I hardly ever write in this thing, preferrably because I'd rather keep most of my mental and emotional business to myself.
I'm a bit of an introvert when it comes to sharing myself with others, and probably explains why I distance myself from my own friends most of the time.
Hell, it probably explains why I don't pursue a boyfriend. There are a few guys that I like, and I COULD give it my all, but...
It's not a relatively dominating concern in my life right now.
( And I'm not incredibly ugly, there are quite a few annoyances chasing after me IRL. -.- You ugly girls, do not fall into the trap of attention from men, otherwise you'll end up in a bed spreadeagled and bawling like a banshee about your ruined relationship. )
I've never dated and I don't plan to, but seeing as I'm about to turn 17, I guess I can break a few barriers. I'm not exclusively fond of e-dating, though I was when I was younger. After more than 20 of them, I've become so coldhearted on the net towards men that I clearly wouldn't care if they had a babymaker or not.
Besides, everyone acts different than from how they do on the net, though I'm sure plenty would like to argue with me on this one.
But I DID when I was younger, so I'm sure others will too. When I do act like myself, people still living in that fantasy world claim that my sarcastic remarks (applied in all goodhumor) are too caustic.
That's another problem with staying on the internet too long as a young kid. You become too seriousminded, and that's a dark place to be. Don't fall into that trap, loosen up and joke a little. :>
17 on Wednesday...I hope it isn't a bummer.
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