. You know, I'm not so scarred of the rides that are supossed to be scary, and yet I've always been scared of hte Faris WheelXD I guess it hte fact my gtandma would always make me watch Madiline when I was little>.>Also, it always stops when I'm at the top. It was funny cause we were like pretending to yelll againXD THen, we went on hte Bumper Cars.When we were in line, Valaria was saying "Haven't you ever thought that you could die on the bumper cars like if you crashed into someone and like the belt flew open and you hit some pole?" and ilke there was this little girl in front of us, but she ran off after hering ValXD I wanted to tell her to stop taling about that since we were surronded by little kids in line, but it was too late. I like Bumper Cars, but I forgot how to drive them. I ended up crashing into the wall, and it took a while to move away from it, then some kid bumped me so I got stuc againXD At first I was moving the wheel, and it wouldn't move, then I relized you have to have put your foot on the paddle thingyXD After that we went on the Kami Kazi, that time we pretended to yell like crazy and laughed at he same time. We were messing around trying to anouy people that were actually scaredXD THen we went on the orbiter again.Then we went on this other one that its suposed to be like your flying. There was this kid that was suposed to get off, the guy that opperated the ride let off even though he kind of gave himan anrey look. We had to go on the same ride with us since there was three things for you to lay on. We yelled like crazy again then when we got off, I was like "Sorry" cause he was probably anouyed but he didn't oay attention and alaria was like "He must have bad karma to end up on the same ride as usXD" We wanted to get on the Zero Gravity again, but they were like fixing or something. Then we stopped for a funnel cake. It was such a frigin good funnel cake. There was a Spanish band playing next to where the tables were, and we were thinking of going up front of them and start dancing like in Beavis and Butt-Head Do America when they're in Vagas, they're like kicking, and ounching the air, and like headbangingXD But we decided not to cause there wasn't anyone else we really knew. THen we went on the Kami Kaze for the 4th timeXD It lost "AHHH" so we wee like talking as if we weren't even on a ride. It was nothing anymore, well almost nothing, when it upside dowm for the first time I was like "Okay, now I feel like yelling *short yet sort of high pitch yell*..okay I'm done now."other than that, it was nothing.XD Then we went on the Orbiter again and there were these 2 girls that were attached to the same pole as our ride, and htey were like asked what the ride does and I was like "Oh, it spins aruond and goes upside down" just to scare htem then they were like "Oh s**t, for real?!" and I was like "Nah, I'm just messing with you" then we all cracked up and the ride started and then we were pretending to yekll again, and the people on the other ride connected to ours started laughing. It was funny, cause we started saying Cornholio lines againXD After that one, we did start feeling kind of dizzy. After that, We went on the Parachute on again, then the lying one again. Then we went on the Tilt-A-Whirl again, but this time, it actually went fast.THen when we stopped, the ride we were on was facingthe oppisite direction of the guy controlling the ride so like put our legs in to make sure we weren't seen, and the guy didn't notice so we got to go on it againXD Its not like we got on a free ride or anything, we had hte all you can ride wristband things. Finnally, we rode our last ride which was of course, the Kami KazeXD THat time we like laughed the whole timeXD Our plan was to ruin t for the people who were actualy scared, but I think we actually made it scarier for them cause htat was the loudest I heared them scream,. I guess it made the even more scared to have to laughing, insane maniacs behind htemXD On the way home, when Val's om was driving, it felt like it was another ride and it was suposed to go up and or start spining around, but unfortunatly, the laws of science wouldn't allow a car that was crashing or speeding to do that v.v
It was awsome cuz on a couple of rides, we remembered Kelly saying something about that song "Roller Coaster Of Love" that the person that sung it was murdered cause she wanted to be a model or something and like if you listen closley, you can her her screams and were like testing out, in joking way though,we started singing it on one of the rides and then there was a bunch of people screaming and we like "HOLY CRAP, ITS REAL!"XD
Most fun I've ever had at a carnival, we rode....like over ten rides :blink:

P.E. SUCKED! Okay, so yesterday I brought my gym clothes to get washed. I washed them last night, then I put them in the dryer and fell asleep. In the morning I forgot to take them out so I had to squats for PE for not being in gym clothes. I didn't care aout the squats, they don't even hurt. But then after the warm ups, we went outside and ran a lap on the track. I couldn't run the whole thing, only half. It was cuz, I was wearing 2 shirts and pants, today it just happened to be the hottest its been in hte while, and my stomache hurt.THen since I didn't run the whole track, me and a few other people had to run another lap. I was pretty sure I'd be able to run the whole thing that time but then I tripped on the cement things that seperate the track from the feilds>.> It frigin hurt man! o the feilds there were some spinas[I don't what you call them in engilsh, but they're those round thorn things] plus I had my mp3 player in my pocket I fell on the side that pocket was. Now my hteigh is bruised=( So I had to walk it since that whole side of me hurt a lot[espeisally where my mp3player was] Luckily, the coach didn't care that I walked since I feel pretty bad and I at least tried to run a little. Then she explained to us about something with some little ball made of metal which was surprisingly heavy. But when she was explaining, we had to sit at the outer edge of hte track which had more spinas then the feilds so when I got up, there were spinas alover my a** and hands>.< After she explained it, we had to throw the metal ball thing from a circle and try to throw as far as you can so that it pases some line. I sucked, I didn't throw it right>.>
God I suck like at everything.....<.<
I sort of wonder if this is karma and I did something wrong...

