1. Name: JANICE 2. Birthday: 07/05/94 3. Birthplace: A hospital 4. Current Location: CANADA ONTARIO 5. Eye Color: BLUE heart 6. Height: Like 5'8'' 7. Right or Left Handed: Right 8. The Shoes You Wore Today: CIRCA ($100 shoes) 9. Your most Overused Phrase: son of a bag of cookies! 10. Thoughts First Waking Up: I HATE THIS DAY ALREADY! 11. Your Best Physical Feature: The parts you can't see... 12. Your Bedtime: 10pm 13. Your Most Missed Memory: a guy 14. Your Fears: dying 15. Your Weakness: GUYS 16. Perfect Pizza: HAWAIIAN 17. Which side of the pillow: Cool side 18. Favorite place: were i live (sometimes) 19. Applesauce or Pudding: PUDDING 20. Pepsi or Coke: PEPSI 21. MacDonald or Burger King: BK 22. Single or Group Dates: Single.. 23. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea 24. Chocolate or Vanilla: VANILLA 25. Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino 26. Do you Smoke: MAYBE 27. Do you Swear: ya 28. Do you Sing: lalala 29. Do you Shower Daily: YES 30. Have you Been in Love: yes 31. Going to College?: no 32. Going to get Married: yes 33. Believe in yourself: no 34. Get Motion Sickness: sometimes 35. Think you are Attractive: kinda 36. Are you a Health Freak: no 37. Get along with your Parents: no 38. Like Thunderstorms: yes love them 39. Play an Instrument: trumpet and clarinet 40. Drank Alcohol: Yep 41. Smoked: ya 42. Been on Drugs: ..... 43. Gone on a Date: ya 44. Gone to a Mall: I LOVE THE MALL!!! 45. Eaten a box of Oreos: no 46. Eaten Sushi: NO N NEVER WILL!!!!!!!!! 47. Been on Stage: ya 48. Been Dumped: ya 49. Went Skinny Dipping: no 50. Stolen Anything: a colouring book when i was 3 whee 51. Ever been Drunk: no 52. Ever been called a Tease: no 53. Ever been Beaten up:ya 54. Ever Shoplifted: no 55. How do you want to Die: peaceful 56. You want to become a: animater 57. Country you want to visit: Hawaii
In a Boy/Girl.. 58. Favorite Eye Color: Blue 59. Favorite Hair Color: any 60. Short or Long Hair: short 61. Height: Mine..or like close to it.. 62. Weight: any 63. Personality: Kind and sweet.. 64. Best Clothing Style: Goth..or like just lots of black and white...
65. Number of CDs I own: none i have a ipod 66. Number of Piercing: 7 67. Number of Tattoos: 0 68. Number of things I Regret:0
makepoo · Sat Feb 09, 2008 @ 02:16am · 2 Comments |