So I decided that I would start typing in this once again. It's been a while and I deleted all the other entries. Well I guess I'll start with Spring Break. It. Was. Terrible. I got my wisdom teeth pulled which hurt. Well it didn't hurt but it hurts now. I also slept through like three days because of them and the painkillers that I was taking for my mouth made me sick. Sucks I know.
I also missed Sakura Con this year again. stare It's because I'm failing so I guess that's really my fault. Oh well there's always next year. The good thing is that Cassie and I have finally decided as whom we were going to go as next year! I'm going to go as Pipin and Cassie will go as Padudu from Magical Play!

For those of you who don't know Padudu is the fish girl and Pipin is the rabbit chick. Oh and here's a closer picture of who I'm going to go as if anybody cares to see.
Tsuki_Hana_Chan · Tue Apr 17, 2007 @ 02:08am · 2 Comments |