But now, I have. I like my current avatar, and it's gonna stay the way it is. I haven't been on Gaia in a long-a** time, so low funds are a bonus to that.
I'm getting into Steampunk now, and I thank a friend of mine, also my pirate crew Captain, for that.
He's had me draw a picture for him, depicting a steampunk theme.

(Quality is bad, blame cellphone...)
Now, I've been interested in the Victorian times for quite a while. Love pirates, too.
Don't tell me ninjas can beat pirates. They can't. Can ninja's swim? Dunno. Can you answer that...?
Well, if I got my hands on a ninja, I'd go all... mafia on 'em. Kick his a**. Shoot his knees... cinder block boots!
Where are your smokebombs now? Where are they?!
Ahem, anyway, like I said, not changing it any time soon. Oh, and don't take that image above. 'Cause I know if you will. You b*****d. I'll cut yer throat... damn it.