The Ninja Adventures of Talon and Bryce
Bio Story

BRYCE (Mr1and2)
Born in on foreign land, his mother and father were killed in a raid by evil ninja. Fueled with the rage he killed all the evil ninja and moved to the Hidden Islands, there he trainned under sever conditions slowly becoming a sannin, his abilities use that of sand in his attacks. He and Talon met one day while Bryce was at the pub, Talon wanted to fight Bryce as he walked out. Talon quickly lost to the drunken Bryce, this encouraged a rivalry but soon a friendship as they started to travel together often now off on their first adventure what could happen.

TALON (Son_#_3)
Talon is from a little island that not many people know about and he just took up residence in the kozakorei clan. the island that talon is from is called the hidden dragon island. His formal island has a blood trait called dragon rage (it doubles a person’s stats for a short period and depending on how strong the person is determines how long and how much stress it does to the body the stronger a person is the less stress. when a person is in dragon rage the body looks a little more like a dragon every time person uses it [that is while the person is in dragon rage.
Talons stood leaning up against the town entrance "what’s taking him so long, he’s two hours late he is so slow”.
Bryce sneaks up behind Talons "hmm I'm sorry I'm late but the waitress was quite nice looking" Bryce says grinning.
"Your so perverted….so how big has her jugs" Talons says standing up straight as he walks up to Bryce "so what’s so important that you have to drag me out here".
"Well I thought you would like to go on a little hunt with me, and find a certain rouge ninja" Bryce says stretching "I would take a jounin but I thought taking you along would help your training" Bryce says.
"Hell yeah I want to go with you, so when do we get going" Talon says with anticipation.
"Well as soon as you are ready just walk to the village entrance and we will leave" Bryce says with a grin, he walks off.
Talons quickly runs home to get his ninja stuff and runs back to the town entrance waiting for Bryce" he better not be late again, I wonder who the rouge ninja is" Talon starts thanking in deep thought about the matter.
Bryce comes walking to the entrance two hours late "sorry I'm late but I got lost in the town square, and the ninja we are tracking is named Kubora Isaku a powerful rouge from the village of Hioki, a water ninja" Bryce informs Talon.
"Water uh so we’ll just evaporate him, no problem now let’s get going" Talon says hastily as he grabs his pack and starts to walk outside of the village gates.
Bryce starts to follow Talons "head for the water villages we will start our search there" Bryce follows behind you as both walk down the path, the fire villages slowly disappearing from sight.
Talon runs back to Bryce who is already on the dock waiting for the boat "man why did I have to buy both you and me a ticket for the boat" Talon says.
"Because I'm the one who invited you on the trip and I'm...Broke" Bryce says grinning as they both get on the boat.
Talon gives Bryce the finger as he walks on the boat after Bryce "I am going to bed wake me up tomorrow morning" Talon says tiredly as he walks to the bunks.
Bryce wakes you up shaking your cot "hey get up lazy there is something wrong with the ship you slept all night and most of the day" Bryce says in Talons face.
"What" Talon says in a sleepy voice.
"Well we aren’t moving and nobody is aboard the ship but us" Bryce says annoyed by the question.
"What? Let’s get on deck and see what’s going on, but be careful" Talon says as he quickly grabs his swords and walks slowly to the deck.
Bryce laughs a little "he tells me to be careful" Bryce says laughing a little more while following Talon.
Talon gets to the deck and looks around "there’s nothing here lets move on" Talon shouts to Bryce, than all of a sudden two small sea dragons jump out of the water with two ninjas on them and they say "Kubora Isaku told us to take care of you two" Talon than says "bring it jackass lets see what you guys got" Talon than starts to do hand signs.
Bryce stands back watching "and lets see what you got talon" Bryce says watching Talon.
"I knew I could count on you" Talon says sarcastically as he finishes the hand signs and shoots a fire ball at one of the ninjas.
The fireball fizzles out as it touches the ninja, the water dragon coming down on you the other water dragon attacking from the left of the first one "dodge this" one of the rouges shouts, in a deep voice.
