Man this little ******** who want to keep all the vampires for themselves are pissing me off. I argued with one guy who was so dumb that he thought I didn't know what hypocrisy meant, even though I gave a clear example of how he was a hypocrite. Not that I needed to, he gave that example himself, just in what he said. I'm sick of ******** ignorant people who think they are superior. I suppose I'm being a bit hypocritical myself there, since I seem to have a superiority complex.
Anyhow, I have a general idea for extension 2, but it's s**t. I'm going to have to use it I think. But I really don't feel like writing in my ******** logbook every day. One entry over the course of the entire day was hard enough. Although when I really got started, I wrote a wonderful extended metaphor about my love of words and their universal truths.
Anyway, back to the ******** event.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Tue Oct 30, 2007 @ 03:01pm · 1 Comments |
So. Now I get to take iron supplements. Sounds great. These pills are big and pink. How trendy. Actually they might be red. I just swallowed it and didn't pay attention. Good stuff. I've discovered Lovan and orange juice actually do mix. Winnah.
I'm in a good mood and a bad mood at the same time. Man, I get annoyed easily these days. Why the ******** is noone on msn? Bitches.
Got a SAC topic, going to do attention whores, like me. And include something about Munchausen's by Proxy.
Anyhow, I really should finish writing my classtask and write in my Extension 2 and SAC logbooks. Then draw the commissions I have lined up. Then go and ******** stab some hobos.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:26am · 0 Comments |
The Pressure Begins, As Does Halloween |
So, I've been to a total of one Extension 2 lesson, and I'm already scared shitless at the prospect of this course. They managed to make me feel worthless for not already having a solid idea prepared and inexpressibly anxious about the work processes in general. I expect I shall be having a breakdown sometime within the next six months. Probably in the next two weeks.
I have three major works and no ideas for anything, except Art, and my ideas for that are basic and rather unimaginative. If all else fails, I plan on painting interpretive portraits of my best friends. Prepare to be flattered. rolleyes
In other new, the Halloween event approaches, and as always, I am disturbingly over-excited over a repetitive internet event with pixelated rewards. Don't care, it gives me something to look forward to. -Excited dance-...-HeadDesk-
I'm not sure which hair to change to to fit Halloween outfits. I'm tossing up between Red Stylus, Black or Orange Braden, or Orange or Red Classic Flip. I assume we'll all be vampires, so I want something that suits that, but I also want something to go with orange and black outfits. I'm leaning towards red Stylus, but I feel that I'll change to Braden at some point, and I want to keep Stylus afterwards...dunno. Anyway, this is also rather a sad waste of time.
Furthermore, they are playing a Simpsons episode which I really hate.
Anyway, I want to do some Halloween art, but it is very hard to do anything when I feel like I should be focusing on something else. Maybe just one little artsie.
I had something else to say, but I forgot. Anyway, Rachel is probably going to be the only one that reads this.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Tue Oct 23, 2007 @ 09:10am · 2 Comments |
I haven't written anything in a while, mainly 'cause noone reads this but Rachel. But I'm bored and feel like writing stupid matter-of-fact crap about my day.
So, I'm watching "So You Think You Can Dance?". What a funny show. I can't dance so I find it all very fascinating. I believe if I attempted half of these moves, my hips would snap. I wish I could say there was a reason for that, and there is. But the reason is that I'm unco, unflexible and unfit.
Lesse. What else is going on? The fugly and annoying new layout? Yes, I still dilike it and am annoyed that I keep nearly clicking the "report thread" button. But I'm sure I'll get used to it and as long as they fix a few things, I'll deal. The reasons Lanzer gave for the changes seem to make sense, unlike reasons for many other changes, those some of these changes still seem impractical.
My cold is a little better today, but I'm still not going to school tomorrow. I wouldn't have gone anyway.
I need more books to read. I'm tired of reading all the leftover books that I didn't finish when I was like, 12. They are rather too simple to be interesting. I've successfully predicted most of the upcoming events in novels such as "Midnight for Charlie Bone". What an odd book that was.
I am hungry and I think I've written enough crap for noone to read for now.
P.S. Jive dancing to "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne is just sickening.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Thu Sep 13, 2007 @ 10:49am · 1 Comments |
1) What time did you got to bed last night? 4 something...
2) What time did you wake up this morning? 11 something
3) What does your hair look like today? Normal, but with my fringe out of my face.
4) What are you wearing? Hoodie and pj pants.
