o 3o.. Oh How neat.
Thank you Yenie~
c: Art project of mine..
I have this weird thing for shy guys .///.
Took about a day of shading and sketching : D
I like it :s
: D 10 minutes Colored Pencils Free Hand sketching.= This.
I made this.. Yes.
o wo I like how it turned out.
~&3 Thank you again Yennie
:s Something I scratched up -Yes It's a chibi/fanart- Of The old war Tediz sneeker from Conker Live And Reloaded.. A Game I ******** LOVE
:s Yaaayyy~
;D Blankkkeeettttt budddiiieeeessss~ & 3333
;x I find it rather loveellyy~
Thank you hun~ <3
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