Going into seventh grade.
I'd missed two birthdays, because i'd decided I wanted to go up to Sacramento.
I remember the day I was going up perfectly, too.
*looks up fondly in memory*
I made white chocolate chip cookies, terribly overdone, when a friend, Katie, called. We were planning to go to the movies. PotC, if I remember correctly.
Then Natosha (Jenna's mom) called, asking if my sister and I had wanted to go up there for a month or so.
Of course, we said yeah.
Ahh, I don't know. Listening to Panic! At the Disco totally reminded me of that.
Oh, dreaming. What a stupid thing you are. How I wish I could avoid them. =|
Recently, I had a dream (nightmare, rather?) that I was being raped by an ex that I went out with for about, what, 3 weeks? Anyway, i'd supposedly gotten saved, but not soon enough.
=| I'd still ended up pregnant.
Of course, I was a total spazz over the whole thing. I tried going to Planned Parenthood, but, they didn't do abortions that late into the trimester. Well, with the pill, anyway.
So, I decided to deliver.
Figured out I was having twins. Cried and threw up a lot.
They were born in Anaheim. xD
Lila Michele and Bellatrix Anne.
The Wannabe Asian Community Member |