5) When was the last time you saw your mother? A few hours ago.
6) How about when you saw your father? Um...a few months ago.
7) Did you do everything that you planned today? I didn't plan much, but I'm pretty sure it will all get done.
cool Did you see any of your friends today? No
9) What was the last thing you purchased? Well, I got mum to get me eyeliner...does that count?
10) Who was the last person said you loved? Andrew. He is the only person I say I love.
11) Who was the last person you thought to tell you loved, but didn't get it out? My brother, but I didn't end up replying to his email.
12) Did you go out of your house today? No, but I walked outside to go from my room to the house and back.
13) If so, where did you go to? The house.
14) Have you gone to the beach this summer? no, as it's winter and I hate the beach no matter what the season.
15) Last fast food place you had food from: KFC...ugh...
16) What did you have for dinner? Nothing last night.
17) How many e-mail addresses do you have? One.
1 cool How many screen names do you have? i have my msn name, which changes, my Gaia name and my myspace name...I think that's it.
19) Where did you take your current Myspace picture? At Andrew's house.
20) What's it's caption say? "Trippy..."
21) Does it have any meaning? Totally, I made Andrew take a stupid photo and it turned out looking really crazy.
22) Last state you were in: NSW....
23) How many songs are on your music player? 1269, but I have many more that aren't on there.
24) What side of the bed do you sleep on? The middle, i jsut roll over alot.
25) How do you sleep? Terribly. I move around.
26) How do you try to fall asleep if you can't? Just lay there and try to convince myself to sleep.
27) Do you have crayons in your house? Yes.
2 cool How about markers? Yes, many.
29) What were you doing 1am this morning? Internetz.
30) Are there any cookies in your house? Yes, choc chip ones and some other ones I think.
31) Where's your cell phone? On the edge of the desk near my bed.
32) Do you bake? No, too lazy.
33) Do you know anybody who makes good brownies? Sarah probably does. I think Andrew and his siter made something like brownies once that were tasty...
34) What was the last thing you had to drink? Lemon, lime and bitters, still drinking it.
35) Is there anything out of the usual on your bed? Not really. Probably some suspicious looking stains.
36) Are you wearing any jewlery? Not currently.
37) Last movie(s) you watched and finished: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
3 cool Do you have a lei? A what?
39) Do you have pictures of you and friends in your room? Yes.
40) Are you wearing any make-up? No...well, eyeliner which I was too lazy to get of yesterday, but very little of it is left.
41) How's your smile? Wonky.
42) Who can make you smile? Andrew and Rachel mostly.
43) What are you feeling right now? Unclean, i need a shower, and missing Andrew and slightly bored.
44) Do you think you are attractive? No. I don't think I'm completely ugly on some days...but usually I do.
45) Who was the last person to compliment the way you look? Andrew.
46) What thought(s) is/are running through your head? Boredom, missing Andrew, hungry, need shower, tired, go play piano, sleep, read, Andrew, Andrew and more Andrew. I have great thoughts.
47) Do you feel loved right now? Yes.
4 cool Who do you miss? Andrew and my brother, oddly enough.
49) What's outside your window? The driveway. but my curtains aren't open ever.
50) What did you wear to bed last night? Same as I'm wearing now.
51) What song is playing right now? 16 Military Wives by The Decemberists
52) Any other noises you currently hear: The noise of me typing?
53) What's the name of your dog and/or cat? My cat was Vivien, she ran away when I was 12 I think, and my dog was Bonnie, she ran away a few months ago.
54) Last person you hugged: Andrew.
55) Last person you held hands with: Andrew.
56) Where you named after anybody? No, but apparently the name has been in the family before.
57) What do you think about baseball? I hate it.
5 cool What's the last alcoholic drink you had? Cruiser. I don't drink.
59) Last time you went out to eat, where did you go? I had lunch with Andrew at Gloria Jeans on friday. Wait, sorry, brunch. I kept saying that to annoy him.
60) What did you eat? Cheese and ham croissant and about a quater of a choc chip muffin and I had a Cinnamocha.
61) How many uncles do you have? Um...4 I think...wait no...5...it is good that I know that...
62) How many aunts do you have? Must be 4...
63) What are your grandparents real names? Fred and Pam and the dead ones were Moy and Peter
64) What do you call them? (In order) Ga-ga, Nanny Pam, Nanny Moy and Pop
65) Where do you keep things you need to do/know? My brain. Sometimes I write or make reminders though.
