Black Cat Vol. 5 Manga, Stratos 4 Vol. 1 & 2 DVD, and...
Last night I made a trip to Borders to spend my Holiday Savings Money that I acquired throughout the year. I had nearly $20 to spend so I figured I could get the two newest issues of the manga series that I'm collecting, "Black Cat" and "Death Note." I was able to find the newest volume of BC, but not the 8th volume of DN. A little dissapointed but I've already read that volume from online scanlations. I tried to look for something else that I might have wanted, maybe a new volume of something else I collect but no luck. I passed up getting another "Dragonlance" novel, considering I still have an entire pile to read. My next stop was magazines, I haven't picked up an issue of "Newtype" in a while, so what the heck. It has the preview for "Guyver" series, which I've wanted to check out. I still have yet to finish looking at the magazine itself, so I haven't started on the preview disc. Got done with BC in an hour, and once again it was just a review of what I've already read from online scanlations. I love that series, I love Train and Eve and Creed. He's such an evil b@**@*d. I can't wait till the anime comes out next month.
This past weekend, since I didn't have any homework (since it was finals week) I figured I would start on the pile of DVDs that I had in the room. A couple of weeks ago, I managed to pick up the "Stratos 4" Limited Edition Boxset at Best Buy for only $14.99! I couldn't pass up that offer. Granted, at the time I never heard of the series and was debating on whether to spend that little amount on a complete boxset. But, I learned to never pass up a good offer like that so I bought it. This would be the second complete boxset I bought at Best Buy for extremely cheap. The first would be "Record of A Lodoss War: TV" for $16.99! I went back a week later and it was back up to full price, lol. Since the series is only 13 episodes long, I figured it wouldn't take me that long to get through it. I'm usually not fond of the outer-space, mecha, airplane, genre but I gave it a try. It's an interesting series, but I have to say that it was well worth the cheap price. Later this week I'll get around to watching the final two discs and give my final evalution.