Off to one great start for my Journal.
You all know me pretty well I would like to say. I am nice to everyone and am a very passive agressive person. But, there's just some people in this world that really work on my nerves. I will be selfless as much as possible I would like to think, but when I am being taken advantage of that's when I start to lose my temper. I get PMs a lot asking to borrow HIGH magnitude items such as my horns for "5 minutes". But I think we all know something. This person JUST not 5 minutes ago got accepted to my friendslist before this conversation started. I can be a very trusting person to those I know well. But this person all of a sudden becomes paly-paly and asks me for my Demon Horns and Demonic Pitchfork for NO such collateral... It's one of the oldest, well-known, and not to mention pathetic scams on GAIA and any other internet game. I have lost a lot to people like this one. That's why I seem a bit aggitated in the begining because I get stuff like this constantly no joke.
Mr. Cookie.smex can i borrow your demonic pitchfork and horns of the demon for 5 minutes to use in the fashion show illl give them right back after and when im giving them back to you ill also give you 200k for being nice no joke im a nice guy ill even show you the money for proof if you want
{:: Annoyed... ::}
Demonic Angel 1) Hardly know you. 2) I don't lend it of that magnitude without sufficient collateral. 3) I don't really trust you. You may be a nice person but I don't really know that. I have lost more to people that say that then anything else.
{:: Giving a fairly polite response no. ::}
Mr. Cookie.Smex be nice please im not that kinda guy i just wanna borrow them and im a nice enough guy to give you 200k for free
{:: I am nice... not stupid. ::}
Demonic Angel I just said I don't know you. I know plenty of people that say they are nice people and would never do such a thing and guess what happened to them.
{:: Little aggitated response ::}
Mr. Cookie.Smex please be a friend to me if you ever needed anything id give it to you
{:: No you wouldn't you don't even know me. ::}
Demonic Angel I will lend you my pitchfork for a collateral of 170k
{:: Trying to be nice and make a deal. ::}
Mr. Cookie.Smex ok and member right when im giving it back i give you the 200k trust me i promise i aint gunna do anything with it i promise trust me
{:: What part of "collateral" didn't get through... ::}
Demonic Angel Lets skip the middle step. 1st trade: Me -> Pitchfork You -> 170K 2nd trade: Me -> 170K You -> Pitchfork. You will get you money back and that's all finished without me risking my pitchfork pointlessly.
{:: Making what I am offering crystal clear. ::}
Mr. Cookie.Smex why though you can trust me im offering you 200k you know im not gunna take the pitchfork trust me i swear to god
{:: I have about had it with this person. ::}
Demonic Angel Hmm lets see now I know you definately have bad intentions. If you honestly wanted to just borrow you would offer the 170k as collateral and if you were eager enough to give me 200k you would just go ahead and buy it off me for 200k. It's my lil test to figure out the people that are after scams. Either send over 170-200k collateral for the pitchfork or drop it. If you decide on persisting with the obvious scam then I will be forced to report you and take you from my FL. Not wanting to be mean but I don't take kindly to those who obviously want to scam me with such a pathetic rouse.
{:: Last chance buddy. ::}
Mr. Cookie.Smex ok ill make you a different deal ill give you 170k of collateral to use your demon horns cause i really needed them to use in the fashion show cause they would look good on my guy i checked it out on i promise
{:: That 100 times worse! Done, Over, Gone, All Deals Off! ::}
Mr. Cookie.Smex i gotta go any min so well talk about this later but all i want is the demon horns and ill give you 170k for collateral and my jolly boots which are worth 20k and 2 of my trout helms
{:: That's Horrid collateral for a 500k item. ::}
Demonic Angel WARNING You are now being removed from my friends list and am removing myself from yours.
Reason: Attempted scam.
You are giving me GROSSLY under collateral offer in which you would make a massive profit from my horns. Should have just stuck with the Pitchfork but you pushed your luck. I am going to overlook reporting you out of sympathy but don't bother talking to me anymore.
{:: Ending before I go over the top. My sypathy for these pathetic people. ::}
a little slice of fail · Thu Dec 21, 2006 @ 03:21am · 0 Comments |