As a seven-teen year old, Damian Armony had gone on a trip to Central Europe with his "Ancient Literature" class. He joined them partially because he wanted to search through these "ancient caves" of which his teacher had babbled on about for the past month and a half, but he also wanted to do some research into his family tree, to see where his blood really lies and has lied.
One day, after they had toured about a few of the smaller cities of Central Europe, the class had bought up a guide, and accompanied by their teacher, now fully-draped in "the latest archaeological gear" as he had told the class, set off into the hills to explore a cave system that was said to have dated far back into time, and that it was the third largest and oldest cave system known to man.
A couple hours into the exploration, Damian caught site of something that the rest of the group seemed to have the group moved further away from him he made his way through a small maze of stalagmites toward a small in-crop of the wall. Near the bottom of the wall, very close to the ground a near perfect oval jutted out ever so slightly from the rest of the wall. *He called out for his teacher and the rest of his group,* they were obviously interested in other wall paintings and things that the guides were pointing out.
What first caught his eye was a small patch of what seemed like mis-matched markings, but upon closer inspection, were intricately woven slashes, loops, and indentations. *Human nature being naturally curious, he felt around the wall and the odd ovular extension.* *Damian pushed against the form and it recessed into the wall and spun in a random pattern of it's own motion* *by this time Damian had stood up to call for his colleagues, all now out of sight but for their headlamps* *stepping back and away from the wall he saw an outline of sand begin falling from the wall, oddly in a refined vertical line, starting from the floor and ascending about two feet above his head* *the cave started to vibrate slightly, which, in turn, ascended into a quake* *the cave had started to fall in upon itself, the stalctites of the ceiling falling like giant rock spears toward the cave floor, Damian heard the screams and cries of his class from further in the cave* "What have I done...*
Damian's mind raced back to his home, to his house, to his his lover*..."Lacira..." *he simpered...* *the line of sand had now outlined what was shaped like a doorway and soon slid back and to the side to show that it was exactly that* *the cave system was now collapsing everywhere, the faint screams of his class were nearly shut off by all of the rubble falling, a stalactite fell from the ceiling and pierced through Damian's calf, he felt the earthen spear shatter his leg bone* *only seconds later as he was kneeling down before this new opening in the wall, he saw what seemed like man-made walls that looked like a waterway or brick maze*
*a large boulder connected roughly with the center of his back and thrust him forward into these "passageways" he had revealed; there Damian laid nearly immobile, scanning his new surroundings, the cries of his classmates faultered as the "door" slid back and forward to shut off the "entrance" to the maze of passages* *Damian laid there on the floor for what seemed like an eternity to him, bleeding immensely from his leg and a shallow stream of blood ran from his lips*..."Help..." *he managed to utter, but it was only somewhat of a whisper*
*Damian had roused to the sound of light footsteps, his vision now blurry from the massive amount of lost blood, he saw four figures, one slimmer than the rest of them, which he made out to be female; a soothing voice flowed into his mind, it whispered of an escape from the pain, an escape from death, an escape to a new life...* "Yes..." *he barely managed through a choke and everything went black*
*Damian awoke with a start, his body aching still, he slid off what he was laying on, landing on his feet, and collaspsing to the ground* "Where am I" *he said to himself* *Metal walls surrounded him, nothing in the room but the metal bed he laid upon and a tin mirror on a wall that seemed to have a door; looking around a moment, a flashback entered his mind* "the screams...what have I done..." *he came back to the world that he was currently in...*"WHERE AM I!!!!!??!?!!"*he yelled* *he got up and ripped the metal bed from it's bolts to the ground* *shocked, he let the bed fall to the ground, the ends of the metal which he had grabbed were smashed and had his fingers indented into them* "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!!!??!!?!" *he screamed to the air*
*he strode over toward the mirror* "Wait...." *another flashback; the cave shaking, the falling boulders, the stalactite....the boulder..* *He looked down at his barren leg, him being covered in naught but a shawl to cover his more personal body parts* "It's healed??!?!!" *he said to himself as he stared at his unscathed leg; standing up straight, he felt no pain in his back; he looked himself over in the mirror, feeling over every part of his body for signs of pain or discomfort* *he found nothing, but as he glanced along his face and neck he spotted something...above the center of his collarbone, at the curve of his neck he saw two ovular reddish-pink marks, that, as he ran his fingers over them, were very tender and stung with quite a prose*