A power rushes though Talons body, he than starts to perform hand signs he had never done before in battle.
Bryce watches as the dragons come closer "you do know that we are on the open ocean and we need the boat to get to our location right?" Bryce says with a stiff face "Your dead" on of the rouges says laughing as the dragons come closer to Talon.
Talons shouts at the top of his lungs "dragon bind" a small dragon that is made up of fire starts wrapping around talons chest and right arm, then it forms a sword and talon yells fire slash!!
Both of the rouges yell as both of the dragons are cut to pieces and one of the rouges is cut to pieces, the other rouge starts to fall to the water but Bryce quickly jumps off the boat and grabs him jumping back into the boat "are you okay talon" Bryce says tying up the rouge with some rope he found on the ships deck.
Talons weakly mutters "yeah.........." Talon than faints.
"Hmm.. so he is from that clan, I heard he was but I thought it was just a rumor" Bryce says to himself "oh well" he says picking up talon and moving him to his cot "I better get this ship to port" Bryce says rushing off to the boats engine room, later at port Talons injuries are finally healed and I Bryce starts to shake Talon trying to wake him up "come on we have to get information from our buddy of their" Bryce says pointing to the rouge ninja they captured earlier.
Talon wakes up slowly "aaaaaahhhhhh man I am so sore" Talon says looking around and seeing the rouge ninja "so one lived is he talking" Talons says.
"Yeah we are lucky your little fit didn't kill him too" Bryce says looking at Talons sores "sorry it's not the best job but I'm not really a medical ninja" Bryce says as he goes over to the rouge ninja "hey did Kubora Isaku send you to attack us and tell the truth" Bryce says grabbing the rouges collar and pulling him up tight "yes he did now don't kill me please" the rouge whimpers "your not worth it" Bryce says throwing the rouge ninja back down "lets go, the ANBU will take care of him" Bryce says walking to the ships doors "well come on talon lets get off this boat" Bryce shouts over his shoulder.
Talon grabs the crutches that Bryce put by his cot and limped over to the rouge ninja than saying “wait I have some questions for him too” Talons puts the tip of his crutches to the rouges balls and adds pressure “now where is that Kubora Isaku if you don’t tell me I’m going to take away your man hood” Talon says.
The rouge yelps in pain as the pressure is put on "ok, ok please I’ll tell you everything just don’t do that” the rouge starts to sweat “he is staying at the Haroku Inn in the Hioku Village please leave me be”.
"Thanks" talon says as he lets the pressure off and follows Bryce
Bryce walks away from the ship’s port and onto land "yeah we will be to the Inn by the end of the day" Bryce says as we walk though the crowded port and into a forest path "the village is this way I believe" Bryce says, we walk down the path, night slowly approaching as the day goes on and we continue to walk, the path heavily covered in plants, I Bryce hears a rustling in the bushes behind them but he ignores it.
"Hey Bryce did you hear that" Talon says looking around and putting his hand on his sword's handle, but leaving it in the sheath.
"Yeah I heard it but I was wondering if you could, just a test" Bryce said quickly whirling around and throwing a shuriken at the bush "your too sore to fight still, so let me handle this one" Bryce says with a grin, the shuriken hits metal as it bounces off the blade of the hidden ninja's weapon, a quick glint of steel and the ninja is at Bryce’s side jabbing the sword though him, Bryce’s body disappears into a puff of smoke as the ninja impales a log "nice try" Bryce says appearing above the ninja and smashing him, the ninja’s body than turning into a log also "man this guy is annoying" Bryce says, this time sand shooting at a incredible speed in a thin line of sand at a tree, the faint sound of a snap and the ninja falls out of the tree, his neck broken "is that all you rouge ninja have" Bryce says looking at the ninja on the ground "come on Talon lets go" Bryce says, the sand from the attack laying on the ground now "we have to get to that village and get that rouge ninja Kubora as soon as possible" he says as they start to walk down the path again.
“Isn’t that the truth lets get going then" Talon mutters, later that day "so is the village, hey what is that smell it smells like houses are on fire" Talon looks up and sees a huge black smoke cloud raising above the town "O my god what’s going on” Talon says surprised.
