"Today was a slow day" Makoto thought to himself as he stared at the ceiling that was peeling. The ceiling must've been a pleasant yellow at one point. Now was a faded yellow the color of stomach acid. Because of the way he was sitting his ear was pressed against the wall and it bent. His ears tapered to a point and had silver piercings hanging out of them. His dark brown almost black eyes roved the small room he was confined in. The dingy walls were bare. There was a bucket that had feces and piss in it from himself and roll of toilet paper next to it. Looking at the toilet paper he thought bitterly "Wow, what saints". Makoto's brown hair was grimy from a week in the room and not washing it. His clothes stank from also being unwashed. He had given up yelling for help after the third day. Makoto looked up at the window that was covered in years of grime. It was dark, therefore it was night. He wondered if anyone was searching for him now. "Those assholes forgot me" He pondered angrily.
m4d_minute · Sun Jul 04, 2010 @ 07:44am · 1 Comments |