Life has gotten better I mess around more then usual and the girl I like might be starting to like me but as usual my friends are still insane and some more annoyig then others. Im trying to help my friend with his girlfriend because there both one of my best friends but of course he never listens to advice so as I wait for my lifes meaning I wonder so many things as to if i even listen to my own addvice and wat I represent but as life goes on I am judged and so are others the trends and sadnesses in the world same as the wounds of the past some may leave us more scarred and frightened to others but we should always move forward. Even as people in the world like me are complaining about there problems we dont realize most of our own will vanish and others in the world will not so we need to help those people as much as we can no matter wat appears in our lives. my freind told me today that I remind her of a snake I ask anyone who sees this message to find someone who truly thinks hard about things in complex ways like my friend even though she is scarred by a wound that will not heal in her memories but will hopefully one day truly become happy I ask u to ask them what thin in the world they are like and what i mean something in the world i mean a the first creatures of this world like aimals and plants the gental breeze of a tree the quite and friendly snake that will protect what it cares for most in life. When they reply do not be shocked by what they reply but stay calm and think of what has gone on i ur life no matter how little and how much u can remember but as u think back on all ur miserys and delights, all ur moments and mishaps relax and realize what u can do in the future for watever has happened it is only in the past so no matter what stands in ur way or wat anyone says look back on them and luagh at what they say for we pass all those who defy us to grab hold of our path and that is why we accomplish only what we truly beleive.