"Damn we are too late, I was hoping it would not get this bad" Bryce says, as he runs toward the town, the town is covered in flames when he reaches it people running though the streets and screams coming from every direction "hey talon lets search these streets and take out as much of his henchmen as possible ok" Bryce says running into the mess knocking out some of Kubora's henchmen "come on" Bryce hollers over his shoulder at Talon.
"I am coming” talon says as he grabs his swords slicing two henchmen's necks, running to another henchmen, two hours later standing back to back with Bryce "man these there is too many of them, I kill one and two more replenish I don't now how much longer we can last, I think we need to retreat" Talon says.
"Or we could just kill them all oh well they started it" Bryce says as he does hand signs, finishing quickly "sand tsunami" Bryce yells, a huge amount of sand starts to build up in front of us, bigger than most houses "now smash them all" Bryce yells, the sand lunges killing all of the henchmen in the village, the sand resting on the ground, it had put out all the fires "well that's all of them Bryce says yawning "they were not as much of a challenge as I thought they would be" Bryce says starting to walk on "now lets find and search that inn" he says happily.
Bryce and Talon get about fifteen feet from the inn when two elite henchmen run out of the inn, Talon says "I thought you said you got them all, no worries I will take care of them" Talon says, “DRAGON BIND” Talons yells but this time the attack was different, talons had two dragons made of fire on each arm Talon jumps in the air and with his left arm shoots three fire balls at one of the elites, than moved really close to the other elite and shouts "time for you to die" and cut off the his head and blood sprays every were.
"Hmm well I guess we will have to work on controlling that temper of yours" Bryce says watching the event take place just a couple feet back, just as the last elite henchmen falls there is a huge shaking of the ground "oh crap" Bryce says watching the inn "I think he knows we are here" the inn explodes in a fury of rushing chakra, a huge man jumping out of the rubble, he is huge with two water dragons beside him “I'm the rouge ninja you are looking for, you've caused me quite a bit of trouble you little punk, I'm Kubora Isaku the master rouge ninja of water dragons" Kubora says with a huge booming voice "and your dead" he adds staring us down.
"s**t!!! s**t!!! s**t!!! Bryce now is not the time to sit back and watch me we need too do this together" Talon jumps up shooting nine fire balls at Kubora.
The water dragons around Kubora put out all the fire balls "fire won't work on me ha ha ha ha!!" Kubora laughs "uh Talons I think we need a team effort" Bryce says moving his hands around, the sand that is on the ground from earlier forms around Kubora and starts to cover him "what are you fools up too" Kubora says laughing "ok Talons time for that team effort give him some heat" Bryce says looking at Talon.
Talon takes a deep breath doing hand sign and shoots a great big fire ball at Kubora, when the fire ball hits the sand around Kubora, the sand gets so hot it turns in to glass " ha he's trapped time to finish him at the same time ok Bryce lets go" Talon says readying himself.
"o" Bryce doesn’t even have time to finish his sentence as a huge explosion occurs, the glass exploding with a mighty roar "YOU LITTLE PUNKS I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Kubora roars, glass shards are firing in every direction like missiles "dam.." Bryce gets nailed in the head with a blunt side of one of the glass shards knocking him unconscious, leaving Talons to fight alone.
"OOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSSSHIT!!!!!!!!!!" Talons yells as he shoots twenty fire balls at Kubora "take that s**t face".
"GAHHHHH" Kubora roars, as the fire balls hit the water dragons that are now again at Kubora's side they make a thick mist "DARN YOU I CAN'T SEE A DANG THING" Kubora's yells in the mist.
Talon runs towards Kubora’s voice taking his fire sword and slashing at Kubora.
"YOU FOOL" Kubora says, grabbing Talons sword, the sword extinguishing on contact from him "NOW FEEL REAL PAIN" Kubora yells as he releases your hand that was once the powered up fire sword, aiming a fury of punches, your body crushing under the punishment blood starting to pour from your mouth, Kubora continues to bash Talon with his huge fist, Kubora laughs again now tossing your bloody body across the ground "YOU ARE A FAILURE AND YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME FOOL, YOU ARE A FAILURE AND WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO A NINJA" Kubora yells at your body.
