I have a total of four Gaian avatars, mostly due to hackings that have happened to me, plus a mule. But, I now have all of my avatars back and am very happy about such events. I've decided Zypher to be my main account, just because I have some attachment to the account. Thus why this is in his journal and not in any of the others. Now I like any style of art, and like I mentioned, I prefer if it's free. I have a slight problem actually making gold on Gaia.
All avatars posted are free to draw, and my current avatar is always a free model for you to draw as well.
To start of, we have the fabulous, and infamous, Zypher Wildfire. His favorite color is green, so most of the time, that is a guaranteed color to have him in. Kinda whacky personality, as well, a big goof. (Side note: Coco's eyes are green. You are not mistaken.)
Next up, we have the not-so-dead undead Cyrus Wildfire. Lost him near when I first created him, now that I have him back, I like to think of him as a zombie-like type. (I wish I could still access the old zombie form.) Cyrus has a sort of elegance to his personality. Although undead-like, he does enjoy his formalities.
Can't forget the punkish December Wildfire. My first original account, in which I can recall my start date on Gaia from. Dec, is a punk-ish rocker type. Does things her way, and pretty much is a rebellious teenager type. I sorta think of this account as the little sister to Zypher.
And of course, you can't forget Servant of the Wildfires. Short story short, he is my mule account just to have one.
Now that you've met my gang, so to say, I guess I should post any and all art of them from this point on.
(Started since 04 August 200 cool
~Zypher Wildfire~
by Ophlidous on 4 Aug '08
by Coffee Creamer 4 Aug '08
from Hazel Wildfire 4 Aug '08 (This one made me laugh hard.)
by Mutationification 5 Aug '08 (Cute + Funny = Cunny)
by Terra Meepers 5 Aug '08 (First Attempt / Second Attempt)
by Dark_Senshi17
by Naomai (While she was on her mule.)
by Privvy (Sleep Privation) 6 Aug '08 (Bigger version located here.)
from Hazel Wildfire 8 Aug '08 (Original size located here.)
by Ponpeii 9 Aug '08
by Scribble 31 Aug '08 (Outline located here.)
by Zypher Wildfire (Just trying different styles.)
by CatcherRie 3 Sept '08
by darkandgloomy 4 Sept '08
by Kasumi-tan 7 Sept '08
by Teddy42 13 Sept '08
by fluffy_4ever 13 Sept '08
Bought for me, from Hazel Wildfire. Art by XXKLIPSE 15 Sept '08
by Tamni Boo 28 Sept '08
by YelloMellox3 28 Sept '08
by Freak on a rainbow 28 Sept '08
by Marie Bloodrose 28 Sept '08
by HannaBannana 28 Sept '08
by Miyuko kirisawa 28 Sept '08
Bought for me from Hazel Wildfire. Art by Mozuma 28 Sept '08
by capoeiramonkey 29 Sept '08
bought by Odeku-kun 2 Oct '08
another one by SeductiveDeath 3 Oct '08
by PrincessPussypants 4 Oct '08
~Cyrus Wildfire~
by SeductiveDeath 5 Aug '08 (Resized Original is here.)
by Zypher Wildfire 10 Sept '08 (Original Size is here.)
~December Wildfire~
by Privvy (Sleep Privation) 6 Aug '08
~Servant Wildfire~
Thank you very much to all the artists. And please don't bug or harass any of the artists for art.
(Updated 04 October 200 cool