You will never see her with out a book now. there is one tucked in her pocket, under her arm, in her hand. She devours them, like a child with sweets.
I call her attention, she looks up with blank eyes. She thinks our world is the fake one. So badly she wishes for a life found there in stories. Longing to meet a man that only exists in words no true form.
When did not become enough? how long has she been fantasizing of a life i can never give her? When did her gaze turn to words instead of flesh?
Then he came into her life. No not one of the characters The writer, who better to play the part then the man who created it? I watched as he watched her float along the shelves. stared as he left the book he had been signing to fall to the floor. never looking away from her. He spoke soft and slow as if he had all the time in the day. it wasn't long before he had her enchanted, his silver tongue working it's magic.
He began to take her out, book clubs, wine tastings, readings. She floated a long with him, craving more of the life he painted on a canvas colorful bright and fake. nothing that perfect exists.
His eyes when they met mine where always dark, but amused he thought he was taking her from me. assumed she would leave me any minute to fall into his arms.
He didn't know that even he was failing. the brightness in her eyes were gone. even he couldn't bring that back. I had not lost her, i wasn't out of this game.
Someday she would reawaken, confused as to where she had been and she would come back to me the one who let her be free as she wished but to whom she always returned
I had to believe she would come back, or drive myself mad and push her tot he edge i have seen many other men do it i refused to be one of them. I would be all that she needed me to be
mimisosa · Fri Jul 22, 2011 @ 06:19pm · 0 Comments |