Talon gets up slowly, when he stands up his head is stall down, Talon lifts his head up fire is coming out of his eyes, Talons raises his right arm yelling "DRAGON RAGE" and his arm starts to turn into a dragon’s arm, Talon looks at his hands and rage takes control of his body, Talon runs towards Kubora than puts his left hand on Kubora’s left shoulder and his right arm on his head and rips Kubora’s head off. When talon ripped Kubora head off his spine also came with it, Talon starts to laugh in his rage then soon after Talon faints under the stress of his body.
Soon after Talon faints Bryce finally wakes up "what the hell happened,......could it be that he, he no it couldn't be that's amazing and it was just the first stage" Bryce says as he walks over to Kubora's head and snaps the spine from the head putting the head into a bag "I never thought this would happen" Bryce says walking over to Talons body and puts it over his shoulder as he starts to walk off "well I believe this is the beginning of something, Talon if you can hear me you are ranked to genin and I'm taking you as my apprentice I'll teach you to control your abilities" Bryce walks off into the distance leaving the destroyed village behind "I hope they don't get mad at us for destroying some of their village, but the rouge ninja did most of it" Bryce says grinning as he finally disappears from sight.
Bryce sat in the hospital waiting for word on Talon's condition. Word had gotten out on Talons condition.
Talon wakes up and looks around, seeing he is in a hospital room, he sees that there is some one in the room, it is a female sitting by talon’s "O shiiiit why in the world are you here".
Bryce quickly moves into the room hearing this, since he was standing right outside the door "umm who this girl Talon and are you ok" Bryce asks a little confused.
In a slightly angry voice" ya its ok she an old friend from my old home she’s just about to leave her name is Teal" Talon says, Teal than says "Talons I need your help Rosika Kalana is back and we need your help and I have been watching you and I know what happened to you" talon than responds "then tell me I don't remember a thing about that night".
Bryce moves closer to Teal and says "so explain than Teal what happened when you watched us, and Talon where are you from"?
Teal looks at Talon real close and Talon shakes his head and says "Teal and I are from a little island of the coast a little ways, and Rosika is who kill most of my people and one day just left like he did it just for fun, so Teal what in hell happened that night" Teal puts on a scared face “Talon you awakened the blood trait and went crazy with rage” Talon looks shocked “but most can't do that till they have had years of training......sweet" Talon says with a grin.
"So that's what happened, I heard of that blood trait but I thought it was just a myth" Bryce says, Bryce than looks at Teal "so how do you know her Talons" he asks.
"Child hood friend and a liar she got me kicked off the island and that’s why I moved here and became a ninja here, instead of the island I am from" Talon says trying to get out of bed but fails because the pain is too great.
Bryce hurries to Talons bed and checks his pulse "man stay in bed" Bryce says gruffly.
Talon says "so if Bryce and I take this mission you leave me alone" Teal thinks for a moment then says “until I need your help again ok" Talon thinks than says "anytime away from you is worth it, we will do it" Talon than falls back to sleep.
Two days later Talon is finally fully healed, and both Talon and Bryce head to the docks to get a boat "well Talon I finally get to go to this island of yours" Bryce says as they board a boat, this time Bryce had bought the tickets.
"Yeah a lot of bad memories there, this is going to be fun" Talon says as they walk onto the boat "well lets get going" Talon adds.
"Ok" Bryce says as the boat starts to move slowly, Bryce quickly goes to the deck to look around. One week later Bryce and Talon finally walk off the ship and into the ports town "damn that took forever Talon I'm ready to move again" Bryce says walking.
"Bryce keep your hood on, and we need to go straight on ahead to the inn" Talon puts on his hood and walks toward the inn.
