Versi Crestfold (10:31 AM):
"In a world...
"Where the badger is the president
Josh (10:31 AM):
Because every good RP starts like a movie trailer.
Versi Crestfold (10:31 AM):
Of course!
Josh (10:31 AM):
And once the RP is finished and we lock it.. we add credits!
"VampyrKitten as Linn
Versi Crestfold as himself
Versi Crestfold (10:32 AM):
Josh (10:32 AM):
We'll need car crashes and killer special effects.
Versi Crestfold (10:32 AM):
[actually thinks it sounds pretty good/funny]
I'll do the sounds with my awesome typing
Josh (10:32 AM):
Josh (10:33 AM):
We'll need to try to convince Tom Cruise to participate
Versi Crestfold (10:33 AM):
[dieing of laughter]
ALiens! Aliens!
Josh (10:33 AM):
Dude! Do you know how many people would join if we had Tom freakin' Cruise?!
*Almost 100% sure he's spelling that last name wrong*
Versi Crestfold (10:34 AM):
OR Ron Bruise-or what's his face.
Josh (10:34 AM):
Arnold Schwartzengerman!
Versi Crestfold (10:34 AM):
I think that's correct spelling-lemme look it up on Dict-[laughing]
Josh (10:34 AM):
There are even android damage thingers in Gaia!
We could totally make a Terminator avi!
Versi Crestfold (10:35 AM):
I've come to get ze girl
Josh (10:35 AM):
And all he'd say in the RP would be 'GET DAHWN!'
Versi Crestfold (10:35 AM):
MY Tacos!
Josh (10:35 AM):
Oh my god, this conversation wins.
Versi Crestfold (10:35 AM):
Versi Crestfold (10:36 AM):
You've gaht tah get outta here! They've destroyed my Taco stahnd!
Josh (10:37 AM):
And then Tom Cruise and the aliens show up!
"We have your tacos!"
Versi Crestfold (10:37 AM):
Then Captain Piccard comes in on the Enterprise-with Capt. Kirk holding his Green space women!
Versi Crestfold (10:38 AM):
Shooting Phasers into the crowd of tacos
*pyew pyew!*
Josh (10:38 AM):
You realize this whole situation is illogical, right?
Versi Crestfold (10:39 AM):
Josh (10:39 AM):
"I.. don't give a damn. It's my.. spaceship."
Versi Crestfold (10:39 AM):
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Random shyte
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See no evil.
[i:f4454f5211]Hear no evil.[/i:f4454f5211]
[u:f4454f5211]Speak no evil.[/u:f4454f5211]
[b:f4454f5211]Have no fun.[/b:f4454f5211][/align:f4454f5211]
See no evil.
[i:f4454f5211]Hear no evil.[/i:f4454f5211]
[u:f4454f5211]Speak no evil.[/u:f4454f5211]
[b:f4454f5211]Have no fun.[/b:f4454f5211][/align:f4454f5211]