Well I went home at 11:30 because that's when I was officially no longer in my school :D but my friend Jasper invited me to the park with a whole bunch of other gangsters, so I said okay and threw on some quick clothes because I couldn't find my skinnyjeans. D: So we were walking and I see my 'friend' angel tha I haven't seen in half a year and he has this crazy hair and I'm all scared of him. So I hide behind Jasper and stuffie and he attempted to hug me so I kicked his balls (btw alot of balls-kicking in this story). Also, Jasper was supposed to protect me so I kicked his too. C: Once we got to the park I just sat down, and a whole bunch of gangsters sat next to me too. I was playing blackjack (and I won alots) with Josh and Jasper (Josh is a gangster), but Josh trollied off somewhere, so I went to go find him and he grabbed my arms and he lifted me up upside-down 8D (it was UBER fun)! So we went back to the table and they got a piece of chalk and started drawing.. nasty, nasty things, but it was funny. So we had a water balloon fight (I didn't get very wet~), and Jasper lost my favorite ring that says "peace" and it has a peace sign, so I got really sad. We were also playing with silly string and I got some in my mouth.. And everyone got it in my hair... but after that Jasper rode off somewhere, and I was sitting with Josh on the table. And another HILARIOUS gangster named Ethan had a water gun and was pretending to be a guy killing German nazis that never dies, it was SO funny. :D But while Ethan was doing that, I was talking to Josh and stuff. He's quite fun to talk to. But he kept spraying me with silly string in the face so I kicked his balls. Also they kept forgetting that there was a girl there and stuff, but I didn't care.. and earlier Josh took his shirt off and skated by some people he didn't know saying nasty things.. and they kept shirt flashing me because I was the only girl there.. and Daniel (a gangster) had an 8-pack. :D But he had a girlfriend so I wasn't looking. Same with Josh, lol.. When it was time to go, I just tackled Josh to the floor, kicked his balls, and hugged his goodbye! And sorry that was really long. But here are some graduation pictures :D And I kept using my retard smile, so it was funny. cx
I told Daniel (right) and Aaron (left) to pretend that Daniel is mugging Aaron~

I took a picture of Daniel C:

I was hugging Aaron~

Me, Connie, and my retarded smile :D (Connie is my best friend)

My friends Jasmine (left) and Jocelyn (right)


This is Josh. He's very tall and skinny. C:

Me hugging em'~

Gangsters (in order) Zakk, Josh, and Ethan

Me with gangsters :D

Connie with gangsters :D (in order) Connie, Josh, and Paul

Me hugging Jasper

Me hugging Jonah

Me, Connie, and my teacher, Ms. Martin

Me, Connie and my teacher, Mr. Plewnarz (stupid name~)

THE HOES. In order, Idalia, Jailene, and Rubie. Jailene blinked though, so she looks funny. Idalia is with Daniel, Jailene is with Randy (upcoming picture of him), and Rubie is with Josh.

Me, Connie, and my retarded smile again 8D

Our group, the Panicking Zebras..~ (Judy, Nat, and Con)

I took a pic of Ms. Martin while she was talking xD


Gangster backs..

Daniel choking Randy :D

Sorry that was SO LONG D: But more tales await! >8D