Bryce follows Talon putting the hood over his head "ok, we need to be careful though" Bryce says watching carefully "and why did they kick you out of the village Talon" Bryce quickly adds
"Wait until we get into the room" Talon says as they enter the inn, Talon pays for the room. Once in the room Talon says "I was convicted for killing ten men and five women and two kids but I was framed and my sentence was that I had to leave and when they need my help I am forced to help them" Talon sits on the bed and looks around.
"So we have to hide or the people of the village will attack us right, you were wrongly charged I get it now, so where is this Rosika guy we are looking for" Bryce says sitting down on one of the beds "we have to find him and finish this, and who is the person who framed you "Bryce says looking at the rooms door.
"I have an idea on who to ask about Rosika, some old dude, and about who framed me, it was.... Teal she didn't do it though but she knows who did, and is protecting that person".
"Ok enough talking lets get going and talk to this old man; first do you know where he is Talon"? Bryce asks Talon.
"yeah I know where he is but we should wait until nightfall" Talon says, we hear a bang at the door and then it flies open and five guards come running in, one of them says "well Talon nice to see that your back" he says as he does hand signs.
"Hmm friends of yours Talon" Bryce says chuckling "should we just stun them than, I don't really want to kill innocent people" Bryce quickly asks
"Yeah just stun them" Talon says running up and jumping into the middle of the guards pulling out his sword and hitting them with the back of his blades knocking them out.
"Hey you should of saved some for me, I haven't fought anyone in days" Bryce says sarcastically "oh well we better be on the look out from now on, what do you think we should do Talon" Bryce asks now serious.
"That old dude I was talking about, we need to find him he should be at the mansion so let’s go now".
Bryce and Talon run out of the room, out of the inn, and towards where the mansion is, before Bryce and Talon could get to the mansion they had to go though a huge forest "hmm let's go Talon" Bryce says as they enter the forest, as they enter there is a breeze that picks up and some rustling in the bushes, Bryce ignores these signs and walks on
Talon stops, he looks into the bushes and says "Shoue stop following us let me see the old man" a woman walks out from a wind tornado and form a wind tornado around us and when it is done we are in the mansion, Shoue says" your grand father well be here in a little bit " she had appeared in the room next to us as well and than she walks off.
"Whoa a wind ninja is that girl a friend of yours or something, oh I get it the old man we are going to talk too is your grandfather right" Bryce says surprised to now find himself in the huge mansion room "wow your grandfather must be rich" Bryce says while looking around.
"Shoue practically raised me and when she heard of my incident for a lack of a better word she changed and had started to hate me, and for my grandfather he is the head general in the islands army, he knows were everyone is and he is the only one I can trust".
"So than lets go ask him where this Rosika guy is and finish this little adventure" Bryce says as the huge doors open, a figure walking though them "is that your gramps" Bryce says looking at the figure that was now walking towards them.
"Yeah that’s him" Talon says, the man was covered in armor except for his head, which looked old and wrinkly with white hair and a beard covered his face. He says in a booming voice "Talon I know where he is Rosika that is, he is here in the mansion in the training area".
"WHAT!!!! our enemy is in the training area" Bryce yells "why would our enemy come to us, and most importantly WHY IS HE HERE" Bryce says in confusion "He is here because he is too powerful for our army to handle and that is why you are here I believe" Talons grandpa says eyeing Bryce suspiciously "and who are you anyways" he asks Bryce "well my name is Bryce, and I'm traveling with Talon and helping with his training" Bryce replies.
"Let’s go Bryce" Talon says running toward the training area.
Bryce follows Talon to the training area "the last big fight we had, the guy was huge I bet this guy is enormous" Bryce says as they run though the doors and enter the training area, a small normal looking man facing them "huh is…is this him"? Bryce says looking at the man in front of them "he looks like an ordinary guy, let me handle him" Bryce says laughing, Bryce rushes at the man "I'm going to get you small fry" Bryce yells as he gets ready to throw the first punch.
"BRYCE nnnnnnoooooooooo!!!" Talon says while he starts to do dragon bind's hand signs.
As Bryce throws the punch the man puts his hand out grabbing Bryce's "uhh what th-" Bryce gets ready to say, but is punched in the face with a mighty force of wind from the man that sends Bryce flying back, slamming into the mansion walls leaving a huge dent in the wall "holy hell he's strong" Bryce says recovering from the attack.
