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Sometimes it's a pain having a dozen different stories, and dozens of characters floating around in your head.

Crystal Chevrose
Community Member
The House of CC-Cast
I have so many RP/OC characters that I decided that when the fancy strikes me I'll write little silly stories. First though I should introduce them a little. This will probably be updated from time to time.
The format is:
Character name(age):
general info

Crystal Chevrose(22):
This is myself of course. I'm the main mother/authority figure, but sometimes I can be just as bad as the others. I have a few abilities but I don't use them that often.

Evil Crystal(22):
She mostly referred to as EC. As my evil counterpart she is the biggest source of mischief and chaos in the house. Her abilities are different than mine as well as slightly stronger. Hardly a day goes by without her evil laughter ringing through the house.

He is my cute little Grunny. He's can be very curious from time to time, but likes to play it safe. He's hardly ever violent, and prefers to be friendly unless you hurt someone he cares about.

My blue Bun Bun. He's protective of his sister Mippsy and he likes to play a lot. He may not be as curious as his sister, but new people fascinate him.

My white Bun Bun. She's very curious and likes to be held a lot. She's also quite the bundle of energy and like to run around.

Gimpi~I haven't come up with a name for him yet(1):
My poor Gimpi usually likes to stay in my room all the time. If he's not there then he's usually with me. He's still trying to get used to everyone and his new home.

Angel Imp~See note for Gimpi(1):
Angel is usually seen floating around with a smile on his face. He tries to cheer up Gimpi but so far no luck.

Devil Imp~See note for Gimpi(1):
Devil is usually helping cause some mischief around the house. When he's not causing trouble he seems to be disinterested in whats going on around the house.

Nova Rachel Finity(30):
Another of the mother figures of the house. She also works on the computer network we have in the house, and handles most of the finances. Nova is a pretty nice person, and easy to get along with. However, she sometimes has little patience for those who can’t seem to get with the program.

Alan Finity(42):
Alan is Nova's oldest brother. He hardly has the patience to deal with all of us so he mostly stays in his room. Though he is one of our main sources of income. What he does...I don't know yet.

Richard Finity(40):
He's the middle child. Richard is more relaxed than his older brother Alan and he's also more social. He helps fix things around the house and sometimes randomly cooks mini meals.

Claudine Ambard(20):
Claudine can be a bit of a punk, but she has a good heart. She loves cars and sometimes she races the streets. She can be distant at times, and doesn't hesitate to say what is on her mind. She has telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

Vivian Quartet(29):
Vivian is a very manipulative person. She can seem very random, acting kindly one moment to being a witch the very next second. She loves to mess with Nova and others she deems to be below herself. She is also quite vain and selfish.

Antonio Alvarez(33):
Toni can be a bit of a charmer and an oddball. He is serious most of the time but when he's relaxed he can fun to be around and has a smile that can sometimes be contagious. He loves Vivian, but at the same time he kinda knows that she may just be manipulating him.

Yaree Kev(6):
She is one of our alien occupants. Yaree is curious and likes to try and fix everything she can, even though she may not be able to. So you can usually see her near Richard. She is also quite calm and friendly to most that she meets. Yaree likes to say 'ree' or 'ree-ree', with different stresses.

Crealin Earwati(18 cool
Our other alien occupant. Crealin is mischievous and loves to confuse people. She loves acting like a child, but she is thoughtful and knows when to be serious most of the time.

Arketa Raines(17):
She's a half-demon, and half of one of the sets of twins that we have. Arky's intelligent and can have a sharp tongue at times. She's an easy going person who likes to party, and have fun just goofing around. When she's with her brother she tend to get more mischievous and out going than usual. Arketa is younger by a few minutes. She can communicate with spirits slightly and has slight control over earth abilities.

Artemis Raines(17):
Arketa's twin. He's protective of his little Arky. Temmi is generally a laid back, but out going person. He loves to party, be silly, and test what he can get away with. Artemis is usually not easy to anger, but when you do look out cause he's likely to get violent as well. He can control fire and has a demon form. He also plays guitar and gets Arketa to sing.

Domita Acula(22):
Domita is usually overly cheery and willing to help. She is a curious and inquisitive person but if you tell her something and she feels like there's more than you're letting on she will not ask. She has purple dice. They help her to focus when she thinks, and they can be an indicator of her emotions.

Glace Aria Zen(20):
She is an Angel. Glace is a sweet girl and tries to help out whenever she can. She is very proficient with ice spells, and she has learned how to channel some of them into her whip. Glace is usually quiet and reserved unless she is around her friends. She rarely gets angry, and she is very trusting. Also she is engaged.

Aros Ranas Zen(43):
He's Glace's father and an Angelic Knight. Aros is serious, strict, and can be quite overbearing at times. He has a bit of a strained relationship with Glace and his wife. He has wind powers.

Valtameri Zen(40):
Glace's mother and Aros' wife. One of the only mother figures in the house that is actually a mother. She is a very gentle person and usually speaks in soft tones. She has water powers and is very graceful.

