I had a Dream in Zen Gardens last night. Kinda fuzzy on some details but I'll try to fill them as best as I can.
Well, I was in Zen Gardens and was prety much just doing a regular patrol around the area. Everything seemed normal as normal gets around there. Zen Gardens even expanded a bit more since the last visit as there was a couple shops there even a gift shop. I decided to pay the gift shop a visit. The guy running the gift shop made all sorts of trinkets, even kokeshi dolls. I was taking a look around when he asked me "I set up a shop here in hopes to see the animated dolls, but I haven't seen a one all day since I set my shop up last night".
I also noticed there was no animate in sight. No dolls, drums, anything. I bid the dude goodbye and started to investegate. As soon as I reached the wish Tree it was not a wish tree but a rather large fat ugly tree. It look like the whoe trunk was a giant ball with the limbs being short and stuby. I knocked on the tree a few times and noticed a few energy spikes from it when I taped it. I figured it had something to do with the missing animate from the area. Of course the animate not being around to bug people would be a good thing but something like this had to be bad.
More coming later.....
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Slayer Blade's Gaia and Story Journal
This is about all the corruption in gaia and negative out comes since the zomg release. It was in fact the start of the zomg release is what is bringing down gaia. I have also started making some zomg stories for people to watch and enjoy.