..oh mEn...i can't beLieve it!!...i diDn't gO tO thE MAA...huhuhuhuhu...aLL thE OppOrtuniTies..damn!!...MaLaysia is just beside SinGapOre && i cAn gO thEre bY cAr!!!...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...Panic At The Disco...Jared Leto...Leona Lewis...Pussycat Dolls...&& maNy mOre...damn it...i didn't gO...i wOuLd havE sEen mY favOritEs thErE...haaaaixx........
...btw...cOnGratuLatiOns tO Linkin Park fOr wiNning FavOriTe inTernaTiOnaL arTisT Of aSia...ahahahaha...i duNnO iF i shOuLd cOnGraTuLaTe ChicOsCi fOr wiNninG FavOriTe arTisT Of pHiLippinEs...hehehehe...i havE aLot tO cOnGraTuLate...(i'LL jusT eDit tHis iF i havE mOre tiMe)...ahahahahahaha...
...SINGfest...i didn't gO eitHer!!...damn!!...aLmOst aLL Of tHe arTisT gOinG hErE in sinGapOre arE mY favOriTes!!!...gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!....DisappOinTmENt...huhuhuhuhuhu...i can'T beLieve iT...uhuhuhuhuhuhu...iT's a tEn hOur cOncerT Of intErnatiOnaL && LocaL bAnDs hErE iN sinGapOre...OMG...bUt i wEnt pAst thE pLaCe whErE iT was heLd...thEre wAs ALOT of pEopLe!!!...aS iN...iT wAs fiLLed!!!...i dOn't thinK iF i'm tHanKfuL thaT i wAsn'T in thErE...coz i miGht gEt sQuaShed bY thE OthEr pEopLe...ahahahahahahaha...i duNnO...bUt i'm rEaLLy DisappOinTed...mY parEnts sAid yEs...&& thEN suDdenLy..."yOu can'T gO"...ugh!...craZy!!!!!!...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...
...bUt unTiL nOw...mY biGGesT DisappOinTed wAs mY cHeMiCaL rOmAnCe gOinG in thE phiLippinEs whEn i wAs baCk thEre....haaaaixx...i criEd aLL niGht...i rEaLLy cOuLdn'T beLievE tHat i diDn'T gO...yOu knOw hOw iT feeLs whEn yOur exCiTed abOut sOmEthinG && thEn aLL Of iT jusT FadEd aWay...LikE wHen i aSkeD mY pArenTs iF i cOuLd gO...&& thEn thEy saiD...yEs i can gO, whY nOt...i wAs rEaLLy rEaLLy ExCitEd...&& thEn jusT dAys befOre thE biGGesT cOncErt, mY drEam...my hEavEn...huhuhuhuhuhu...mY mOm saiD thaT i cAn'T gO wiThOut aN aDuLt!!...bUt i havE mY FriEnDs wiF mE!!...&& thEy havE thEir nAnnYs wiF thEm...&& thEn whEn i toLd thEm abOut thE nannYs thEy didn't anSwer...&& sO thE vEry dAy bEforE thE mOst impOrtanT dAy Of mY LiFe...mY mOm sTiLL hadn'T bOuGhT thE tickEt!!...sO i CriEd && CriEd aLL niGht...&& evEn iF i aSk mY mOm whEN she'LL bUy thE tickEt sTiLL shE diDn'T answEr...huhuhuhuh...unTiL thE timE cAme...thE cOncerT...thE mOst impOrtanT timE Of mY Life...mY hEavEn...mY drEam...huhuhuhuhuhu...nOthinG happEnEd...i LockEd mySeLf iN mY rOom...thEN thaT's iT...bUt mY friENds didn'T gO eithEr cOz thEy dOn'T wAnnA gO wiFouT mE...sO thAnKs fOr tHat GuYs...i LuFF yOu...
..oh mEn...i can't beLieve it!!...i diDn't gO tO thE MAA...huhuhuhuhu...aLL thE OppOrtuniTies..damn!!...MaLaysia is just beside SinGapOre && i cAn gO thEre bY cAr!!!...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...Panic At The Disco...Jared Leto...Leona Lewis...Pussycat Dolls...&& maNy mOre...damn it...i didn't gO...i wOuLd havE sEen mY favOritEs thErE...haaaaixx........
...btw...cOnGratuLatiOns tO Linkin Park fOr wiNning FavOriTe inTernaTiOnaL arTisT Of aSia...ahahahaha...i duNnO iF i shOuLd cOnGraTuLaTe ChicOsCi fOr wiNninG FavOriTe arTisT Of pHiLippinEs...hehehehe...i havE aLot tO cOnGraTuLate...(i'LL jusT eDit tHis iF i havE mOre tiMe)...ahahahahahaha...
...SINGfest...i didn't gO eitHer!!...damn!!...aLmOst aLL Of tHe arTisT gOinG hErE in sinGapOre arE mY favOriTes!!!...gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!....DisappOinTmENt...huhuhuhuhuhu...i can'T beLieve iT...uhuhuhuhuhuhu...iT's a tEn hOur cOncerT Of intErnatiOnaL && LocaL bAnDs hErE iN sinGapOre...OMG...bUt i wEnt pAst thE pLaCe whErE iT was heLd...thEre wAs ALOT of pEopLe!!!...aS iN...iT wAs fiLLed!!!...i dOn't thinK iF i'm tHanKfuL thaT i wAsn'T in thErE...coz i miGht gEt sQuaShed bY thE OthEr pEopLe...ahahahahahahaha...i duNnO...bUt i'm rEaLLy DisappOinTed...mY parEnts sAid yEs...&& thEN suDdenLy..."yOu can'T gO"...ugh!...craZy!!!!!!...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...
...bUt unTiL nOw...mY biGGesT DisappOinTed wAs mY cHeMiCaL rOmAnCe gOinG in thE phiLippinEs whEn i wAs baCk thEre....haaaaixx...i criEd aLL niGht...i rEaLLy cOuLdn'T beLievE tHat i diDn'T gO...yOu knOw hOw iT feeLs whEn yOur exCiTed abOut sOmEthinG && thEn aLL Of iT jusT FadEd aWay...LikE wHen i aSkeD mY pArenTs iF i cOuLd gO...&& thEn thEy saiD...yEs i can gO, whY nOt...i wAs rEaLLy rEaLLy ExCitEd...&& thEn jusT dAys befOre thE biGGesT cOncErt, mY drEam...my hEavEn...huhuhuhuhuhu...mY mOm saiD thaT i cAn'T gO wiThOut aN aDuLt!!...bUt i havE mY FriEnDs wiF mE!!...&& thEy havE thEir nAnnYs wiF thEm...&& thEn whEn i toLd thEm abOut thE nannYs thEy didn't anSwer...&& sO thE vEry dAy bEforE thE mOst impOrtanT dAy Of mY LiFe...mY mOm sTiLL hadn'T bOuGhT thE tickEt!!...sO i CriEd && CriEd aLL niGht...&& evEn iF i aSk mY mOm whEN she'LL bUy thE tickEt sTiLL shE diDn'T answEr...huhuhuhuh...unTiL thE timE cAme...thE cOncerT...thE mOst impOrtanT timE Of mY Life...mY hEavEn...mY drEam...huhuhuhuhuhu...nOthinG happEnEd...i LockEd mySeLf iN mY rOom...thEN thaT's iT...bUt mY friENds didn'T gO eithEr cOz thEy dOn'T wAnnA gO wiFouT mE...sO thAnKs fOr tHat GuYs...i LuFF yOu...