66) What's the picture on your calender? I don't have one this year.
67) How do you remember things? Sometimes I put an object in a really conspicuous place and associate it with the thing I have to remember.
6 cool Do you make lists? No.
69) Do you know your best friends number by heart? Yes.
70) Do you use costers for you drinks? Depends where I am.
71) Do you have a stuffed animal from your childhood? Many, but not in my bed.
72) What is it? The main ones are a panda pillow and a green platypus.
73) Does it have a name? Panda pillow and Platty. How original.
74) Do you have stuffed animals in your room? Yes.
75) Did you have a baby blanket when you were little? Yes, and the person who made it kept adding to it as I got bigger.
76) Where is it now? On my lounge.
77) Pacifier or thumbsucker? Pacifier
79) If you were a thumbsucker, which thumb was it? I wasn't.
80) How many years apart are you and your sibling(s)? 18 below my brother and 2 above my sister.
81) Who's the older? Peter, my brother.
82) Where did you go to preschool? Jumping Jacks.
83) How old was your mother when she had you? 38
84) What's your mother's full name? Ha...including all her married names and maiden name? Jane Francis Mcmahon-Bowman-French-van Woerkom
85) Do you call her mom? No, I call her mum.
86) What's your father's full name? Richard Edward French.
87) Do you call him dad? Yes.
88 cool Where are you right now? My bedroom, at the desk, on the computer.
89) Who's in your house? In my actual house, mum, stepdad, sister and 2 Asian Uni students.
90) Door open or closed? to my room, closed. I don't know about the actual house.
91) What are you waiting for? Andrew to come online, and tomorrow.
92) Who's the 5th screen name on your Buddy List? On msn? Kate Easton, one of my friend from primary school. But she's only 5 at the moment because Rhianna is online. and she is only 5 in the "Friends" section.
93) How is your Buddy List set up? Family, Friends, Kelsie, Other Contacts
95) Who'd you fall asleep thinking of? Andrew.
96) Do you think they fell asleep thinking of you? Most probably.
97) Do you have a crush on anyone right now? No, I don't think it counts as a crush if you have been going out with them for 10 months.
9 cool Something funny that was said to you? So many funny things get said that I lose track of them. That's why I made the quote book, but I haven't updated it in ages and I've forgotten heaps of good quotes.
99) How long have you been online? A fair few hours.
100) What are you headed off to go do now? Have a shower and get some food, play piano after maybe.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Sun Jul 01, 2007 @ 07:37am · 3 Comments |
1. Do you still have pictures of you and an ex? Yes, but I don't know where they are. Hiding in a box or the deepest darkest folders of my computer.
2. Are you a b***h? Of course.
3. Do you cuss often? Yep. For no reason at all.
4. Is taking a shower a daily habit? ...Um...ha...
5. When was the last time you cried? Uh...last Sunday, maybe?
6. Do you use lyrics to express how you feel? Yes.
7. Are you ashamed of your past? Not so much ashamed as regretful of some parts of it. And ashamed of a few things too.
8. Where does your grandma live? Maitland.
9. Anyone close to you ever died? Yes.
10. Who's always there for you unconditionally other then family? Andrew, Laura, Rachel, Bethany
12. What was the last song you downloaded? I don't actually remember...
13. Who was the last person you yelled at? Geeze...um...I haven't yelled at anyone in ages and ages...Caitlin maybe?
14. What's for dinner? Depends whether I'll get around to eating or not. Probably not what my family's having and I don't even know what that is yet.
15. Do you have a lap top? Yes, but it doesn't belong to me, I have my own computer.
16. Are you going on vacation in the summer? No, I hate vacations.
17. Do you ride roller coasters? Not if I can help it.
18. When was the last time you saw your best friend? Friday.
19. Do looks matter? Yes. noone wants to date someone who they think is ugly.
20. Have you ever thought about turning gay? Um, not about "turning gay" but yes, I've questioned my sexuality, if that's what you mean...
21. Do you have good memories with old friends? Yeah. But so much happens all the time that we generally don't sit around wasting our time reminiscing.
22. Have you ever been to Hollywood? Yes. It wasn't that great.
23. Are you wearing a necklace? Not at the moment. But I normally wear the one Andrew gave me.
24. Would you date the person who posted this? No, most definitely not.
25. Are you happy right now? I guess so.
26. Do you regret anything that you have done? Yes.
27. What are you doing tonight? Sitting around on the computer.
28. Do you trust people other then your family? I don't trust my family though. I do trust a few other people.
29. If you were someone else, would you be friends with you? Depends on who I was. What a stupid question.
30. What is something you say or do when you're mad without realizing it? I don't know, because I don't realise it. Stupid. Possibly get really worked up and forget to nitce anything else that is happening around me?