At lunch, on of Josh's guy friends was standing in line wiht us, ad it was funny cuz he said something and Cassie was like "dUe, I don't even know your name" then he said his name was Ceasar, but I heard Cheesey. It was funny cuz I was like "Hehe, your names HCeesey, that's a cool name" then he was like "No! My name's Ceasar!" then Cassie was like"CHeesey Beaner"[which he isXD] Then I was like "CHEESEY CRACKER!!!!" No affence to the white people, but in our case, Cracker means "bastardly White person" but we're not saying all white people are bastards, Cracker only refers to bastards[just didn't want to sound racist against the white people or anything like that]
I had a rubberband cuz Josh and I were having a rubberband war so we like kept hitting eachother with them. I Kinda like the way rubber bands feel, in the morning I kept hitting my check with itXD IT was fun, I forgot when, but I put the rubber band on my head and ran around yelling "Love, peace and chicken grease!" Anyway , so we had rubberbands and I on point, I hit Brandon with it. So then he was in the little war, but then, he got his Axe out and sprayed me with it. I'm proud of him for finnally getting the guts to actually spray like he said he would, but at them same time, i'm pissed that he sprayed me..with Axe...which I don't like.>.> THen Josh got a hold of hte Axe and sprayed my back then he sprayed Letti which was funnyXDWhen we went inside to wait for 6th period, I sat on the boot next to the one Brandon kept trying threaten me with Axe again since as soon as I saw him, I hit him with the rubberbandXD I sat there with my knees in front of me and and my InuYasha bag as a sheild. When ever I moved, he aimed the Axe at me. Then mark came and I was like " HEY! Can you take his axe from him!" Hwe sai no tho. But then I told him he was trying tospray it on me and make me smell likke a guy. THen he asked me for a quarterXD He tryed to take it from him, but it didn't work and he left.THen Brandon said he was gonna give hte Axe to Josh so he could go on this rampage of Axe spraying. And when the bell rang, I stayed there as he ngave the to Josh. THen he spray Inu-Yasha and then I started choking on the AXe cuz some got in my mouth and Brandon wwas in front of me so I kicked his crotch for ever spraying the Axe in the first place then for giving Josh the axe. I was ike "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?! IN A BAD WAY?!?!?!?!" and he was like "Yessssss...in a VERY bad way!" THen I tried to kick his crotch again but he moved so I just kicked his assXD BUt when I kicked his a**, Josh sprayed some on my hair. THen once Jish went to Health with the Axe, I chased Brandon trying to Kick his a**, but he hid in hte bathroom. Then I rinsed my hair so that it wouldn't smell as strong at least. THen I went to orchestra and asked Tom if I smelled lie Axe and he said I just smelled likie Medical careXD But then Vania said I did smell like Axe. Then when I was on my way to 7th perod I was like "Well, I smell like a guy so I might as well be happy" then I around like "WOO! I smell like guy!"It was funny. But like in math, smelled me by bag and Irelized Axe does smell kinda nice, at least a while after you first spray, then its to strong.

Science was kinda funny like htis guy Marco who sits in front of me was singing "Tilofila is gay!" over and over and over[Tilofila+this guy in our class named Tilofilo]and I was like "WEll, you seem happy about that" then he laughed. Then later Lily[who sits next to Marco] wrote on his binder and it said "I <3 Tilofilo!" and Isaac [sits next to me] was like "Whoa, I didn't you were gay" and then Marco was like"NUH-UH!I'm strait! Strait like this! *gets pen to use as example and holds it crucked* SEE!" then we like cracked up.
...........I guess that's it

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Writing TAKS test[TAKs excists only in Texas]
When we were waiting for the bus, this other bus 43 asked us if we were going to Bl Garza[which is our school] and then he told us to get on. then like he stopped to drop the high school kids. THen e went to the elementry, then he went thro our heighborhood again[to get the neighbor hood connected to ours] ad we saw our bus driving our and we got all confused. THen he like went to the other neighborood, and then he went back to the high school, ad then he went t our schol[finally] it kind of sucked tho cuz me and Jan sat on the two seats under one of hte air cons and it was cool that it had air cons, espeically since our bus doesn't have any, but it kept on leaking. If i hadn't moved to the middle of the seat, my a** would've been soakedXD
During lunch, i wasn't done yet, but luckyly Josh wasn't either. We sat togetgher a lon with two of his friends. t was so frigin anouying tho. When would talk and they'd be like "SHHHH!!! NO TalkING!!" which was really retarded cuz it was lunch and its not like we're be frigin cheating when we don't even our tests with us. Once i finished, i got to go outside. I saw Brandon so i went with him and he said something[i forgot what] and I noticed he didn't have Axe to use was a threatso I ruffled is hair a lotXD THen he said that he oculd ust get hte Axe from this locker and he started to threaten us[Mary there by this time] but we just kept on laughing cuz his was screwed up XD
THen Ricky ws there and he let me have his coke since i kept drinking it anywayXD it wa kinda gross though, by the time I started to rnk it, t was flat, but i couldn't stop drinking it@___@ its like beer!!! ......anyway, at some point, i was pretending to put coke on Brandons hai to see if he would notice, but then, i eded up pouring a lot of the coke on his hairXD It took a few seconds for him to notice since his curly, fluffy hair made it take a while for the cke to reach his scalp. THen he got all madXD Mary cracked up and htese guys near us were like "Dude, coke's not good for your hair!" THen he was mad but laughing at the same time. And was like "Okay! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to! Look! i'll put hte rst of the coe on my hair see!" Then I poured it on my hairhbut most of itended up on my slleeve andI was like "EEEWW!!! My sleeve'swet and sticky!!!" I kept on flapping around and then I flapped my other arm and I was like "WEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'm A TUrKEY!!!"
Since we ad Lunch 6ht period today, we had to go to 7th period after lunch. I had math but since we we just had a test, all we had to do was an extra cerdit word puzzle. I didn't do it cuz i didn't feel like it and it was extra credit[plus I suk a search puzzles] i started drawing stitches the inside of my hands and colored my nails with black and blue ink.
When i was opening my loker, i noticed some eye linner on the floor and i kept it...thing is, my sister doesn' shut up with hr whole "Goth-a-be" theory. I like eye liner thogh..if only it were red or blue...or green....then sh coukdn't tell mye jack.
When i got on the bus, Jan sw my hands and she was like "I'd say i've seen worse but i'd be lying" and then Coral[who sat behind us] was like "It looks like Saw!!!"XD

