Life has actually not been to terrible lately...actually it's been pretty amazing!! smile This summer I have only hung out with one person but I like having "me" time during the day! Other than the week I got temporarily depressed and the occasional break out of crying! But I've been spending a lot of time with my family/mom we have actually been getting along surprisingly well! I haven't gotten into a fight with my mom since I got put on anti-depressants. Okay. Next subject. It seems as if I have the body(inside) and health of an 80 year old women! xp I am sick constantly and I'm always breaking bones and getting hurt VERY easily!! I hate it! So far in my life i have gotten:Shingles Strep(x4) Broken my tail bone twice Broken my arm twice Broken my foot Broken a finger And broken a wrist!!!! Also tons more but it would take FOREVER to type!!