31. What family member do you look like? I don't really look anything like anyone in my family, I'm the thinnest out of all of them, which is saying something... I sound like my sister and cousins though.
32. What friend will be coming over to your house next? Andrew
33. Have you ever cried from being so mad? Yes.
34. Who is number 1 on your top? Top friends on myspace, I assume? Lesse...Story of The Year, but Rachel is second.
35. Why is this person first? Because I guess I just put Story of The Year there, but Rachel is the first real friend because she is awesome.
36. Do you like watermelon? No, I hate it.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Sun Jul 01, 2007 @ 06:58am · 2 Comments |
Well, in order to try and counter my slow-loading internet problem, I decided to take some advice and switch from Explorer to Firefox for my browser. I was pleasantly surprised at first at the speed that graphics appeared to be loading. Turns out, however, that they really load no faster than IE at most times.
"Oh well," I thought, "At least I have the allusion of faster loading." That's a lie. And overall, pages are loading just as slowly as in IE.
So anyway, I was just like "I'll deal." But turns out, now, I'll have to move all my bookmarks to Firefox, which I'd forgotten about, and download all the necessary plug-ins for Gaia, which is a minor annoyance.
And now the icing on the cake. As many of you may know (I'm assuming Rachel will be the only one to read this) I put a lot of time into making my profile just the way I wanted it. No stolen codes or anything, plus my own graphics. It still needs some work, but anyway. One of the things that most annoyed me about my profile before I customized it, was the lack of opacity which made everything look discoloured, I fixed it perfectly and everything was showing up fine in IE.
Then BAM, in Firefox, what do I find but lowered opacity. I was so outraged I decided to update my rarely-updated journal. Firefox did manage to resize some pictures and move a section to where I wanted it to be, but was too lazy to do for IE. But...opacity...it is the bane of my existence.
After all this, the questions remains, "Now that I know what my profile look like in Firefox, should I try to fix it so it's properly compatible? Or should I switch back to IE and pretend I saw nothing?"
Also, "Can I be bothered moving everything over to a new browser which works no better than IE, in essentials? Do I really hate IE that much?"
I am very lazy. I do not enjoy change. I don't like having to change things I'm already happy with in some medium. After months and months of frustration, the answer to my above question, however, is likely to be "Yes."
On the plus side, Firefox has a spellchecker. All the better the literately flame n00bs.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Sun Apr 22, 2007 @ 06:59am · 1 Comments |
I have but 2 minutes remaining... |
To write this entry, the first this year aswell as the first in many, many months. Now I promised Andrew I would go to bed at 3...it seems I will be breaking my promise, as I cannot type that fast and I still have half a bar of chocolate to consume. I changed around a few things on my journal, titles and stuff, just because. Yes, the chocolate I am eating is giving me super-hyperactivity typing powers, jsut so you know. And now it is 3:30! -gaspe- Anyway I'm much richer than this time last year (******** off, not IRL, on Gaia, I have no saving skills IRL) but my sense of humour seems to be the same. I read my previous post and I realised how truely sad I am because I make myself laugh. It was like reading a funny entry in someone elses journal and laughing. Except it wasn't funny. and I wrote it.
Anyway, that's all I feel like saying for now. Mary will be back in like less than 2 weeks, must go spammy up her profile some more...
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 04:32pm · 1 Comments |
No, I just dress like this... |
Well, journal time, eh? Gah, I'm playing cards trying to get tickets for my quest. This quyest seems to be taking alot longer and not as many people are donating. Possibly because there is not free art for everyone this time, only for some people. Possibly because everybody hates me. I'm not sure yet. I think I'm getting a cold and I really should update this and my msn space more often...ah well. Can't have/ do everything in life. I think I need to go to bed soon anyway since I'm getting up at 4 to watch the World Cup final and then people are coming in the afternoon...hopefully. I'd laugh if noone showed up. Ah well. Well, I write considerably shorter journal entries than space entries it seems. I'm just lazy when it comes to Gaia and as I'm sure noone reads this anyway, I don't think it matters. So, byebye.
Cruel_Angels_Thesis182 · Sun Jul 09, 2006 @ 02:42pm · 4 Comments |