Crappy lunch period
Nothing relly happened today..exept we got in trouble at lunchXD It was retarded tho. it was cuz Mary and Valaria were throwing pretzels at Josh so he could eat them, but htey kept missing so a lo of it ended up on hte floor. THe the assistant princapal guy saw and said wee couldn' eave until hte stuff on hte floor was picked up. Letti's always getting in trouble for crap so she knows what they do when you do something. She said htey could give us 3 days or 3 weeks of in school supencsion for "starting a food fight" which it wasn't since Josh didn't throw anyfood back and was only getting pretzels thrown at him cuz was telling them to htrow them at him. When we went outside, Valaria was like reallly pissed she started yelling at Josh, but Josh ran to the guys room[with his pizzaXD] and we were like walking towards therestroom[definetly not in]. Cassie grabbed Mary's and my shoulders and she was like"Whoa, step away from hte guys room!"[we were like 5feet from it]But VAlaria was like right in front `23of the guiys rom ad she started yelling at him moree these 2 bastards at the door[from the inside] were like "Hwoa, we know your horny but wait til the rest of hte guys get out!" then she was like "Oh shut the ******** up you ******** ********!" Which made me laugh cuz she said ******** 3 itmes and it just sounded funnyXD.she kept on talking about how she wished she go back to California and how much better it is in LA and how crappy this school is[and yes, our school's crappy] And how anywhere was better htan here and htat how awsome it would be to leave tosmeplace else. THen I burst out "JAPAN!!" nad everyone was like"YEAH!!!" and Valaria was like "Or maybe Thiland!" Andf I was like "YESH!! Lets drive to Asia!!!"it was like really retarded. I don't get why Val was so mad at Josh hto, he didn't do really do anything, all he did was get pretzels thrown at him. No one did anything wrong really.

I startedx working on my dream Avi and htis is what I've come up wiht
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Me likie!!!

So other than what I already have, this is what I need[yay!]
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Item List:
Black Strapless Bra
Dark Halo
Jacked Up Cape
Prisoner's Ball and Chain
Soft Black Underwear

Estimated Total: 116,159 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 19 February 2007)
It's still gonna cost a lot;_;

Tomarrow, THe 7th graders[wich includes me] have the English TAKS test[TAKS is a state standerdized test, they only have it in Texas.] HTis sucks...I'm scared..I can pretty much only write dark or funny in a retad way inda stuff...but the prompts we might have are like relly cheesey. I know this cuz my english told us some of the possible prompts and hte one I got for this feild test came up on the list. It was so cheesey, it was what do you think makes a good teacher :Bleh: Hopefully I atleast pull up a 3

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Yesterday and today
She called me maenie when I gave her the coupon and hten she slaed meXD but she took it anyway, no I don't only ow her a preent, but thursday was Josh's Bday, and today's Letti's Bday, and never got to get htem hteir's either..and i never got Cassie's gft>.>......
Yesterday made me want to hurt Josh[which i id, but it wasn't satisfaing]cuz Venura was sitting on te wall and Joosh went to him and we fallowed cuz we had nothing else to do and at some point he started taling about me and he was like"Hey, ya know she used like you. She prolly still does!" and crap like that. I kicked and I was like "what the hell?!" I think he took he took as a joke, or least i hope he took it as a joke, but now I think he's kinda scared of me cuz like he like never said anything, he just sat there while Josh and Brandon play slap jack, he didn't even say anythingwhen Josh pretended to flirt with him and asked if he was still gay...which was pretty funnyXD but then he like left. Then Mary and i got hungry so we got in line[cassie, Jaz, Valaria, and Letti were already nside] and once we were in line while Josh and Brandon were still sitting on the wall, Ventura went back to them and he even started talking and stuff. Yet another person scarred of meXD
Aw well, nothing i could do now but wish I never frgin told Josh>.> At least I'm not telling him about my crush on Tom..now that would be horrible cuz they'e pretty close friends....