Lady Inandantia(39):
She is a fellow Angelic Knight. She is a reserved person and isn't usually seen around the house much.

This is the other Vivian. She is a Demon and is pretty much as bad as the other Vivian, except this one has many spells up her sleeve. She is mostly referred to as Demon Viv.

Xeranus Ignis(22):
Xer is a Demon who is a 6th generation descendant of a fallen angel. Clever, Charming, and Confusing is probably the best way to describe his personality. He also tends to be impulsive from time to time, which gets him both in and out of trouble. And, even though you have to look for it sometimes, he can be wise. He has control of fire, has slight aptitude for ice magic, and can heal a little.

Ziemia Ignis( 18 ):
The first half of the other set of twins and Xer's great granddaughter from the future. She is older than her brother by an hour. She is mischievous and more sociable than her brother. She helps out from time to time and sometimes cleans up the messes she creates. She has fire and healing abilities.

Vetrovi Ignis( 18 ):
Ziemia's brother and Xer's great grandson from the future. He is as mischievous as his sister, but tends to keep to himself more often. When he's not causing trouble he can be seen studying and improving his necromantic abilities. He also can control wind and ice.

Ziemia Lunis-Salyrn(23):
She is married. She gets joy from causing mischief and mayhem. She can be nice though. Has lightning and earth powers.

Aida Martineau(16):
She's a sweet but shy girl. She helps clean up from time to time.

Valerie Brunel( 18 ):
She can be a bit of a klutz and clueless at times. She has a good heart though. She can heal a little.

Kyra Zayla Centen(16):
Kyra is a half angel Necromancer. She is shy and mostly keeps to herself, but she's slowly starting to open up to everyone. Kyra can summon skeletal mages and warriors and can control ice.

Frost is Kyra's skeletal mage. He has ice abilities and he only trusts a few of the others in the house beside Kyra at the moment. Frost can only communicate to Kyra, but Claudine can kinda hear what they talk about because of her ability.

Tiandra Skye( 18 ):
She is a Necromancer as well. She can summon skeletons like Kyra, but she can also cast curses. Tiandra can come off as an uncaring person at times, but she does help out every once in a while.

Ilance is Tiandra's skeletal mage and he also has ice abilities. He tends to keep his guard up all the time and is near Tiandra most of the time.

She is a bit of a loner and as such usually keeps to herself. She stays in her room most of the time.

Valta Anola(19):
She is another shy one, but she is kind and loves to play the violin. She can manipulate water and sometimes does the laundry for people.

Angeline Duclos( 18 ):
A kind girl whose fortune we use only in case of emergencies. She can usually be found in the garden reading to herself or to some of the others.

Not to be confused with Glace's mother, the younger Valtameri is proper and inquisitive. She is most often found in the study or asking the 'elders' of the house different questions.

Ahura Lynd( 18 ):
This musician plays the flute and sometimes gets together with Valta to entertain others with their music. She's a kind person that is sometimes confused about the mischievous nature of some of the others in the house. Also she has minimal control over ice.

Bianca Rose(looks 18ish, but is 1250):
Our only vampire resident. Shes a fun loving trickster, but when the mischievousness tends to lead to a conforntation she backs out of it, though she has ice, wind, and healing abilities. Her memory can be fickle though and there will be times where she can't remember what she did the previous day or even what happened 10 minutes ago. We're still trying to figure out why her memory is like this.

Midori Accenry(20):
Midori is a calm and helpful person, though her past as a mercenary has left deep feelings of guilt in her mind and heart. Also has ice abilities.

Xera Accenry(20):
Midori's cousin. She has a very high opinion of herself and loves to mess with Midori's mind.

Zahira Ress(117 but looks and is developmentally 17):
She is kindhearted, caring, and clever most of the time. Sometimes she can get really quiet and withdrawn though. She has a mastery of water and ice and also has telekinetic ablities.

She comes and goes a lot. She often comes off as a cold hearted person, but she's really just protecting herself from getting too attached while she continues her search. What for? She won't say.

Zayla( 18 ):
She doesn't talk much, but she loves to make people happy. She also tends to be cautious about many things. Also has slight telekinetic abilities.

Cassie Ambard( 18 ):
Cassie doesn't remember who she was thanks to a experiment she was a part of, though part of her old self does make itself known from time to time but she doesn't realize this. She is generally shy and will stutter from time to time due to her nervousness, but she has a kind heart. Due to the experiment she has a second form which grants her wings and abilites of ice.

Nikolai Ayer(19):
Cassie's friend and old partner. He knew Cassie before she lost her memory. He is also known by others as a human lie detector. It is very hard to put anything past him, but he's not perfect. He usually has a cheery demenor, but can sometimes be a smart alack. He also gambles from time to time.

Ovelia Sparks(19):
"Look for the fun in life, it's interesting what you find." That is her basic way of thinking. She loves to dance and climb. She is friendly but doesn't speak much and is often lost within her own little dream world. And she can't help but always go where there is music playing.

Lamria (about 150)
She is a Fae who likes to wander a lot. Sometimes she goes by Lauren. She is gentle, and caring, but she is not above mischief.

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