"Dragon bind" the fire dragons wrap around Talon as he jumps up and shoots six fire balls at Rosika.
Rosika watches as the fire balls get closer and at the last second puts his hand up, the fire balls bounce off his hand as he uses wind jutsu to re aim the fire balls directly at Talon "Hey Talon watch out" Bryce says as he does hand signs "I'm going to take you out with this one" Bryce mutters to himself still doing hand signs.
"I knew that you would do that" Talon says as he takes his fire sword and puts it out in front of him absorbing the fire balls and lunging at Rosika "Rosika I am going to end this now".
Rosika moves out of the way as Talons sword hits the ground, he quickly smashes it down by stepping on it holding it down "Talon be careful" Bryce says coming out of no where and kicking the side of Rosika's face, Rosika steps off the fire sword which is Talon’s hand, Rosika wheels around aiming a punch at Bryce's face and sends Bryce flying back again, Bryce hits the same spot as before and the dent in the wall becomes bigger "damn not again" Bryce mutters recovering again from the attack, a big red mark is now on his face, Bryce looks again at Talon wondering what he would do next.
Talon try’s to get up but his hand is broken, Rosika than picks up Talon and starts to beat the living crap out of Talon throwing him against the wall.
Bryce watches Rosika beat the crap out of Talon "Oh my god, Talon are you ok" Bryce asks as he sees talon on the ground against the wall "darn you Rosika" Bryce says as he again charges quickly doing hand signs "lets see how fast you are" Bryce shouts at Rosika as two clones of Bryce appear running next to Bryce, one on the left and one on the right, the one on the left leaps to the left throwing a barrage of punches and kicks at Rosika, the one on the right attacks from the right with a barrage of punches and kicks while the real Bryce jumps directly over Rosika "Fire Ball Jutsu" Bryce yells as he shoots a fire ball right over Rosika, the fire engulfing Rosika. The fire clears and Rosika is still standing both of Bryce's clones have been destroyed because of Bryces own attack and Rosika is now bald his hair being burned clean off but his body unharmed "Darn you brats my hair my beautiful hair" Rosika yells talking for the first time "darn he is not even hurt" Bryce says watching in amazement as he lands on the ground behind Rosika.
Talon gets up slowly, his eyes are on fire, Talon yells "DRAGON RAGE" Talons arm turns into a dragons arm, as Talon runs to Rosika to attack he says "dieeeeeeee".
Bryce watches in amazement "oh my god his chakra level is amazing it is so high, so this is how we survived our last mission I understand now" Bryce says as he watches the charka become visible around Talon, Talon charges forward the extreme rage taken over him, he rushes at Rosika aiming a near impossible to see punch at Rosika, Rosika gets nailed in the face his cheek bleeding "what this is impossible" Rosika roars, "I won't lose to a kid" Talon charges in again with a swift attack kneeing Rosika in the stomach, Rosika coughing up blood "Darn you kid darn you" a power explodes around Rosika as he charges forward at Talon "die kid" Rosika yells, this time hitting Talon in the face Talon hitting the wall hard, Talons hand turns back to normal "Damn his body did not fully recover from the last time he used dragon rage" Bryce says to himself "well I better stop holding back and finish Rosika off" Bryce says as he put his hand in his bag and pulls out a hand full of sand, the sand turns into a sharp sword. Bryce launches the sword at Rosika, Rosika had walked over to Talon and was about to smash him by stomping on him but just as Rosika begins his stomp on Talon Bryce's sand sword pierces Rosika's body, Rosika looks in total horror as he notices an explosive seal on the sword "damn it's not fai-" Rosika's body explodes as the seal goes off "well that was annoying" Bryce says walking over to Talon who is now covered in Rosika's blood from being right beside him when he exploded, Bryce picks up Talon’s body and starts to carry him out of the mansion "wow Talon when you wake up be sure to take a bath" Bryce says laughing as he walks out of the mansion, slowly disappearing from sight and heading back to the fire islands.