I just back fromspending hte night at Valaria's house, Hilary was there too. We rented Night of THe Living Dead Laugh track, and Dead and Breakfast. Night Of hte Living Dead laugh Track was funny. They kept themovie, they just completly changed the plot by changing the audio. Dead and Breakfas was funny. it said it was a Comedy/Horror, but it was weird cuz it was a horror film that just made fun of itselfXD it was funny, I don't rally know what happened at the beggining cuz we wren't paying attention at fisrt XD
then we saw Beavis and Butt head Do America...againXD We can't help ourselves, we love it too muchXD In the morning we saw some TV athen we watched the Weding Crashers, it was funnyXD
Then we played dominos which I completley suck atXD
uuuuuuuuhhh...htat's it

Valentine's day[just any otherday really]
Not much today. Jancalled me mean when she got her "gift" She was lie "you gave me an expired coupon?!"XD
Like I said, I'll ge t her an attual gift later, and besides, I still need to getJosh's gift, Letti's gift and Cassie's gift......I wonder if I'm forgetting someone...
when I got to school, it was funhy cuz Valaria was wearing a dressXDI t would have been funny if I hadn't laughed my face on friday when she wore it= She said htat she wore it on friday to scare me but since I just craked she was like
"?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!NOOOOOOOOOO!!!n YOu were suposed to scream and be scarred!!!!THat was hte only reason I worwe htis!!!!" butshe wore it again today cuz it was valentines.Mary and I said hi to David and he like rubbed our hair and he was like "look at your hair, its like '******** YEAH!!!'"XD
Vania gave me htis like huge chocolate bar..it was awsome! but Josh stole the last 2 peices of it=[ But then I kicked his a**....again ^^;;
Then I kicked Brendon's a**...for the second time ninja then he callde me the a** kicker so I was like"FEAR THE ALMIGHT ASSKICKER!!!Protect your bungholes!!!"
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh...I guess that's it

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Pre Contest
Today was Pre-Contest for orchestra so we got to get out of school and not get back until 6th period! QWe had to wear our uniforms, fancy white shirt, nice black pants, and fancy shoes. When I got to school I felt werd cuz I'm not used to wearing white, it was funny cuz in the morning, when we were outside waiting for hte people to make us go inside, Valaria said it looked weird and made me look like Micheal Jackson.Then I asked CAssie if she still had the white glove so I could run around and pretend to be the awsome MJXD
FOr hte pre contest thing, we had to eat breakfast hten leave to the orchestra room to pack up our instruments, and then we got on the bus. At one point, Isaac[one of hte violinists] and some other guy were like "WHOOOA! ooOOO!" in hte back and yelling that kinda stuff and Tom was like "Heheh, what are you guys doing?"and I was like "WEll, someone's having funXD" they weren't really doing what you think they were, they were just making it sound like htey were, it was funnyXD
WHen we got to the High school, where the pre contest was, the orchy dorkys from South middle school were playing. They wetre damn good man. Compared htem we suck. After South played, htey took us to hte wram up room so we could practice. When we finished praccticing, we got on stage and tuned[for hte second time] HTen we started playing, being recorded and judged. WE GOT A 1!!!! 1 is the best grade you can get!...WHOOOT!!!!!
After Pre COntest we went to Peter Pipper Pizza for lunch. When I went to get a refillthen I decided to miox my Root Beer withorange FAnta but when I pushed my cup to get the Fanta out, it was screwed up so it went in every direction but towards my cup>.< Inow I have an orange stain on my white shirt>.>
After htat, yes, we went to hte game placeXD TOm ran off with his money and so did every one else, so we looked for tokens. We pressed hte coin reurn on like every game. we found like.....5 or6 tokens an hten we got 32 tickets. I got a slinky and Vania got a Yo-yo, but hten we noticed hteese little puppet monster things you stik on your fingers, but it was too late=[
WE got back on hte bus and when he was driving, htis guy was standing up so he yelled realy loud "Hey you better sit your a** down right now!!" It was kinda funny cuz firstly, he'd been quiet the entire time, and secondly.....he said a**!XD
WHen we got back it was 6ht period which just happens to my orchestra period so we listened to the tapes with us playing and hte judgestalking about our playing. Each judge made hteir own tape.THe first judge we listened to was way too soft, we could barely make out a worxd she said. HTe second judge sounded fine but at one point i think he like droped his recorder htat he was speaking into so you hear him talking then you just hear it crash into hte floorXD
THe last judge had his mouthtoo close to the recorder so at hge begining of hte tape, you just hear thois guy breathing.THen when he was talking, it was a little hard to make out what the was saying because of how close the hting was to his mouth. At hte end of Bonnie Doon, we started cracking up cuz he started singing what we were playing cuz he liked it I giess, and his vioce was kinda hoarse.XD it was halarious andat some ohter point he was like "OOOooOOOO" and they way
he said it was funnyXD
Then it was back to the regular boring school day, only for periods tho.Tommarrow's gonna be borning...extept it Jan's bday..I didn't get her anything>.> I'll give her an expired coupon as a joke and give her an actual present later I guessXD

updates of junks and crap
Iknow no one reads this but, I guess I showed keep up with a journal so here they are copied from my other journals! TFrom hte begininging of hte year to my latest entry!

Jan 3 2007, 12:43 PM
I'm going to the Shimakon[anime-con] in October! YAYNESS!! ANd guess who I might cosplay as...INUYASHA!!! Its gonna be awsome! It would would be awsome to go as Sesshoumaru since he ROCKS but the fluff would be expensive and I prolly wouldn't be able to pull it off..and besdides INUYASHA ROCKS!!!
I only have to wait...9 more months!!! XD
Well next month's the Valentine's dance and I might go with my friends..it really sucks that we HAVE to wear a dress>.>I"d rather go in a tux...THAT'D BE SO AWSOME!!XD
SPLEEEE! I've eaten 64 brians...YAY BRIANS!!!