"What are these??" *he said to himself; the door opened and four figures walked into the room; another flashback* "the figures....that voice...." *the female spoke and Damian's ears were once again greeted by it's soothing melody* "I see that you have not completely found what happened to you, *she said as she looked at him running his hand over his neck and glancing over to the uprooted bed* "WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!!!" *Damian screamed at her* "My name is Valsima, this is Renzin, Kurel, and... "I DON'T CARE WHOEVER THE HELL YOU GUYS ARE!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!!??! WHAT AM I???!!" *Damian flared at Valsima* *the female merely smiled to slightly show her fangs and said* "You should be praising me, I could have left your crumpled mortal body back in the tunnels..." "...As I was saying before" *she continued* "This is Renzin, Kurel and Veron" *Damian stood motionless, slumping against the mirror and wall behind him* "You still haven't answered what I asked..." *Damian said with an irritated tone* *Valsima smiled again and the three behind her began to laugh* "Can you not have figured it on your own yet??" *Valsima said with an amused visage* "Damian, you are a now of a more noble and ancient blood than has ever walked this earth...You are a Vampire" *Valsima paused* "It was I who gave you the Vampire's kiss...The Kiss of Blood...The Gift of should be proud..." *she ended with a triumphant tone* *Damian looked up to her and the three others* "Then, what am I to become? *Valsima looked right into his eyes and said* "First you must be given a name worthy of Vampiric descent, and second, you must be accepted into our House..."
...10 years after the day...
Damian had been accepted into Valsima, Renzin, Kurel, and Veron's "House" nearly immediately, his skills learned and then honed, and re-honed; He now sits as one of the more prestigious among his House. His new Vampiric name....Doctrinus...given by Valsima to match his attitude and personality is trusted with the care of ancient secrets and even greater ancient knowledge. His nickname that he only reveals to his most trusted friends is Dominic (half his Human and Vampiric names) and greatly distastes the use of it by those he feels unfit to know it.
Three weapons were bestowed to him, from the three Vampire Lords, as gifts to reward his loyalty and will. From Irezual, the first Vampire Lord, an ancient ethereal katana, Samezra, which had slain Vir'akol, a heretic of the Vampires in ancient lore. From Valekrypto, the second Vampire Lord, a scythe, Tir'Aton, which was forged from runic elven metals, the shaft from ancient elven wood, and imbued with light of the moon and blood of Xamira, the Queen of Vampires. From Zistyra, the third Vampire Lord and only female among the Triumvirate of Blood, a dagger, Lucire, forged of metal created from the combination of ageless sand from the bank of the Cocytus, (the frozen lake that conceals Betrayers and Dis in the ninth level of Hell) and the ashes of fallen Vampire heroes. Thus enchanting it with godly properties in that it is able to pierce through any item, whether it be animate or not, and is unbreakable even by omni-potent terms.
After being gifted with these weapons, Dom was charged with the protection and potential fulfillment of a tome. This tome holds a prophecy set forth by Ahn'Sirah, the first Vampire Prophet. The basic breakdown of the prophecy is this..."As this realm falls to impending chaos, a mortal soul will one day vanquish the Keeper and set in motion a decision" in turn, that this mortal must make. This decision is whether to, "Side with forces of darkness and rule with complete dominion over this world until it's end, or ally with the forces of light, gain a protector, whom in life has fallen twice, yet risen thrice count, the third retribution being of divine descent, and fight the forces of corruption and bring the world as we know it to an unfathomable glory."
Along with this task Dom was also assigned the title of "The Keeper of the Tome" or "Vis Derjinan" meaning "The Guardian" in Ancient Vampyre.(Vam-peer)(<--pronunciation...the true language of Vampire). Dom, having been turned by Valsima, (a "Priestess" of the Vampires if you will) was gifted with the power of light (holy magick) He is both dark in nature (explaining his lust and expertise in combat) and also righteous (in the fact that he himself may be the one to aid the "mortal" in the prophecy 'his human birth..once risen...his turning...once fallen and risen again as a vampire...his vanquishment...twice fallen..and retributed for his third rising').
((This power bestowed upon Dom is powerful...yet he does not hold complete control over it, and thus does not know its limits or possibilities))