edit: 8/20/10- This was originally meant as a description for a secret santa (if they wanted to give art).
Deciding to leave this up, if anyone is interested in drawing one of my avatars please pm me, willing to pay for some art. 3nodding
Both entries in the arena, both have stories behind them. For anyone who might wish to draw them here's more detail.
Fallon with background.(Currently unable to get no background version,please ignore the background!)

TekTek link to Fallon
Things to note: -Elven ears(Small like lord of the rings style) -Would like to have her tossing a gem with her cybernetic hand. -Gold hoop earrings -Her left arm is silver and cybernetic(not sure of the best term, think ghost in the shell without the skin not bulky.) -Has a bird companion, can be left out. If drawn prefer a bird similar to a Male Eclectus Parrot, with a Dark Tattoo around it's eye.( tribal and or Egyptian in style, or just artists inspiration smile ) Reference for bird -Skull and bones tattoo on right arm -Carries a rapier-like sword, which can also be drawn sheathed. (Specific sword on avatar is Kuro's Induction ) -Scar right eye, same place as shown on Fira below this post.
Fira without a background

Fira with background.

Things to note: -Belt does not need to be exact or detailed like the actual avatar has(only one that worked as "armor" wink -Scar right eye -Wields a two handed sword -Shoulder pieces are not always noticed, they have a leaf like piece coming from them(Pizarro's specifically).
For anyone wanting to draw either of these, feel free to use any style and add your own flair(not having to be exact to the gaia version for example, but no major changes like having Fallon use a gun. )
Erithan · Thu Nov 26, 2009 @ 11:29pm · 0 Comments |