Posted: Jan 15 2007, 10:41 PM
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my dad screwed up the comp >.>

Well we went back to school [don't worry, I had my sleeping habbits fixed the friday before cuz that time, staying up for over hours workedXD]
WARNING!! Creepy in a bad way mental pictures near o_O
I was spending the night at my friend's house, and she has these magazignes.I was looking the MAD one and she was looking at this other one and hers had a page full of bikini's o_O
Valeria: Which one would you wear?
me: me..in a bikini...eewww...well if I were skinnier and if I had to..I'd wear the one the skullsXD
Val xd I'd wear this cuz look! A PEACE SIGN!!!
Me: XD
Val: but ew look at this one, its like...ewwww....
Me: Yeah bikini's are gross butit'd be WAY grosser if there were GUYS wearing them.o_O
Val: hehe...trueXD
Me:....EW!EEWWW!!!EWWWWWWWWW!!!*whacks head repeatedly*
Val: What? o_O
Me: ...EW!!! I just pictured Josh and Tom in bikinis >.<...EEW NOW THE EVIL PENGUIN!!! GAAHH!!! MY EYES BUUUUUUUUURN!!>.<
Val:*pictures it*XD....EWW!!The monkey in a bikini!>.<
Me:..HOLY CRAP! That's scary o_o ....HOLY CRAP...IT BUURNS..MORE!! Micheal Jackson..in a bikini
Val: XD ...Jhonny Depp oin a bikini o_O*conversation goes on*SANTA CLUAS IN A BIKINI! 0_O

On saturday while were walking Shadow[Val's dog] we were talking and then I was quoting South Park
Val xd I've never heard you say f**k before...well exept for that one time when Josh told you "f**k you" and then you were like "no josh, f**k you" and then he was like "ok, I'll f**k you" and like got a little closer to you just to scare youXD
Me: XD oh yeah, then I used you as a human sheildXD
Val: XD But I don't really get why he told you that, it makes no sense....it's kinda supicious
Val: yes it is!XD

Friday, I was like depressed about the fact that Ventura was gay. Me and Mary were gonna go up to him at lunch and ask him he was gay, but then we decided it would be better if we made Josh go insteadXD So he went and he asked if was gay and then Ventura said "NO, but why are you asking me these gay questions? "
So now Ventura prolly thinks Josh is gayXD The reason we were pretty sure he was gay cuz he's always telling people he's gayXD And today Jaz said that hesaid Johnny Dep was hot o_O and then there's always the "maybe he just said he wasn't gey cuz he didn't want to go out with Josh"XD
But weather he's gay or not, I think I'm starting to get over ventura..I don't even kget how this whole thing started...we aren't that close or anything, we don't even talk to each other..it was a frigin pathatis crush out of no where...

one thing that's kinda weird is me+ventura=KV Valeria+k***=VK it kinda creeps us out a littleo_O
Oh yeah, since it's the second semester, I now have P.E. instead of health and guess who I have PE with...no, not the penguin, his little brother..kinda awkwardish

uh...oh yeah, on friday Josh gave me this page from some outdated TIME magazigne WITH MICHEAL JACKSON ON IT! It was awsome cuz we like scared people with it. Like, I'd have it folded then I'd open it in her face and say "Oh MY GOD! ITS MICHEAL JACKSON!!"

Jan 16 2007, 05:24 PM
Cristipher: hey miss! did you like Micheal Jackson when you were a kid?XD
teacher:*shakes head*not really, hje screwed up when he turned white
Me: MICHEAL JACKSON ROCKS!!! *gets starred at by class*
Christian: ooookaaaay...Michal Jackson was cool before he was gay
Me: Oh c'mon, you don't know if he really did that, and besides, even if he is gay...GAY PEOPLE ROCK!!!
Christian: Sir, my lips bleeding from the inside of my mouth, can I go to the nurse?
Me: OOOh! Let me see!
Christian: NO! Cuz then you'd suck my blood!
Me: WHAT?! I would suck blood from somone's lips! EWW!!! And besides..I only drink my one blood..
Kelly: So that way don't get AIDS
Christian prolly thinks I'm a freakXD
but hey, I am, so what do I care

Today it was suposedly extremly cold so they housed us in the gym after we ate lunch and by the timethe rest of us got in the gym, Mary, Cassie and Jaz were already sitting at the bleachers and they saved for us. be foe I sat, i noticed who was behind me, yeah, the penguin.
Mary: *whiospers in my ear* Hey, he's like right behind you
Me: Yeah, I know, shut up>.>
Val: *also whispers in ear* ask him he's gayXD
Me: okay!*has planned on doing that but got nerves for a while* *turns around* ey you!Are you gay?!
Ventura: ..no...
Me: XD Sorry *points at Valeria* She dared me
Val: *whispers in my ear a again* dude, you kow I was joking rightXD
Me: Yeah, I've just been dying to ask thatXD
Mary: *laughing* that was halarious XD

Jan got a scanner! YAY! She said I could lend her some of my art so she can scan them for me and I could make a site at the otaku! YAY!! The only problem ish that I have to get 20 votes or I get kicked out =[

meh..not much left to say I guess..

Jan 19 2007, 10:09 PM
Yesterday, P.E. was kinda weirdo.O
Well with the cold front its been like 40 and below [hell, it went to freezin on I think Wednseday] and, I know to some of you that's nothing, but its very rare here. So instead of running outside for P.E., and they were setting up hte science fair, we had to watch Freaky Friday inside[just the girls,the guys watched some other movie] Letti and Mary were playing a game called Lemon and where you put 3guys names, 3things you do to a lemon, 3girls, and 3body parts[We made sure it wasn't sicking...until of course, Mary said tongue>.>]
and it came out []=what I said when I saw this
Josh squeezed Mary's foot[..uuhh ]
Ventura licked Kimi's tongue[Wha..WHAT THE HELL! ]
Tom cut Jaz's finger[HAHA!]
THen letti made me pick numbers and I had no idea what it was for, all I knew was that it was game. I picked 27/27/6/3 which was for boy/girl/did what/body part
it came out: Ventura slapped Kimi's a** O____O

At lunch, Cassie had these white gloves and of course, I forced to lend me one. A ran around kinda like how Micheal Jackson walked in Thriller with the dead people saying I was Micheal JacksonXD THe of course, I did the Micheal Jackson spin then the Micheal Jackson yell. Unfortunatly, I haven't quitwe mastered the Moonwalk, I'll just force Tom to teach meXD NOw TJ's scared of meXD
Of course, Josh had to ruin my Micheal Jackson moment and said"If you're Micheal Jackson then you have a....*evil grin*"

Orchestra made me feel violated..again...Tom sits behind me and he had the tip of his bow resting on the back of my chair and he pushed if forward a little....and it poked my asso_O it was prolly on acsident..but I still feel kinda violated

today not much went on exept we were at war over Micheal Jackson's inocince[yeah, I think I spelled that wrong] and the fact that he doesn't suckXD
And yesh, I took MJ's side>.> also turns out Josh was only kidding when he said he was Micheal Jackson fan. I forgot to tell you guys, but I spent a lot time last week asking random people if they were Miheal Jackson fansXD
So that means hte only Micheal Jackson fans I know of are Me, Valeria, Mary, Keyra, and my history teacherXD
Oh yeah, in the morning the bus was late so i didn't get to eat break fast. Itwas really cold and we had to be there for the longest time...and thery actually had something edable for breakfast
Then it came later than ussual after school
David: *turns me around and waves both arms*^^
Me: ELLO!^^
Jacob: ..You turned her around completely just to do this*immitates David*
David: YUP! *does the same thing with Alex*
Alex: Hey David
Jacob: *does the same thing to Jan*
Jan: *Kicks him between the legs*
Me: *cracks up*
David: *laughs* HA! I got "hi"s and you got kicked! XD
Jan 21 2007, 05:04 PM
Not much today
When I got ou of the shower, I noticed my hand was bleeding. I think it a scrape or something. but anyway.... the blood looked..pretty....I was just staring at it and leting it bleed cuz if I put tissue on it, it would've got stuck.and eventally I sucked a little of the blood...and i can't stop staring at it...it stopped bleeding but it's like popped out a little now...it's prolly gonna turn into a scar like
Which reminds me..I have three scars on my knee from a few years ago and they look like kinda like this
...haha I have a shiney scrapeXD[yeah, there's something wrong with me]
I hope it doesn't get infected...my mom's polly gonna make me put that hidrogin poroxide thing...ouch>.<

oh yeah, and some person sleft a gcomment on my Gaia profile and they said Kim means foot in French..haha...Ello! I'm FootXD
Jan 26 2007, 07:21 PM
today wasn't so good

2nd period Christipher pissed the English teacher off which made her give us a test which she wasn't gonna give us until a week or 2..and I only had time to do one question >.> then I later found out she had to take pills sometime after htat period o___O
Then 3rd period PE was okay until these two wanna be gangsters Jesus[pronounced: hey-zuz] and Frednando took Letti's binder. a fw minutes later Tom went to go get it for her which was sucsessful until Frednando hear him running back.Then he came and yelled at Letti telling her bull crap like "Don't take my stuff" then Tom left then Vania and Letti said I should go with him cuz that b*****d said nhe would jump him..
...and another thing is......I think I'm kinda starting to like Tom...yeah, just what people were expecting... the thing is..he wouldn't ask me out even he did like me back cuz he knows I like Ventura...and that wouls make it awkward if I asked him out....my love life sucks...
Valeria's pressing charges on Josh cuz of something that happened yesterday>.>
this is gonna be hard....who do I sit with, Valeria is like my best friend, but so is Josh....and Josh is really sensetive...but Valeria can pissed pretty easy...what the hell do I do?!

well at least there's one thing to look foward to, Valeriia's party's tommarrow, we're gonna stay up watching movies
Jan 26 2007, 11:49 PM
got back from a carnival aunt's family invited us to...I feel just a little sick,but that's cuz we had eaten dinner before we went to it. First I went on this ride called ero Gravity. You just pick a place to stand, close the little rope thing which in my case didn't even go to my hips and and it spins around then it goes higher and spins even weirder.It was cool! it made me feel drunk!XD
then I went on this other one called the Orbitz or something. then I went on the hammer thingy. THen I went on the drunkish feeling one again XD I was a liottle disapointed that they didn't have any ones that make you scream your head off[exept for the hammer thingy, but they always have that one] butr I guess its okay cuz other than family, there was no one I new there[my aunt lives in Mission, we live in Edinburg] so I didnt go on that many rides cuz a lot of them were either kiddie rides, or rides I've ridin at other carnivals.
Today we were suposed to go to the mall to find a present, but that went down when my aunt invited us to te carnival so instead, we're just going to Wal-Mart in hte morning

Jan 28 2007, 05:25 PM
I just got back from Val's party[it was a s;leepover] we had fun. It was an awsme party, I had like 9-10 cokes XD
I got her a sponge bob pster and the collector's edition of Beavis and Butt-Head do America

I AM CORNHOLIO! I need TP for my Bunghole!XD

We saw Scary movie 1&2, Beavis and Butt-Head, Ace Ventura, When Nature Calls, and I think thats it. We like saw Beavis ad Butt Head twice, and same with Scary Movie 2 We were gonna watch Signs, Creepshow and I think something else but they were scratched. We tryed to watch Night of THe Living Dead, but no was paying attentionXD
We talked and stuff and we listened to my MP3player and stuffs..you should have seen me with the JujubesXD

I found out Ventura's not strait, but he's not gay either, he's bi.^^[Kelly told me] but to honest, I wouldn't really care if was gay anyway...I'm starting to get over him. I never really had a chance anyway. ...but now I'm starting to like Tom>.>..but it only makes more sense that way I mean, I know Tom a lot better than I ever knew Ventura...and we're actually pretty close....

feb 2
Valaria dropped the charges and forgot about the hole thing as long Josh doesn't do i again. I'm not so sure anytihng was gonna happen since the counslor never did anything..and she didn't want to tell her mom.

at lunch we were walking around then Josh saw The Pengiun[Ventura] and then he started pointing at him and yelling "hey Kim! It's your boy friend! It's your penguin!" really loud not even trying to hide it....He couLD HAVE AT lEAST NOt BEEN SO OBVIOUS!!!>.<;;;;;
Now i'm scared of runing ino im n hte halls, he prolly took it as a joke..but if he didn't becuase of hte "cool pants" thing and then the "are you gay" ....<.<

And guess what else, I am now last chair in 7th grade honor orch...I used to be 1st chair! Now I kinda miss even though I didn't care much of it before>.> It was cuz we had chair tests this and last week and I got kinda nervous and screwed up>.>this sucks..

Feb 3 2007, 01:28 PM
Around an hour or 2 ago, I served myself cereal then when I opened the fridge there was no milk. So I decided to try it with coke[I did this before but with Dr.Pepper] It would've been good if the coke wasn't flat>.< I dumped then dicided to make boiled eggs, this took a while since I wasn't sure exactly how boil eggsXD
When I started, I had it at 6 since the instructions said to have it over medium heat.Our stove doesn't have that kind of label so I figured 5 was med-heat. While I was waiting for the eggs to boil, I searched for a saucepan to make Ramen with since I knew the eggs wouldn't be filling.The eggs never started to boil so I decided to put it at like 8-9[I forgot which] I still couldn't find a good sized pot , the only one I couild find was too big and I couln't figure out if I put the right amount of water. So then I got a bowl and ust stuck in the micro wave for 3minutes. Finally the eggs started boil so I had to put it at Low andleave it for like 3 minutes. The Ramen was readt and I decided to heat up somme corn and ham to add a little more flavor...this is pretty good man. It was hard to unshell the eggs though, I ended taking off most of the white stuff on the first oneXD

THere's a new picture in my head that won't go away...its pretty creepy..it cuz this one time, I had a dream the Ventura and Tom were going out o_O it prolly will never happen since I'm pretty sure Tom ish strait, they don't even know eachother, and they're not really eachother's types XD
...I have to admit, it was pretty halariousXD

Feb 6 2007, 05:13 PM
Today is my first day of vegitarian-ness! Valaria's sneeking me the protien pills^^
..heehee..I have a friend sneeking me pillsXD
I"m not too sure it'll last, not with my family anyway. My mom doesn't want me to be a vegitarian.she says animals were only created to be eaten. Okay, yes, the bible says that but when has that stopped me before. I mean, if that were true, then wouldn't you be eating your cat, your dog, your iguana, or any other type of pet? When you think about it, its pretty much the same thing. Crystal hates vegitarians[she kinda already hates me], and my dad would freak if he found out I was a vegitarian...Its gonna be hard, espeicially in this family, we're always having barbeques..and my dad always makes stuff with meat in it.Plus, I'm giving the awesome beef jurkey. Well even if it doesn't last, at least I tried...aw crap.what if mom notices..she'll prolaly think I'm starving my self when even we have barbegues..and what about christmas, what about thanksgiving?! I can't make make myself something on holidays...and the weekends, how do I get my pills! yeah, there's no way this gonna work

Today I ran into Ventura after hte putting my stuff in my locker. He prolly forgot what Josh said. YAYNESS!

On Tuesday, we have Pre-UIL COntest for Orchestra during school. THing is, I nmeed to be passing everything to goand I think I'm failing reading and math..I have so much missing work>.> In Orchestra toda we had sight readin test.Sight reading is when you look at a peice of music you've never played, look at the key signature, shadowbow and then you trry and play it. I gues I got kinda nevous plus I just plain suck. I forgot to look at hte keysig, and playd an Fsharp instead an F. Not only that, for somereason, I wasn't really consentraiting, and I ended screwing up>.< TOm wasn't there, and it felt kinda weird.

During history, I was bored so I drew stitches on the inside of my hand wear you fingers bend, and then the 3 curved lines in on the palm.It looks kinda cool[even htough its completly fakeXD]

Feb 7 2007, 05:17 PM
WEll, its too late now*eating beef ravilloi* It's prolly not gonna work out in this family[what can I say, we're a Mexican family who has barbeques every few days...Valaria forgot to sneak me my pills today, my mom would think I'm starving myself since I'd have to skip meals and eat later[ prolly when she's at college] and she already thinks I'm depressed>.>
And since my parents didn't know I was a vegiarian, they would buy hte same meaty stuff all the time...
At least I gave it a shot....I feelbad since I only did for a day>.>

Mom got mad at me for drawing stitchew on myself. I still 2 of them from Monday on the outside..and I have church today....but I prolly won't go since I have homework...I don't really wanna go anyway
I was telling that to Jan today on the bus and she was like "..you go to church?!o_O"

yesterday while we were waiting for 6th period andJoshtold me hold his jacket for him while went to the bathroom and I took it and it felt like really soft so I used itas a pillow and I was like"Fluffy jacket!" Brendon kinda freaked out and said he thought I like Josh...then I kicked him=D

Lunch was funny I kept on refling his hair cuz it was fluffyXD It isn't an afro, and it isn't curly or anything, its just fluffy. Then he was like" I know what'll make you you stop" And he took off his jacket and he ran around " FLUFFY JACKET!!!" THen when we went inside to wait for the bell, Josh came back from hte bathroom and he was like gonna give touch me with his hands all wet. I used fluffy jacket as sheildXD THen he was gonna give me a wet willy then I prepared to spit at him and he was like "...eewww" o he dicided not to eventually I gave fluffy jacket back cuz the bell rang and hten he was like "NOw it smells like you! YOun got your depressed smell on it!" hten I said that I'm not depressed and htatI'm always drawing happyfacesXD Then used the fact that I"m always wearing black>.>
Why do people always think I'm depressed =[
Feb 10 2007, 12:24 PM
Today I'll talk about yesterday since nothing's happened today and I didn't have time to yesterday>.>

Lunch was fun, mainly cuz I kicked Josh's a**! THe first time I kicked him really hard and he was like "owww...my a**" then he got on the flor to lay down and the guard was ilke" Are Yyou okayo_O" [lucky for me he didn't see me kick him^^] Josh covered up and said he just playing around then he got up and he got up and couldn't walk right. I kicked him cuz first, he kept giving my the "final blow" but then he changed it to "Final final blow" since he had done 3 times the day before XD at first whe I tried to kick him, he ran to the guy's room. He always uses that as sheild >.> I asked Brendon to kick him for me, but he wouldn't. Eventuallly he he ran out then slowed own and scared Ventura from behinde.then he ran a little farther and yelled" I scared your boyfriend!" THen I tried tokick him twice as hard. Not for scarrying him cyuz.it was funny,XD but cuz I hate it when calls him my boyfriend or my penguin so loud. At ione piont he was talking to Brendon while was kinda far off from them. So I ran then when I was getting sort of close I slowed down but when I was ready to kick, he ran off to chase some guy. I was like "NOOOO!!NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!I had a perfect shot!" THen Mary and Brendon cracked up cuz it was so perfect yet easily ruined. THen later he was just standing there, not knowing I was anywhere behind him, and I kicked! IT WAS AWSOME!! THat was my first kick.^^ HTen later I kicked him kicked him again for calling me Ms. Boingily boingliy boingily boingily boingily boingily boingliy[this went on til I kicked him] while moving his hands up and down infront of his chest. >.> THen he said somehting else [I forgot what] I was like "DON't make me kiss[meant to say kick] your a** agai-...O_OKICK!! KICK!!! I SAID KICK!!!!!" and he had his evil little grin and said "I heard kiiss "
On the bus, Jan told me that Ventura said he wanted to kiss DavidXD He asked Jan to make sure he was safe foerm Ventura, but she had to go on the bus..poor DavidXD
When I have dreams, I start having htem before I even falll asleep. SOmetimes they help me get to sleep and the dream ocninues, but then sometimes they keep me awake since I really wish i hadn't seen them. When I was trying to sleep, i had a weird dream..I can't really remember how it went, but I think it symbolized me getting over Ventura...and I think maybe it happened. I don't have a chance with the guy anyway. THing is..now I"m starting to like Tom more... last night [or this morning] there was like this really loud thunder fallowed by a car alarm. I hate to admit it, but thunder kinda scarres me. and I don't mind lighting when it's not this really bright light coming from my window, it makes me feel like hte lightning right next to my window and then when hte thunder sunds really loud it just adds to htat. Then when hte car alarm goes off during a thunder storm, at first it sounds like a siren.I know its pathetic, but..yeah...weird thing is, I actually enjoy it when I'm outside during hte the thunder storm, it loooks really nice and the thunder or car alarm doesn't bother me at all...but anyways, since i was inside, it kinda scarred me bad then I had htis really cheesey dream I don't want to talk about because it was so cheesey>.<

Monday I have school off, Tuesday I have Pre COntest for orchestra, which means I have to practice when my parents eave. I can't believe i went from 2nd chair out of the entire Honor Orcestra Cellos, to 5th>.> At least 1st chair went down with me<.< NOw TOm has my chair1 I'M NOT USED TO NOT BEING 1st OF THE 7th GRADE!!!>.< TO be honest, I didn't care about being 1st of the7th grade, but now that I'm not, I miss it so bad

WEll that's all htat's been up.....

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Well some of you guys know that I've beeen sleeping REALLY late lately, like when my parents are already leaving for work. I decided to fix that problem by not sleeping yesterday morning like my body was used to and try to stay up til' 9 or 10[p.m.] to get my sleeping back to normal [as odd as it may sound, I was going to stay up for about 24 hours to get my sleeping normal XD]
But something unexpected happened when I tried to sleep...I COULDN'T O__O
There I was lying in my bed thinking "Well I haven't slept all day so I HAVE to fall asleep eventualy" bull crap! BULL CRAP I SAY!!!!!!!! I just laid there for like 5 or 6 hours AND NEVER FRIGIN FELL ASLEEP!!!!

I know I spellled something(s) wrong but I have had any frigin sleep!

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